Keating: Howard is a precopernican obscurantist
Tuesday May 01st 2007, 8:23 pm

Really, Howard's IR policy predates continental drift.

Keating’s absolutely right– HoWARd is a positively antediluvian, precopernican obscurantist.

No, he is!


In other news, during his alleged retirement, Keating has apparently ingested 2 OEDs and a Webster’s with a side of Roget’s.


3 Comments so far
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OK, I’ll admit that some of Keating’s words had me completely flummoxed, but when he keeps it simple, he’s just as impressive.
Keating had me busting a gut with his observation of HoWARd, as a person who is “lying his face off.” 🙂

Comment by suki 05.03.07 @ 12:49 am

I like Paul Keatings ability to crucify an opponent with articulate savage abuse, but I am unable to decode this attack, even with the help of Wikipedia, Encyc/Brittanica, etc. Mr Keating, please use the K.I.S.S. principle, (i.e, Keep It Simple Sir)…….Oh how I miss the spectacle of Keating, giving his apponents a beating…….hey, that rhymes!

Comment by brian meynell 05.12.07 @ 7:16 pm

Further to my previous post, I have since consulted The Oxford Dictionary, and now Get it! Brilliant stuff Paul. I’ll try harder next time.

Comment by brian meynell 05.12.07 @ 7:39 pm

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