Posts Tagged ‘Santiago’

Urgent! Social disturbance in Santiago leads to serious injuries to comrade Byron (Chile)

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

During the night of October 26, 2017, at about 9:30 p.m. a group decides to go out into the street and face the imposed normality near the faculty Juan Gomez Milla of the University of Chile.

It is right in the street intersecting Captain Ignacio Carrera Pinto with Passage
Challacollo where they decide to intercept a micro-bus of the route 325, managing to stop it and bring down the 12 passengers who were traveling. At the same time benzene is sprayed into the machinery and they struggle with the driver to make him descend.

The bastard driver Luis Maulén Miranda, decides to defend his miserable exploitation and with the fear that they would ignite the property of the Vule S.A company starts at full speed ramming the hooded companions that were in the sector. It is in his delusions of heroism that he manages to run over comrade Byron Robledo Villalobos, fracturing both legs and leaving him at vital risk…

More info:

More info from the company and in update:

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Posted in Social Control

Santiago: University Animal Experimentation Laboratory Trashed, 120 Rats Liberated (Chile)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

During the first week of October, 2017, persons unknown were able to enter the University of Chile’s science faculty at the Juan Gomez Milla Campus on Macul and Grecia avenues.

After having previously identified a laboratory for animal experimentation, the unknown persons entered it, released the animals imprisoned there (mainly rodents) and destroyed the infrastructure of the lab along with all the ‘research’ documents that were inside it. The unknown persons managed to escape without being detected or identified.

During the days that followed, it was confirmed that 120 laboratory rodents were released, they were being experimented on to test the physiological effects of climate change. The ‘Institutional Committee for the Care and Use of Animals’ (CICUA) – the name of the organization responsible for approving, supervising and certifying the use of animals for experimentation – stated that the animals were not being abused, and also noted that “most of the released rodents suffer from afflictions and will not survive for long since they require the assistance of humans for their well-being and survival”. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Revista Anarquista Internacional #1 – Octubre 2017 (Chile)

Saturday, October 14th, 2017

Revista Anarquista Internacional. Octubre 2017. Numero #1.


En este punto no existen las vacilaciones, la decisión está tomada y no hay vuelta atrás. Abandono la comodidad de lo establecido y me aventuro hacia la incertidumbre del enfrentamiento…

Kalinov Most es un nombre de la mitología medieval rusa que significa Puente de Kalinov, el cual une el mundo de los vivos con el infierno, separados ambos por un río de fuego. Quien decide adentrarse en el puente es con el propósito abandonar el mundo de los vivos y lo hace por voluntad propia. Llegado a este punto no hay posibilidad de retorno por lo que el puente representa un límite donde no hay titubeos ni dudas. La opción está tomada y asumida.

Esta revista es una invitación a quebrar con lo existente, a asumir la confrontación contra el poder en toda su amplitud y complejidad sabiendo que representa un camino sin retorno del que no sabemos qué puede deparar. Al decidirnos cruzar la frontera de lo establecido dejamos atrás la monotonía y la rutina de la vida ciudadana, rompemos esquemas y dogmas esclavizadores aventurándonos en el enfrentamiento irrefrenable y permanente. No hay arrepentimiento, no hay lamentaciones, no hay pasos atrás en esta opción libre e individualmente elegida que asumimos con todo lo que pueda conllevar. (more…)

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Posted in Library

Invitación y Difusión del Encuentro Anarquista 2017 – Santiago (Chile)

Monday, September 18th, 2017


A todo quien quiera leer estas palabras:

Pensamos que como individuos que se posicionan desde una postura anárquica y revolucionaria, la nunca suficiente pero siempre irreductible difusión de herramientas para nuestra liberación debe continuar construyendo caminos cada vez más anchos dando a conocer imaginarios y perspectivas de diversos tiempos y lugares. Imaginarios donde podamos contrastar nuestras propias experiencias portando esas ideas y herramientas prácticas al terreno donde se pueda probar su coraje en nuestras vidas individuales y colectivas.

Tanto en este territorio que habitamos como en el resto del mundo corren días cada vez más difíciles para quienes tenemos que vender nuestros cuerpos y mentes a la acumulación de capital. Los índices de contaminación de todo tipo se hacen más difíciles de esconder para las grandes empresas y sus absurdas campañas de ahorro, mientras siguen su curso proyectos mega devastadores como el IIRSA o el MAPA. La precarización de todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas se evidencia a través de síntomas como depresión, frustración, ansiedad, rabia y otros que sentimos cada vez más seguido al vivir para gustos de los poderosos. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Santiago: Barricades and Clashes 44 Years Since the Military Coup (Chile)

Monday, September 18th, 2017



Encapuchadxs (hooded ones) raised barricades and clashed with FF.EE (Carabineros Special Forces) in the vicinity of the University of Chile (FASCO) in commemoration of the murdered and disappeared during the civil-military dictatorship.

Leaflet found at the scene:

Today we do not simply commemorate our fallen from the dictatorship, we also claim their forms of struggle and organization that serve as an example of subversion against capital, the state and its repressive apparatus.

44 years on from the harshest episode in our history, we rise as the children and grandchildren of those who were persecuted and killed during the dictatorship.

With their same conviction, we promise to never forget their actions, which will live on in the rebellious and combative memory of every revolutionary.

via Contra Info, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Direct Action

En recuerdo del oso polar Taco y Javier Recabarren (Chile)

Friday, April 21st, 2017

En recuerdo del oso polar Taco y del corte de calle por su la libertad donde participó el compañero Javier Recabarren el 26/12/2014.

El oso polar Taco nació el 10 de diciembre del año 1996 en Holanda, fue traído 2 años después a Chile a la cárcel-zoológico Metropolitano de Santiago. Durante el año 2014 y 2015 muchas serían las instancias que se realizaron exigiendo su liberación. El compa Javier Recabarren sería parte activa de aquellas, confeccionando lienzos y participando de marchas y concentraciones que eran convocadas abiertamente.

El día 26 de diciembre del año 2014, el compa junto a otrxs anónimxs tenían planeada una pequeña acción para visualizar la situación de cautiverio que afrontaba Taco, exigiendo su libertad. De esta manera el grupo llegó hasta una arteria en la comuna de Estación Central, donde mantenían mucho material para lo inevitable. Por la noche arrojaron todo los escombros que tenían escondidos y se lo entregaron al hermoso fuego. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

In March and all year round: memory, solidarity and anarchic agitation against power (Chile)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

March is a month that is particularly full of milestones that invite us with special strength to take to the streets and spread the anarchic agitation, with memory and solidarity as insurrectionist tools of action.

Among these milestones is the so-called ‘Women’s Day’ (March 8), a day that like other commemorations has been assimilated by reformism and the market, offering us the possibility to spread anti-patriarchal ideas and link them with anti-state and anti-authoritarian critiques, marking our differences with social-democratic, leftist and / or authoritarian feminism.

Another important event that occurred in March was the ‘Pampa Irigoin massacre’ (also known as the Puerto Montt massacre), which occured on March 9, 1969 under the government of Eduardo Frei Montalva. By order of the Minister of the Interior, Edmundo Pérez Zujovic, police agents murdered nine villagers who had illegally occupied a plot of land to live with their families outside the city. As revenge for what happened, Pérez Zujovic was assassinated in June 1971 by members of the armed left-wing group Organized Vanguard of the People (VOP).

Also this month, March 10 marks the sixth anniversary of the murder of comrade Lambros Foundas who was shot dead in Greece during a shoot-out with police after attempting to steal a car. Lambros was a member of the anarchist guerrilla organization Revolutionary Struggle, and as his comrades stated later, the theft of the vehicle was part of a planned operation. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Panfletos a la memoria de Javier Recabarren (Chile)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

PDF: Panfleto Javier Recabarren

Panfletos arrojados por los aires el día 12 de marzo en calle Radal con Alameda, Santiago de Chile, a la memoria de Javier Recabarren. El panfleto dice:

En esta calle, Radal con Alameda, el 18 de marzo del año 2015, murió el joven combatiente de 11 años de edad Javier Recabarren, atropellado por un transantiago. Hoy lo recordamos con este gesto, trayéndolo a la calle una vez más, para hacerlo parte de nuestro continuo de lucha anarquista, que no reconoce líderes, dirigencias, policías y estados. No reconoce poder, ni autoridad. Solo reconoce Memoria, Resistencia y Subversión.

¡Javier Recabarren: Presente!
¡Juventud Combatiente: Insurrección Permanente!

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Posted in Autonomy

Semana de Agitación a la memoria de Javier Recabarren del 11 al 18 de Marzo 2017 (Chile)

Friday, March 10th, 2017

“Kon todo el amor subversivo al pekeño hermoso niño rebelde Javier Rekabarren… Vegano/Anarko/Antijaulas, inmensamente conciente de sus inkontenibles deseos de libertad… Te llevamos en los corazones indómitos pekeño hermano!!!”.
Marcelo Villarroel, Prisionero Libertario. 05/11/2015.

La memoria, un arma en la guerra contra el Poder.

Asumidxs hasta la muerte como enemigxs del Estado, asumidxs hasta las últimas como enemigxs del poder y toda representación de autoridad.

Lanzamos una vez más un llamado abierto de agitación y propaganda a 2 años de la muerte del compañero anarquista Javier Recabarren, quien falleciera el 18 de marzo del año 2015 tras ser atropellado por un bus del transantiago en Santiago, Chile.

Nuestra intención es clara, prevalecer la memoria de un compañero que con apenas 11 de años de edad comenzaba a cimentar su camino en la lucha antiespecista y antiautoritaria conociendo sus ideas a través de la propaganda. Acudiendo a actividades, ferias del libro y manifestaciones; y sin dudarlo, pasó a la acción armando barricadas, atacando a las policías, encapuchándose, para darle vida al desborde desde el anonimato. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Letter from anarchist comrade Joaquin Garcia (Chile)

Friday, March 10th, 2017

It has been five months since I returned to inhabit the cells of the Maximum Security Section of the High Security Prison and I think it is necessary to refer to both the personal and the prison scenario. The reasons for not writing before are obviously personal; but more than anything it is due to the belief – despite being convinced that sharing experiences generates inexhaustible links – that the virtual platforms and their set of communications is far removed from the real and approaches an abstract idea of the day to day life of jail and that of the individual. Irreducible? Yes, whether or not there is a swing of emotions, neither conviction nor mind falters, but that disgusting idea of the steel martyr behind the bars must fall. By the suicide of the image and the fetish, by the real destructive complicity. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Free at Last! Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar onto the Streets! (Chile)

Thursday, March 9th, 2017

Read the communique from Monica and Francisco on contra-info.

SANTIAGO – Chilean Anarchists, Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, arrived this morning at Santiago’s International Airport, after having been expulsed from Spanish custody and deported back to their home country.

Monica and Francisco had been charged under Spanish Anti-terrorism legislation for the alleged bombing of the Basilica del Pilar Church in Zaragoza, on Oct 2nd, 2013, and were arrested a month after the incident. Spanish prosecution initially sought a 44 year sentence for the accused, but instead received a 12 year sentence in 2014. The Defense took Monica and Francisco’s case to the Spanish Supreme Court, where the sentence was further reduced to 4 and a half years this past December, having dropped one of the initial charges. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Santiago: New explosive attack claimed by Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla (Chile)

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

At about 01:40AM on Monday, February 27, 2017, a loud explosion shook the wealthy suburb of Providencia on Suecia avenue between Cornel and Lota streets.

A fire extinguisher filled with gunpowder detonated in the Cap Ducal restaurant in front of the headquarters of the ultra-right political party UDI (Independent Democratic Union) without causing any major damage or any injuries. Immediately after the bombing, police and personnel from GOPE (Group of Special Police Operations) and LABOCAR (Criminal Laboratory of the Carabineros) arrived to inspect the area.

A leaflet was found at the scene which, according to quotations in the media, proclaimed:

“The justice of the street does not forgive nor does it forget. We are getting closer! …The real terrorists are in the Congress, the Palace and the institutions that govern the State..Take note, because we have returned. Neither Chileans, nor Argentines. Internationalists”.

The bastard secretary general of the ultra-right UDI, Pablo Terrazas said “We do not want to get used to these facts. This is not the first time that the UDI has been the victim of a bomb attack…It is unfortunate because we know that this comes from the left, who always try to silence us…I would like to see (some reaction from) the Communist Party, an announcement to the left, who are part of this government. Why do they not condemn these facts? There is always silent complicity in this (type of) attack that are always against the UDI”

The investigation of the attack, as with other attacks of this nature is in the hands of the Southern Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office.

Not long afterwards, the Teodoro Suarez Vandalism Gang from the Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla claimed responsibility for the explosive attack against the Cap Ducal restaurant. The group previously claimed an attack against the Mutual Circle of Retired Non-commissioned Officers of the Federal Police in Buenos Aires in July 2011.


Responsibility claim for the explosive attack against the Cap Ducal restaurant

“We warn you: be careful. In any part of the places you frequent there may be a bomb; In your homes, in your supermarkets, gyms, shops and restaurants. In short, your days of tranquility are over. Your neighbourhoods will be transformed into minefields, so take care of every step you take, because you may encounter our explosive charges.”

Iconoclastic Caravans For Free Will

Just like we did a couple of years ago in the territory dominated by the Argentine state, bombing its sacrificial banks (Palermo and Nación), the branches of two major airlines (American Airlines and Alitalia) and the Mutual Circle of Retired Non-commissioned Officers of the Federal Police, today we again attacked capitalist interests. This time it was the turn of the Chilean political-business mafia that stubbornly insists on believing that places like the one that we visited last night are safe. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Semana de Agitación a la memoria de Javier Recabarren del 11 al 18 de Marzo 2017 (Chile)

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

“Kon todo el amor subversivo al pekeño hermoso niño rebelde Javier Rekabarren… Vegano/Anarko/Antijaulas, inmensamente conciente de sus inkontenibles deseos de libertad… Te llevamos en los corazones indómitos pekeño hermano!!!”.
Marcelo Villarroel, Prisionero Libertario. 05/11/2015.

La memoria, un arma en la guerra contra el Poder.

Asumidxs hasta la muerte como enemigxs del Estado, asumidxs hasta las últimas como enemigxs del poder y toda representación de autoridad.

Lanzamos una vez más un llamado abierto de agitación y propaganda a 2 años de la muerte del compañero anarquista Javier Recabarren, quien falleciera el 18 de marzo del año 2015 tras ser atropellado por un bus del transantiago en Santiago, Chile.

Nuestra intención es clara, prevalecer la memoria de un compañero que con apenas 11 de años de edad comenzaba a cimentar su camino en la lucha antiespecista y antiautoritaria conociendo sus ideas a través de la propaganda. Acudiendo a actividades, ferias del libro y manifestaciones; y sin dudarlo, pasó a la acción armando barricadas, atacando a las policías, encapuchándose, para darle vida al desborde desde el anonimato. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Santiago: Incendiary attack against an electricity box on the IIRSA Project freeway (Chile)

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

In South America and Chile, the IIRSA (Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America) is advancing, and as individuals at war with civilization and power we do not sit idly by.

In the city of Santiago, one of its points of intervention is the cement mega-structure “Acceso Sur” (Access South), which starts the freeway that facilitates the transportation of goods from the center to the south of the country. This construction violently intervenes in the everyday landscape of the surrounding populations.

In the week of agitation against the IIRSA we illuminated the night with insurgent fire by burning an electricity box on that disgusting highway, demonstrating that power and its mega-projects remain vulnerable. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Santiago: Actividad – “Factores del desorden” (Chile)

Saturday, December 31st, 2016


“Factores del desorden contra el poder: Presencia anárquica y posibilidades insurreccionales en conflictos actuales.”


*Agitación anárquica contra el Proyecto IIRSA en Valparaíso.

*Buscando expandir la revuelta en la lucha contra la Maxi Prisión en Bruselas www.stayfitgethealthy.com/med/ (Bélgica)

*Desbordando lo específico: luchas anti-represivas y antiespecistas en España.

Fecha: miercoles 4 de enero/ 18hrs.
Lugar: Biblioteca Manuel Rojas ( Av. Santa Ana 0496, esquina La Serena, La Granja)

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