Posts Tagged ‘RadioAzione’

Statement of anarchist comrade Gioacchino Somma – Start of the “Script Manent” trial (Italy)

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017


To the Court of Turin

Today, as well as for all the future hearings of this trial that sees me accused along with my brothers, sisters, but above all anarchist comrades, I will not give you the satisfaction of seeing my face in a courtroom of this tribunal.

I have never gone to the courtrooms where my funeral was being prepared in the past and I will not do so now!

I am anarchist, individualist, anti-authoritarian and above all I am for the insurrection, which has as one of its primary goals that of destroying places of death like this one and the prisons.

I will not be part of the spectacle set up by a judge who, suffering from hunger cramps, has put himself the payroll of a State that I do not recognize, being a citizen of the world in flight from its borders; I will not be there to listen to his delusions nor wait for the end to hear someone judge me “guilty or innocent.” (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Banner in solidarity with RadioAzione – Secret services case (Komotini, Greece)

Sunday, March 1st, 2015

“When anarchist theory becomes dangerous, the secret services get to work. The struggle continues. Anarchist cells everywhere.”

Inter Arma received and translated:

Yesterday, on Wednesday (25/2), a banner was dropped in the city centre in solidarity with Erica and RadioAzione, concerning the case involving the secret services, by the Anarchist Squat Utopia A.D.

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Posted in Direct Action

Pula: Nothing is over, everything continues – RadioAzione Croatia (Croatia)

Wednesday, January 28th, 2015

Received and translated to English by Act for freedom now!

Update: RadioAzione, Italy“To be or not to be… that’s not our question”


On the morning of January 23, 2015 agents of the Croatian secret services – SOA – turned up here because they wanted to talk to me about my site, RadioAzione Croatia, and to my husband, anarchist comrade, Italian citizen, who runs and also hosts other anarchist sites (including RadioAzione), threatening him with expulsion.

Their discourse began with threats concerning my personal relationships, both current and future, assuming that these are and will only be realized with anarchists, not Croatian of course, warning me that Croatia has no intention of becoming a haunt for people who are a problem for their countries of origin. Here the reference to my relationship with the comrade of RadioAzione Italy is clear.

Of course the threats are not limited to my relationships with comrades, they also warn me that any foreign national who comes to visit me in Croatia in the future, anarchist or not, will be treated as suspicious. And then they get lost in the usual threats concerning my parents, my position as unemployed, possible raids, arrests etc.

Their intention was to intimidate me by threatening to isolate me here in Croatia, far from my ”Italian and Greek friends” (an expression that they used several times). Because they are well aware of the fact that I could not expect any cooperation, activities or whatever with the local movement.

They also tell me that they know other anarchists in Croatia, but that they, unlike me, do not constitute a problem, that I am a unique and singular case for these territories (hinting that other anarchists in Croatia do not care much for my ideas). And that they are also aware of the fact that I was the one to introduce insurrectionalist theories into these territories and beyond years ago, with translations of some texts of Alfredo M. Bonanno. A point that they particularly stressed. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Dark Nights #35 : 'Fragment: Violence' + 'Letter from Giannis Naxakis' – Late June 2013 (ACN)

Monday, June 24th, 2013

New issue of the international news letter for mutual aid and solidarity, compiled from reports from the global informal network of anarchist counter-information and translation… Download and distribute!

Dark Nights #35

1. Letter from Giannis Naxakis, Athens, Greece.
2. ‘Fragment: Violence’ by L.
3. Hunger strike declaration by Kostas Sakkas, Koridallos prison, Greece.
4. Chile: Carla and Ivan trial results.
5. Italy: Communiqué from RadioAzione on counter-info and repression.
6. Italy: Operation Ardire update.
7. Belarus: Support Dmitri Zvanko, antifa prisoner.
8. Bolivia: Letter from Krudo, accused and imprisoned in the FAI case.
9. Direct Action Chronology.
10. ‘Hero with a 1000 Faces’ by V.Q.


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Posted in Library

RadioAzone: Wires of the telephone line and ADSL found cut (Italy)

Friday, May 10th, 2013

From RadioAzione:

As I was updating the blog of RadioAzione yesterday afternoon, I found that the internet connection was no longer there. Similarly the telephone line was not working. Nothing strange, apparently, as technology is subjected to this kind of faults (besides many others, or rather it is technology itself the main fault). I promptly called the responsible for the ADSL and telephone contract and they said that everything was all right to them. After repeating that it was not all right, they sent an engineer this morning. He checked the cabin in the street (which contains the telephone connections of all the inhabitants of the area) and found it out that a wire had been cut… not disconnected but cut… (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Gabriel Pombo da Silva in Madrid prison transfer (Spain)

Friday, January 25th, 2013

According to a message we received from RadioAzione, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, anarchist fighter imprisoned by German authorities after a shootout with border cops, has been extradited to Madrid. Gabriel had escaped from the prisons of Spain and fled, now it is thought he’ll be forced to ‘finish’ his prison time before being released.

Destroy the prisons and detention centres

Freedom for Gabriel

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from Alfredo Cospito… (Italy)

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

Recently Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai invited various comrades and parts of the international anarchist movement to send them written material during their imprisonment on remand. The comrades are accused of the laming of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.

Dear comrades,
Here are two letters that comrade Alfredo Cospito, locked up in Alessandria, sent to me. In a previous letter Alfredo had written to ‘Umanità Nova’, the paper of the Italian Anarchist Federation [the ‘formal’ one, TN]. The Federation’s reply can be read in the second letter I’m sending.
These sort of priests of anarchy have once again lost their chance to shut up, as they called the comrades of the Informal FAI ‘infamous’ or worse. Alfredo asked for the letters to be made public. I therefore published them on the blog of RadioAzione and now I’m sending them to you.
A rebel hug!

Open letter to “Umanità Nova”.
Alessandria, 29th December 2012

In my life I’ve never worried about the ‘heavy burden’ of reading ‘Umanità Nova’, nor did I waste my time criticizing the Italian Anarchist Federation, which I must confess is the least of my worries. And this even before I ended up in jail.
The only ‘infamous’ things in this ridiculous story are your stupid words ‘in freedom’ [the subtitle of their paper, TN].
What do you know about my positions? Who would be those mysterious people close to me?
However, one thing is clear now, at least to me: the comrades who accuse you of being cowardly and more are right. Sadly, there’s no end to the worst.

Please note: My letters are subjected to censorship and they all pass to the public prosecutor’s hands. I am aware that this is an insignificant detail in view of your intransigent revolutionary life, but next time please count to ten before you go on with your bullshit. Spare yourself sending me your paper, I’ll try to come to terms with it.
Always for anarchy.

Alfredo Cospito

This is the letter from ‘Umanità Novà’:

Hi Alfredo,
We received your letter where you ask for ‘Umanità Nova’ and the paper will be sent to you, after the Christmas holidays, as we do with all prisoners who wish to get the paper.
But we are extremely surprised at the fact you want our paper to be sent to you, as you and those close to you have been attacking us in all possible ways for years, calling us reformists, pacifists, cowardly, chicken-shit, book worms, etc etc. And you have always viewed our paper as something no better than toilet paper.
You’ll understand we are surprised by this request made form the height of your revolutionary intransigence.
Perhaps did you change positions? (If so, fell free to tell us, we promise we won’t tell anyone else…)
Did you mistake us with Infamous FAI?
Or perhaps do you want to know something about the position of the enemy?
Let us know and have a good read.

Umanità Nova

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Posted in Prison Struggle

'In any case, no regret' by RadioAzione (Italy)

Tuesday, December 25th, 2012

In recent months, in spite of countless investigations and trials against a great number of anarchist comrades all over the world, solidarity with imprisoned comrades has made remarkable progress everywhere. Solidarity weeks and actions have been following one another for months and “solidarity” is increasingly becoming something more than a written word.

Not only has the informal FAI expressed their solidarity through an uproar of explosive powder but also many other groups, at times set up only for the occasion, have done so… through the heat of fire that burnt numerous symbols and pillars of State-Capital all over the world. However, as far as Italy is concerned, this roar is not being exposed openly, on the contrary, papers, websites and blogs are keeping it hidden or are overshadowing it. Perhaps this is due to fear of being involved in future investigations or due to other reasons… perhaps it is better to talk about ‘distant’ or ‘more presentable’ struggles rather than being committed to spreading communiqués, claims and actions concerning one’s own country. Some of the imprisoned comrades are receiving open support, whereas others are kept at a distance because they are considered ‘pests’.

As far as RadioAzione is concerned, we prefer to give solidarity to all the comrades, even those who don’t have affinity with us, and complicity to few of them without fearing of getting ‘polluted’.
If one thinks one is risking less if one only talks about less radical struggles, this is wrong (consider for example the heavy sentences inflicted for the Genoa G8 or the months in prison or under house arrest for the demos against the TAV).

In June the ‘Ardire’ investigation carried out by the prosecution of Perugia led to the arrest of many comrades. The goals of this investigation were two-fold:

– To prevent Marco Camenisch from being released and to make Gabriel Pombo da Silva’s transfer more difficult to be achieved.

– To silence with imprisonment those who had given voice to actions and communiqués in their blogs.

Needless to say, various public prosecutors invent a number of fanciful details in order to make ordinances of remand in custody effective: this is a well known practice and, honestly, those who are writing these lines are not interested in dwelling on this aspect or examine the thesis of our hangmen.
What we are interested in, is never taking a single step back but always one forward! Up to a few months ago the blog of RadioAzione was being updated but not as regularly as it is now. The Dirette d’Azione had no regular updating but viewers could know the date and time of broadcasting. In particular, the operation ‘Ardire’ has made it necessary to change our plans for both the blog and the radio. Among great difficulties we are trying to keep the blog updated every day and at the same time we are trying to keep in touch with many comrades all over the world. Live programmes (Dirette d’Azione) have been broadcast twice for a couple of weeks, in the same days and at the same time.

The most important thing for those involved in this project is to give voice to the imprisoned comrades (with affinity pieces of writing) and to direct actions and claims, to the face of some ‘Comodi-no’ [Comodi is the public prosecutor of operation ‘Ardire’; comodino means ‘bedside table’, TN] which would like to become ‘Comò’ [which means ‘chest of drawers’, TN], but which in the end will turn to a shoe racks full of shoes ready to kick her arse [Comodi is a woman prosecutor, TN].

RadioAzione, therefore, will continue to give voice to radical struggles against the existent, without problems or worries. Prison, house arrest and investigations didn’t manage to affect my ideas… let alone the ‘threat’ of possible incoming investigations.

And what if this should happen? Since I realized what I want, I have always remembered a sentence: ‘In any case, no regret’.

Solidarity with all the imprisoned comrades all over the world! Complicity with a few of them! Fire to all prisons! Freedom for all! For insurrection, for anarchy!

December 2012, A.M. (After Maya)

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