Posts Tagged ‘Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)’

“ITS, or the rhetoric of decay” (Joint statement of insurrectional groups in Mexican territory)

Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

ITS o la retorica di decomposizione” [it]

From the website La Rebellion de las Palabras, critique of the excremental choir calling themselves “Eco-Extremist Mafia” – aiming at the eco-fascist and nihilist-right groupscule Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS), written by anarchist-insurrectionalist groups, CCF-Mexico, anonymous others in the territory of the Mexican State:

(Joint Pronouncement)

“The Tiger, in its unconquered gait, accumulates the memory and the traces of the road travelled, to stubbornly reaffirm it; unrestricted freedom that does not assure food but which a priori omits any possibility of degenerating into a herd or of assenting to grazing. Indomitable and irreducible, it confronts the most tenacious enemies. To do this it wields its instincts, taking advantage of its portentous night vision, its prodigious smell and its finely tuned ear. In its right attack: it disfigures, tears, kills and dies, to be reborn indomitable and fierce. Nothing escapes this becoming and it is exposed to the most daring hunters and the most tenacious tamers, veterinarians and circuses, taverns and altars, customs and laws, systems of thought and political institutions. Everything is shaken, torn or eliminated in this movement of which only the imagination can disern a principle but of which nothing and no one is able to decipher its objectives and its end. (…) Anarchism, conceived not as an inescapable realization but as a permanent tension embodied in an open configuration of thought and action, is also a tiger, indomitable and fierce, affected from end to end by this capricious walk into freedom.” – Gustavo Rodríguez

“Everything that we can identify as negative elements within our “space “, is also the responsibility of each of us to contribute to eliminate them. Bureaucracy, hegemony, informal hierarchies, intrigues, false friendships and false ‘comrades’ stabbing our backs have existed since the dawn of the so-called anarchist movement, because they are an intrinsic part of the human factor and our contradictions that constantly arise and are in conflict with each other. All these pathologies are due to attitudes that do not properly belong to a particular anarchist tendency but are present in all, and as long as they are not treated for what they really are, we will find them in front of us again and again.” – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Metropolitan Violence Cell

To the comrades in the Mexican region and the world, to the incendiaries and refractories of the planet, to the internationalists committed to a new coordination of anarchic informality:

Exactly 5 years and seven months ago we signed a “joint statement” at the request of a comrade for whom we feel great affection and respect. That text was entitled “2nd Joint Statement of the Anarchist Insurrectional and Eco-Anarchist Groups”. It was an unquestionably necessary writing given the context in which it was written and so we clarified it from the first lines: (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Athens: Arson of a SKAI journalist’s car by Action Cell/Metropolis Fallen – FAI/IRF (Greece)

Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

Taking responsibility – The burning of a SKAI journalist’s car

“As long as necessity is socially dreamed, dreaming will remain a social necessity. The spectacle is the bad dream of a modern society in chains and ultimately expresses nothing more than its wish for sleep. The spectacle is the guardian of that sleep. “

Guy Debord

We are taking responsibility for placing an incendiary device on G.Papahristos’ car outside his house at agios dimitrios, at dawn on 18/4.

G.Papahristos is a piece of human garbage of the journalist circles. His career is similar to others of his ilk. A political all-rounder who, in each period, is called upon to offer his services to the relevant authoritarian interests, be they political or economic, as his professional ventures, from the ‘green’ DOL to the neo-liberal SKAI, demonstrate. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Nemesis Project: Explosive / Incendiary Attack Against the National Confederation of Truck Owners by FAI-IRF (Chile)

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

Translation by Insurrection News:


On the night of July 25, we attacked the building belonging to the National Confederation of Truck Owners of Chile, located on Almirante Barroso street in the city center of Santiago, with an explosive / incendiary device.

The National Confederation of Truck Owners of Chile is a structural link in the chain of domination and exploitation, taking an active part in freight transport and environmental looting in Chilean territory and Wallmapu.

They are one of the main beneficiaries of the IIRSA project, which has as one of its objectives the ‘improvement’ of road infrastructure for the transport of goods in the countries of South / Latin America.

They are also the first line of entrepreneurs working side by side with the Chilean state seeking to intensify the repression and police intelligence gathering in Mapuche territory, trying to stop without success the burning of trucks that is part of the autonomous Mapuche subversion in defence of its ancestral territory. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

‘An answer to the call for solidarity to the ones held in custody in Hamburg’ by Panagiotis Argyrou, imprisoned member of CCF/FAI-IRF (Greece)

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017

‘Eine Antwort auf den Aufruf zur Solidarität mit den Gefangenen in Hamburg’ von Panagiotis Argyrou, inhaftiertes Mitglied der Verschwörung der Feuerzellen /FAI-IRF [de]

A response to the call for solidarity to the ones held in custody in Hamburg

During the exile of captivity few are the things that can make you smile, offer a warm thought or a pleasant feeling. I can, however, say with some certainty that these days of July when Hamburg surrendered to the chaos of riots during the G20 summit, the clashes with the police, the burning barricades, the store looting, the vandalisms and burnings of sovereignty targets, my thoughts were boosted, a great deal of “thank you-s” as well as vivid emotions overwhelmed me, and a smile lit up my face.

I’ll be honest, however. Although from an early stage a large part of insurrectionary anarchism aspired at setting a high target, something that had become clear already since the call for a militant campaign of informal organization months before the summit; and although there was a large number of public texts and claims of responsibility responding to this call (some comrades were kind enough to even mention the heritage of Black December), I wasn’t that sure that the days in question would indeed involve such great momentum. And this due to the fact that the difficulties entailed weren’t unknown to me—the adversities and the challenges that would have to be confronted by the people who would want to organize and accomplish such an ambitious riot plan. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

“Sad” by Eat (Indonesia)

Friday, July 21st, 2017

‘Triste’ – crítica del compañero Eat a la tendencia eco-extremista y al grupo ITS en México” [es]

It is sad to see “them” resorting to such incoherent, deluded, and even ahistorical if not unfactual analysis of contemporary anarchism and its various movements, successes and failures. It is even more sadder that the critique was poorly written. If the FAI never accomplished anything as the critique said, it is because FAI ideas were and are always to be put on trial of practice and its diverse variants. There is no monopoly of narrow individualism in the FAI as far as I comprehend it, as it is just an idea to encourage anarchists to attack with informal and antiorganisationalist forms (even this also is always within a context), because “it” [FAI] doesn’t believe in the binary logic that this critique does. While the critique seemed, at first, to try to dismiss a binary vision of the world it falls on the same mistakes when it doesn’t even know nor understand how they or their moralistic-triumphant-over-others-methods originated and empowered.

While I was in full support of ITS in attacking technocrats, NGOs, and its effort in deconstructing the western anarchist moralistic-christian tendency, they too fall to the same logic as their so “ideological enemies of gringo” anarchism. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

A letter from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino about Operation Scripta Manent and more… (Italy)

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017


The prosecution in Turin have decided to put an entire anarchist tendency on trial: anti-organisation Anarchism. This isn’t a sensationalist and defensive overstatement, it’s what Turin’s investigating judge, Anna Ricci, enacted with the arrest warrants issued in July 2016, and enforced in September, probably to avoid disrupting the summer holidays of some pubic official.

The inquisitors’ choice is clear from the ridiculous framework that appeared in the arrest warrant papers, a product of the deleterious encounter between the mind of some cop and the rushed reading of a wikipedia summary.

The framework gives shape to a repressive-Manichean vision of a ‘social anarchy’, a good and harmless one, and an (anti-social and anti-classist) ‘individual anarchy’, violent and palatable to repression, whose method is the ‘anti-organization model’. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Bomb attack against a bank in solidarity with imprisoned comrades in Germany (Mexico)

Monday, April 24th, 2017

Responding to the international call for actions in solidarity with the compañerxs accused of robbery in Aachen, Germany, we placed an explosive device with a little more than one kilo of black powder at a Citibanamex branch located on Eje 10 [in Mexico City] at 2:30am on April 20.

We repeated the action carried out a couple months ago by compañerxs from the Night Cats and Evil Sorcerers Incendiary Cell. Upon seeing they’d rebuilt the branch after the compas’ attack, we decided to help them redecorate it. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Informer’s house vandalised along with Police Horse Transporters by Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF (UK)

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

18th April – we thought it long overdue that ‘Julie’, a police informer in Yatton, near Bristol, received a home visit to remind her that we do not forget nor forgive. Badger stayed at Julie’s house after being invited there by her when he was first on the run. Badger is wanted for the smashing of the Bristol Post newspaper offices in 2011 and the burning of a transmitter. As a minimum gesture of solidarity to wanted anarchist Badger, we painted “snitch” there and sabotaged her vehicle. We hope she crashes and is paralysed. Julie lives at 3 Barberry Farm Road where she resides with her partner and children. An older washed-out queer peace activist type of person, but actually just a disgusting betrayer and one who abused the trust put in her. Julie thought she could save herself from police attention by informing, but found that the pigs wanted more. So she even gave information on other people who came to visit Badger at her place and police were sure to send a forensic team to collect DNA. Snitch, you will be remembered as one more reactionary who deserves to live in misery. We hope the cancer that it is in your body kills you and we hope to make your last days as unhappy as possible. Die knowing you are hated. More activists (who we haven’t forgotten about either) protected this snitch at the time of her informing, preventing those hunted from knowing that Julie had betrayed Badger and his friends. Millions of your pathetic activist lives add up to the sum total of fuck-all compared to the indomitable spirit of Badger.

Not very far away from Julie’s house is Davis Lane, Clevedon, where mounted police are located with a stadium and next to this is a police specialist operations centre. We punctured the tyres on four horse transport vehicles and sprayed “Flat, Ha Ha!” on the sides. So much for security.

Stay free Badger – Fuck the Police

Solidarity to anarchist prisoners and those on the run.

Eco-anarchist vandals – FAI/IRF

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Posted in Direct Action

PDF: Three new publications on the anarchist armed struggle against power (Untorelli Press)

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

Untorelli Press presents three new publications on the anarchist armed struggle against power.

A Few Words of “Freedom”: An Interview with Alfredo Cospito by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell

Beyond Right & Wrong by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Let’s Become Dangerous: For the Diffusion of the Black International by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

These publications are a continuation of our Anarchist Guerrilla Series, dedicated to Darko Mathers, nihilist-anarchist of Dark Matter Publications, who passed away in 2014. For more texts against civil anarchism and for combative anarchy, visit darkmatter.noblogs.org.

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Posted in Library

Athens: Explosive attack against the bookstore of Adonis Georgiades, Politician of New Democracy by CCF – FAI/IRF (Greece)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

Responsibility claim for the attack on Adonis Georgiades‘s bookstore.

On 3/15 we placed and detonated a clockwork explosive device at Adonis Georgiades’s bookstore at 263 Kifissias Av.

Adonis Georgiadis is a well known to all … picturesque, saturated and at the same time, a ridiculous political figure, who over the years moves within the (far)-right milieu according to his interests. Now an MP of New Democracy (the main right wing party) he does not miss any opportunity to propagate the neoliberal ideas whether in the parliament or in some television broadcast, being addicted to television as a TV persona. When not selling his nationalist noonsense (such as the books of Kostas Plevris – national-socialist figure) he makes “gifts” of 65 million euros to pharmaceutical companies who trade in human life. Specifically, Georgiades, as health minister in 2014, changed the pricing of drugs in favor of the pharmaceutical industries particularly favoring the Novartis company. Combined with the fact that his wife’s name featured in the Lagarde list, it’s proven that the TV booksalesman does not limit himself to book sales. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: ‘Packs of Fire – FAI/IRF’ take responsibility for arson attacks in Dafni (Greece)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017


Cut your strings puppet

We are taking responsibility for the arson attacks at dawn on March 10 at the Mayor’s house and at the Post office in Dafni.

In that area, that same evening seven years before, anarchist Lambros Foundas fell from cop bullets. Seven years on, we don’t forget our dead comrade who gave his life for freedom and dignity.

In times of repression we slip through the ruptured fence that the state rigs up and fills with the debris of fear and repression against any form of action that lurks the streets. At the targets our devices played the symphony of destruction before exploding few meters from the station patrol, the state police pigs at Dafni metro station that oversee the law-abiding life of the city’s marionettes: job, house, cafe, nightlife. Every day the city routine under full control, divided into small occupations.

However, history is written when the silent crowd is abandoned and the refusers of silence act. There where we turn our rage into fire and feed our fire with gasoline. We are the ones that don’t fit into your world. Let your sweat pour to protect it with a smile until comes its destruction.

We don’t forget, we don’t forgive LONG LIVE LAMBROS FOUNDAS


Solidarity to the evicted squats and occupied spaces and to the comrades arrested during the state’s last repressive operation. 10, 100, 1000s of squats against a world of organized rot.

Attack with all means the regime whether it is left or right


Packs of Fire – FAI/IRF

via actforfree

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Posted in Direct Action

Letter bomb explodes inside IMF offices in Paris, another 8 devices suspected in the post (France, Greece)

Sunday, March 19th, 2017

A day after the German Ministry of Finance received a fully functioning Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI parcel bomb addressed to Wolfgang Schäuble, Finance Minister, the Parisian offices of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) also received a similar explosive device which was not detected by security. It exploded upon opening, injuring a female employee with burns to the face and arms. Her injuries are not life threatening.

The incident caused a wave of reaction as the embattled French State activated public security protocols, sealing off the area with armed anti-terrorist teams and instigating a large, now cross-border investigation with Greek involvement. The current French President made a statement about the attack which was picked up by the mass media, spreading further the idea-virus of insurrectional violence directed at those who are responsible for the ruination of the planet and the economic exploitation of billions of people which results in countless deaths, suicides and miserable existences. The French State is already in a declared state of emergency with army units patrolling the streets during the ongoing presidential election and coping with riots against police brutality and corruption.

Evidence of Greek stamps on the remnants of the device and the fact that a Greek return address was attached have become part of the official investigation, as the letter-bomb was confirmed by the Greek Minister for Public Order, Nikos Toskas, to have been sent from Greece. The bomb was designated for the IMF’s European representative, Jeffrey Franks, who has worked for the IMF for 24 years and has been director of the IMF’s Europe office since March 2015. The attack has not yet been claimed by those responsible, but Greek intelligence officials believe it to be the work of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

Embassies, financial institutions, branches of the Greek Post Office and all European ministries have been put on alert. Greek police are posting orders for sweeping controls on packages, for those leaving Greece and also interior, as it has not been established that a Greek target will not be next. According to the Greek police, the packages were sent with low amounts of explosive which defeated the X-Ray machines in the airport of Athens. The parcels have a reduced weight, volume and size, with realistic return sender-name and addresses to add to the deception. According to their research of postal records and security footage, Greek intelligence officials believe that up to another 8 similarly functional bombs may have been sent from post offices in Athens and are inbound to targets all over Europe…

Long live CCF / FAI-FRI
Long live Anarchy

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Posted in Direct Action

Nemesis Project: CCF/FAI take responsibility for a letter-bomb attack against the German Minister of Finance (Germany, Greece)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Nemesis Project – Act 2

Nine Years after the first appearance of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in January 2008.

After more than 300 attacks against targets of domination that resulted in tens of millions of euros in damage and the transferring of fear to the camp of power.

After more than 60 arrests of comrades and other individuals over the years who have been accused of being our members and the thousands of years of imprisonment imposed upon them.

After so many times that Ministers and Police Chiefs have declared in the media that they have managed to ‘dismantle’ us and that “the CCF is finished.”

After the inclusion of the CCF in lists of ‘terrorist’ organizations by the State Department in the US and by Europol in the EU.

… we continue even louder.

With the creation of an international conspiratorial network of FAI and CCF cells in dozens of countries that have carried out and continue to carry out guerrilla attacks.

With even greater passion and tenacity to not only attack the infrastructure of the system but also the people in power.

Always against social apathy.

Always against the oppressors of our lives.

Still they cannot understand that the CCF is an idea and that the idea cannot be imprisoned because it is like the Hydra. For each comrade that is imprisoned, new comrades are ready to take their place and continue on the path of attack.

We still have the rage…

We sent a booby-trapped parcel bomb to the German Minister of Finance within the context of the campaign of the second act of Project Nemesis.

A communique will follow in the coming months.

Comradely greetings to the FAI direct action groups in Chile and Greece for their contributions to Project Nemesis.

Rebellious greetings to the FAI comrades in Italy and the imprisoned members of CCF in Greece who remain unrepentant.

Forward for the Black International of Anarchists of Praxis.

Nothing has ended, everything continues.


Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI

via Athens IMC, translated by Insurrection News

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Posted in Direct Action

Mexico City: Explosive-incendiary attack in solidarity with the prisoners in Aachen, Germany (Mexico)

Friday, February 10th, 2017

Mexico City: Explosive-incendiary attack in solidarity with the prisoners in Aachen

Reasons to fight, we have plenty. We have taken into account the need to act directly against Capital, every time we find more reasons to continue fighting. A few weeks ago for example some comrades were accused of armed robbery in Aachen, Germany; and understanding the bureaucratic process of the ‘legitimate justice’ of the bourgeoisie, they were deprived of freedom. We must not forget, as has already been mentioned in these spaces of diffusion, that expropriation is a just, direct action and part of the history of every revolutionary movement. Emphasizing the slogan: “What crime is it to expropriate or set fire to a bank compared to founding it?” (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin: Let smoke signals speak… French diplomatic vehicle torched by ‘Rémi Fraisse Cell’- FAI (Germany)

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Armed with an incendiary device, we rode through the streets of Berlin on a frosty night looking for a target for which we could say that we are fighting the struggles of our unknown comrades against the CIGÉO nuclear dump in the woods of Bure, in the ZAD and against the French state of emergency as a whole and express our solidarity.
We also support other anarchist interventions on the continent of Europe, such as Revolutionary Struggle in Greece.

So we torched a diplomatic vehicle of the French Embassy at the Willmanndamm in Schöneberg last night, with which we would like to greet the prisoner Damien Camélio, as well as Pola Roupa and Konstantina Athanasopoulou who were recently arrested in Athens, for whose freedom all states must be combated, and for who we will continue to act diligently.

This is also a call to use the G20 in Hamburg to coordinate our theory and praxis in order to reach a continuing anarchist offensive in all areas beyond the July meeting.

The French piece of shit who wants to represent his regime at the G20 in Hamburg is of course just as welcome as any other power. We advise the diplomats of Berlin to hide in gated communities.

‘Rémi Fraisse Cell’ – FAI

Berlin 06-02-2017

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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