‘Library’ Archives

PDF: #20 & #21 – “La Bomba” Zine – Santiago (Chile)

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

La Bomba” – Nosotrxs agregamos esos publicaciones de Abril (#20) y Agosto (#21), que no vimos en ese entonces, a nuestra biblioteca. Fuerza y complicidad a lxs companerxs en Chile. Por la expansion del caos y anarquia.

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PDF: “La Bomba” #23 – Santiago (Chile)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Portada 23

PDF: Sale el número 23 del boletín “La Bomba”

*Santiago – Chile*

Para continuar con la idea final de la editorial pasada, queremos decir
que la recopilación de reivindicaciones de sabotajes, atentados, las
noticias formuladas etc. son con la intención de generar un archivo
online y material, para que las diversas ideas expresadas desde la
acción y las noticias lleguen a más compañerxs en la calle, como en
prisión -quienes no todxs tienen acceso a la contrainformación vía web-.
Estas recopilaciones son parte de una línea antiautoritaria, acciones
que sacamos con sus respectivas fuentes y otras anónimas que no
necesariamente pueden ser parte de la lucha anárquica pero de las cuales
vemos similitudes y son afines a esta iniciativa. (more…)

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Digital Anonymity & Security (PDF)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

As activists we must know the dangers of the cyberspace, and learn how to protect our privacy. Avoiding the use of telecommunication tools is not an option. But either we own the technology we use or the technology owns us.

Here are some basic concepts and tips from yesterday’s workshop. We publish this info and ask you to help spread it because information wants to be free.

Digitial Security PDF

From Insurrection Festival – Athens, Greece.

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PDF: “La Bomba” #22 – Santiago (Chile)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

*Santiago – Chile*

PDF: Sale el número 22 del boletín “La Bomba”

A nuestrxs queridxs lectores en cualquier parte del globo, y a lxs
presxs subversivxs de nuestro territorio. Entregamos para ustedes un
nuevo boletín recopilatorio, el cual esta vez corresponderá a

Empezamos esta recopilación adjuntando acciones que se desarrollaron en
el mes de agosto, como por ejemplo distintas manifestaciones
estudiantiles las cuales culminaron con fuertes enfrentamientos en
varios liceos de la ciudad y en donde la propaganda anárquica e
insurrecta se vio reflejada lejos de lxs convocantes y la
institucionalidad. Los cortes de calle con barricadas, las bombas
molotov contra la policía y los panfletos por los aires llamaban al caos
y a la solidaridad activa con lxs presxs. (more…)

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Le num. 1 de Kairos – Journal anarchiste, vient de paraitre (France)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

“En grec ancien, kairos désigne l’idée du moment opportun à saisir, ce
l’occasion favorable, de l’instant propice qui permet le réussite d’une
action au milieu des aléas du monde et des incertitudes des
circonstances extérieures. pour cela, il est nécessaire de passer à la
pratique, d’apprendre à saisir ce kairos, d’une part en cherchant à le
reconnaitre sans se cacher derrière l’alibi facile des circonstances,
d’autre part en se préparant à agir afin de ne pas laisser s’échapper
cette occasion.
En somme, ce journal est un outil pour sortir de la pure abstraction des
idées et inscrire notre discours dans une perspective pratique, dans une
volonté de propager l’action offensive anarchiste et de tendre vers
l’insurrection et le bouleversement de ce monde…”

à télécharger ici :

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Poster for Anti-Fenix Timeline (Czech Republic)

Monday, November 13th, 2017

Hello dear comrades,

In addition to the “3 years of lack of evidence” pamphlet, we made a timeline A2 poster “Repressions in so-called Czech republic”. Please spread that <3 ... Please have a look and download for printing and spreading here: https://antifenix.noblogs.org/post/2017/11/10/repressions-in-so-called-czech-republic-timeline-a2-poster/

Have a good day!

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PDF: The Fenix verdict – Defendants acquitted (Czech Republic)

Monday, October 30th, 2017

3 years of lack of evidence – 3 years that fucked up our lives

The Fenix case uproar, consists of a lot of accusations of many crimes, ranging from the one of so-called “promotion of terrorism” to the one of preparation of terrorist attacks. These are the ones that were most discussed at the latest Municipal Court Hearing in Prague. During their verdict, the judge acquitted all the five defendants of the Fenix 1 case. Is it a victory? Why this decision isn’t final? Followed article is a translation of a month old overview over the court hearings and some analyses of our situation and experience, originally written in Czech language.

This long court hearing was about five anarchists, three of them accused of plotting a terrorist attack on a train carrying military paraphernalia. Two of them were accused of knowing about such plans and not having stopped the presumed authors. Two of these five people were also accused of preparing an attack with Molotov cocktails on police cars during the eviction of the Cibulka squat. Basically, according to the deployed police agents, there are in total five people and three different crimes involved. (And all this is just for Fenix 1, because some of these people are facing further accusations in the context of Fenix 2). (more…)

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Revista Anarquista Internacional #1 – Octubre 2017 (Chile)

Saturday, October 14th, 2017

Revista Anarquista Internacional. Octubre 2017. Numero #1.


En este punto no existen las vacilaciones, la decisión está tomada y no hay vuelta atrás. Abandono la comodidad de lo establecido y me aventuro hacia la incertidumbre del enfrentamiento…

Kalinov Most es un nombre de la mitología medieval rusa que significa Puente de Kalinov, el cual une el mundo de los vivos con el infierno, separados ambos por un río de fuego. Quien decide adentrarse en el puente es con el propósito abandonar el mundo de los vivos y lo hace por voluntad propia. Llegado a este punto no hay posibilidad de retorno por lo que el puente representa un límite donde no hay titubeos ni dudas. La opción está tomada y asumida.

Esta revista es una invitación a quebrar con lo existente, a asumir la confrontación contra el poder en toda su amplitud y complejidad sabiendo que representa un camino sin retorno del que no sabemos qué puede deparar. Al decidirnos cruzar la frontera de lo establecido dejamos atrás la monotonía y la rutina de la vida ciudadana, rompemos esquemas y dogmas esclavizadores aventurándonos en el enfrentamiento irrefrenable y permanente. No hay arrepentimiento, no hay lamentaciones, no hay pasos atrás en esta opción libre e individualmente elegida que asumimos con todo lo que pueda conllevar. (more…)

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PDF – ‘Bang Up and Smash: Women’s Prisons, Probation and Bail Hostels’ by Asbo (UK)

Saturday, September 30th, 2017


Bang-up and Smash is an overview of women’s prisons in the UK, and a political analysis of their physical and ideological construction.

From the moment of arrest, to coming home, Bang-up and Smash uses first hand experiences to critically engage with the procedures, concepts and apparatus the state relies on, and the economics behind the expansion of the prison industrial complex.

Bang-up and Smash is a practical guide to women’s prisons in the UK, and a rallying call to attack. Solidarity is a weapon, and abolition is not enough…

See Active Distribution for free pdf download or order print version

Also download pdf from Empty Cages website http://www.prisonabolition.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/bang-up-and-smash.pdf

For more information email asbo.hmp@riseup.net

Copy left. Share, discuss, dismiss…. comments welcome. Please circulate.


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Anarchist newspaper Vetriolo issue 1 is out, autumn 2017 (Italy)

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

We published issue 1 of anarchist paper Vetriolo at last. At the same time we also printed issue 0 for those who have recently asked for copies, as it had been out of stock for a while. After several months of censorship the contribution anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito wrote last winter for the previous issue has arrived. His letter had been blocked and seized on order of inquisitor judge Sparagna, the “scripta manent” operation’s instigator.

In this new issue there’s space for analysis on questions that were raised in the previous one, in particular the questions of cities, political alliances and internationalism, the history of the exploited’ movement and the continuation of an attempt at the analysis and elaboration of an anarchist theory of the State. (more…)

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Polish translation of “Struggle is for life not Martyrdom”

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017


Polish translation of CrimethInc. “Struggle is for life not martyrdom” and adding more IRPFG communiques (about Aachen bank robbery etc.), as well as few old interviews with YPG members translated by Grecja w Ogniu.

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Chile: Publicación a la memoria rebelde e insurrecta de Javier Recabarren (PDF)

Monday, May 1st, 2017

PDF: Semana por Javier Recabarren – Marzo 2017

Múltiples pueden ser las formas en las que se puede recordar a un/a compañerx, amigx, hermanx, cada quien con su forma, sus recuerdos, sus palabras o afinidades. Desde pequeños destellos que formaron aportes a la lucha se construye la memoria de aquellxs a quienes no dejamos escapar de nuestrxs caminos, rescatando la fuerza puesta en la construcción de la autonomía, esa misma que nos mueve, experiencia compartida que nos hizo cómplices en algún momento y que continuamos propagando.

Ahora se propaga un pequeño gesto en recuerdo de un compa cuyo recuerdo nos estremece, así como se hizo a través de un panfleto o del reconfortante sonido de una vitrina destrozada por una piedra, devolviendo una porción de nuestra rabia al capital por el compa que nos arrebató en medio de su rutina, de su envolvente sociedad de olvido y esclavitud. Un aporte mínimo, un gesto sencillo, pero reconociendo la afinidad que sentimos al recordar sus pasos.

Javier Recabarren está en nuestra memoria y acompaña nuestro andar por las enmarañadas sendas de la liberación total. En ellas no reconocemos vicios sobre la edad ni de la “madurez”, porque es la afinidad la que nos une, el arrojo el que nos incentiva y las convicciones las que nos construyen cotidianamente.


PD: Agradeciendo profundamente a lxs compas que respondieron la semana de agitación por Javier, dejamos a disposición esta publicación, que recopila palabras y acciones -desde una posición anárquica- enmarcadas en la iniciativa lanzada públicamente en Marzo del presente año, 2017.

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PDF: Three new publications on the anarchist armed struggle against power (Untorelli Press)

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

Untorelli Press presents three new publications on the anarchist armed struggle against power.

A Few Words of “Freedom”: An Interview with Alfredo Cospito by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell

Beyond Right & Wrong by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Let’s Become Dangerous: For the Diffusion of the Black International by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

These publications are a continuation of our Anarchist Guerrilla Series, dedicated to Darko Mathers, nihilist-anarchist of Dark Matter Publications, who passed away in 2014. For more texts against civil anarchism and for combative anarchy, visit darkmatter.noblogs.org.

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PDF: ‘Tool 4 Crowd-Control – Class War-Horse’ – Anarcho-nihilist zine from Dark Matter Publications (UK)

Monday, April 10th, 2017

PDF: ‘Tool 4 Crowd-Control – Class War-Horse

A short anarcho-nihilist zine from Bristol about personal approaches to class warfare, living on the margins and kicking it till it breaks. You know the score.

This zine asks the question – If you are one of the ‘comrades’ who are always going on about the class-struggle, why don’t you get off your ass and do something instead of standing there criticizing at the squat/gig/bar etc?

Dark Matter Publications

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‘Towards insurrection’ by Alfredo M. Bonanno (Elephant Editions)

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017

Every time I start to talk I ask myself, ‘And if I didn’t want to say anything for example?’

The title of this debate is ‘Towards insurrection’. I said to myself, what does this ‘towards insurrection’ mean? That is, towards insurrection can mean writing, or talking anyway, or indicating a direction, something moving towards insurrection. I don’t know what it is that moves towards insurrection.

I know that’s what I’ve lived, and what I’ve seen, events that might seem like an insurrection in act. I later realised that it wasn’t an insurrection, it was a simple riot. Now we are talking about something that can push us towards a riot, something that happens just like that, all of a sudden, for a reason that one can’t foresee, in the street, in the squares, with a hundred thousand people coming out into the streets, is that what we’re talking about tonight?

I don’t think so. For me, that’s not an insurrection. A hundred thousand people coming out into the streets, destroying the town, smashing the shops, dancing their war dance on commodities, — because we are against commodities we anarchists – is that insurrection? No.

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