Refugee Action Collective (Vic)

Forum: Can the International Criminal Court prosecute Australia’s leaders for crimes against humanity?

In Human Rights Week a Refugee Advocacy Network & RMIT Arts and Labour & Working Life Collective forum this Thursday asks given the mistreatment of asylum seekers and refugees: Can the International Criminal Court prosecute Australia’s leaders for crimes against humanity? Thursday, 7 December 2017, 6:00 – 8:00pm Building 80, Level 2, Lecture Theatre 2 RMIT(…)

5:30pm Fri 8 Dec | Evacuate Manus and Nauru: Paint the Town Refugee

5:30pm Fri 8 Dec | Evacuate Manus and Nauru: Paint the Town Refugee

When: 5:30-8:30pm Friday 8th December Where: State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston St, Melbourne Join a RAC working bee to cover the streets of Melbourne in posters, stickers, chalk stencils, banners, leaflets and more with the ‘welcome refugees’ and ‘bring them here’ message, and advertisements for the Human Rights Day refugee rally. We’ll approach bars(…)

Posters for your workplace or suburb

Posters for your workplace or suburb

Victorian Trades Hall Council has produced two great posters calling to Welcome Refugees and Bring Them Here. These should go up in every workplace, on every union noticeboard. They can go up anywhere else in your suburb as well, cafe’s, libraries etc. Click the links to download pfd files to print. There are also two(…)