Palaces, parks & gardens: like something out of a fairytale

Get to know Germany's fairytale side: palaces, parks & gardens are perfect for romantic tours, delightful discoveries and magical moments. You're sure to be enchanted, whether in a UNESCO World Heritage site or a lesser-known gem.

A world of wonder just waiting to be discovered. Starting in Bavaria, with the fairytale castles of Neuschwanstein and Burghausen, Herrenchiemsee Palace and the English Garden in Munich, or with Prince Pückler Park in Bad Muskau – there are fascinating attractions from every period and style to discover in all of Germany's federal states and in every region. Experience a world beyond your imagination – like a fairytale brought to life.

Encounter different periods and styles, lose yourself in the atmosphere of the past and follow the trail of famous names in Germany's Palaces, Parks and Gardens. Often imitated, never bettered.

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