Showing posts with label iowa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iowa. Show all posts

08 June 2022



Great Plains psych pop mania comes in like a damn alien craft to land on your Tuesday...and you didn't even know you had visitors. Side one is presented in mono because the tape was pretty wrecked, but I kinda feel like the artist wouldn't mind. Like Beefheart and that guy from SPACEMEN 3 and SPIRITUALIZED drinking in a remote shack and taking turns manipulating lost AM tent revival recordings, Chief Of Time And Frequency is an actual sonic trip. Not like it takes you somewhere (those aliens are gonna stay with you, they aren't taking you away), these are sounds that will distort your present and your very presence. Subtle brilliance from BODY...not THE BODY....just Alex. 

18 December 2021



Imagine you're a radio personality and regional country/polka star in 1960s Iowa. You crank out a few records and folks...well, they know who you are. Fast forward to the 1990s and you're old(er) and your legacy has been all but cast aside. No one under the age of 75 gives a shit about polka, and the classic swing you know as "country" has been replaced by Alan Jackson and Billy Ray Cyrus. So, what do you do? How do you stake your claim on your own do you leave your mark? Obviously, you self release your debut LP on cassette so some other irrelevant fellow past his prime can pick it up in a thrift store in Utah for 49¢ a few decades later. 

Was it worth it? Absolutely. The guitar (most notably on "Wheels") has a Billy Mure caliber pep, the occasional horns add an indescribably Midwest drunken lumber, and Greco's second tier croon is smooth and endearing. Half dollar well spent - legacy secured. 

29 July 2020


Fierce and disgusting Iowa hardcore churn from 2012. There's a '90s NYHC snap to the vocal barks, but the music is just raw, filthy, blasting hc/crust with a series of breakdowns that will bring a tear to the eye of the listeners who recognize that 25TL flavor in the vocals. I was hoovering up all of the tapes I could find in 2012, but this one was gifted after a recent herd thinning session by a fellow let this serve as a reminder that there's always more to discover.

24 August 2017


This is where I wax nostalgic about the '90s, right? This is where I say that the lack of rules and norms (and even division/s?) allowed bands more space for originality. This is where I say that even records that don't necessarily "hold up" musically two decades later still resonate because there's an undefinable real-ness that it is quite honestly hard(er) to find today. But....this one holds up. Massive and earnest mid paced ChicagoLand (note: actually Quad Cities - my mistake) hardcore - three tracks released as the Persist EP in 1995. What makes you better than me? What makes me better than you? If we can't all get along, then we're through.

10 August 2017


A few months ago I attended an excellent gathering in Oklahoma City. I have mentioned this gathering before in print, on the internet, and in person, but the thing that made this gathering so fukkn cool is that no one was really cool. There was one band that thought they were cool, it was kinda obvious, and they mostly kept to themselves. Because in that context, thinking you are cool is kinda lame and decidedly not cool at all. One of the least cool, and therefore coolest, bands I saw that weekend was BEYOND PEACE. Also, they are one of the fiercest, most intense and purest hardcore bands I have seen in recent memory. Period. I cannot remember when I have been so instantly and completely floored - I just sat there with my mouth agape clenching my fists while they raged....because it was real. And it wasn't cool at all. It was desperate. 

take it back I dare you to

14 January 2015


Positive hardcore doesn't necessarily have to be all slick and fact, I kinda prefer the shit to be a little rough around the edges. Iowa's ONLY TEN BETWEEN US can maybe use a little sanding (and a little tuning), but fukk their raw ass '80s guitar and constantly cracking and creaking teenage vocals go a long long way towards making me not give half a shit how rough this demo sounds.  The riffs are basic but good, the attack teeters on chaos in (almost) the same way as a certain late '90s LA band did on their first EP, and the melodic leads are endearing (even if they put a time stamp on the demo). "INAA" is the killerest track - "I'm not afraid anymore!!!" is a great way to open a track. Get into it, sing along, jump on the dogpile in your mind while they sing about the joys of believing in positivity, even when staring at life's of grim realities like in "Yeah Right, That Kid Fucking Jumped". It'll put a smile on your haggard ass face.

I don't care if you're from the other side // All I care is that you've got HARDCORE PRIDE

24 August 2014


There was a house show in Oakland a couple of weeks ago. A lot of cool bands, bands people were excited about for various reasons - some justified and some superficial. The show was a killer; eight bands, I was on my way home before 11pm, and even the worst band I saw that night was pretty damn good. But there was a band from Iowa on the show that no one was talking about, a band who only a handful of people seemed interested in, a band that wasn't wearing cool punk uniforms...a band that absolutely leveled the joint. I've babbled about NERV here before, and I was quite excited to see them live, but I was fukkn floored and couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Simply put: This is what I want from hardcore! Bare bones, completely honest almost to the point of self deprecation, fast as shit and songs that grab you and force you to engage. Heavy on the '80s Midwest hardcore influence (I'm talking Touch & Go, early Chicago), this is raw and completely unpretentious with manic jams that seem to give zero fukks about current rehash trends and knuckle dragging Oi! riffs repackaged as hardcore (a trend that I fully back, for the record). Listen to the drums hesitate and lurch into the full speed strained vocal attack of "Bug," the single note riffing that starts "Shut-In," the guitar break in "Dig A Hole"...these dudes so casually pack so much power into eight minutes that it's kinda unreal. Their new single is every bit as good as I hoped it would be. And for the record, the rest of the show was really fukkn good and I had a blast, but no one touched NERV that night. 
I don't know who I am // I don't know where I stand

Find NERV and other shockingly good sounds from Iowa here. Seriously.

28 July 2013


If this one looks familiar then you are paying attention. Here's what I said about this cassette in my post last September:
Iowa ain't a hotbed for hardcore killers. I came from Oklahoma, not exactly punk's ground zero, but Iowa? Shit is rough. Perhaps NERV are trying to go back in time and rewrite their state's hardcore legacy, and if that's the case then this demo is a great start. Screaming hardcore ripped right out of the backwards attitudes that dominated '80s Midwestern culture. This is teenage anger dished out in sub-minute bursts - addictive riffs bashed out at a frenetic pace and frustrated vocals barely keeping it together. The guitar leads alone make this worth the price of admission, nine songs in as many minutes. Maybe my opinions about hardcore in The Hawkeye State are worth reconsidering.

And then I got an email from Joe a few days ago. Joe took exception to me seemingly clearing Iowa off the punk map and he let me know that Iowa's hardcore legacy did not need any rewriting. As proof, Joe included a link to a CD comp he made spanning Iowa punk and hardcore from 1983-2013. While there are a few bands I recognize (FORCED EXPRESSION, TEN GRAND, SONG OF ZARATHUSTRA, BLACK MARKET FETUS and MODERN LIFE IS WAR should all be relatively familiar names), there are 30 bands on this comp and the vast majority were new to me - and awesome. A healthy helping of the '90s pre(and proto)screamo the Midwest and Plains were so good at cranking out (ECLIPSE OF EDEN, THE KINSHIP, IN LOVING MEMORY..., SWING BY SEVEN), some weird shit (PATRICK SWAYZE'S GHOST, LOS VOLTAGE), some terrifying hardcore (TOO PURE TO DIE, AGRESS, APPROACHING NAIN, OMENS) and a killer cross section of newer ferocious punk bands (NERV, BIG BOX, SUPERSONIC PISS). I missed some, to be sure, but since I mentioned punk "history," I gotta talk about the five bands from the '80s....every single one of these tracks is an absolute stunner. ABCESS (Midwest hardcore punk madness), PREACHERS (totally demented and furious), PENT-UP AGGRESSION (this is Killed By Hardcore perfection), STIFF LEGGED SHEEP (nasty blown out hardcore)....and then there's HUMAN ERROR. The 61 seconds that make up HUMAN ERROR's "Mig 21" are simply insane; MOB 47 by way of THE FIX, and every bit jaw dropping as either. Seriously. Maybe you're too cool to admit that METH AND GOATS are punk, but I can assure you that this HUMAN ERROR track with blow the fukkn doors off of whatever you thought Iowa was capable of. 

And so I included Joe's comp in the file that contains Joe's band NERV. You can also get it directly from him, via the excellent Iowa Hardcore blog, and you can blast the new NERV EP here. I assure you that this too, is awesome. Being set straight has never sounded so good.

26 September 2012


Iowa ain't a hotbed for hardcore killers. I came from Oklahoma, not exactly punk's ground zero, but Iowa? Shit is rough. Perhaps NERV are trying to go back in time and rewrite their state's hardcore legacy, and if that's the case then this demo is a great start. Screaming hardcore ripped right out of the backwards attitudes that dominated '80s Midwestern culture. This is teenage anger dished out in sub-minute bursts - addictive riffs bashed out at a frenetic pace and frustrated vocals barely keeping it together. The guitar leads alone make this worth the price of admission, nine songs in as many minutes. Maybe my opinions about hardcore in The Hawkeye State are worth reconsidering.

04 May 2011


An about face from yesterday's primitive thrash metal assault, but still no closer to the studded jacket wearing, pogo inducing insanity that keeps you coming back for more, I present you with 20+ minutes of glorious drum machine driven pop music. UTOPIA PARK are from Iowa, and create this wonderful soaring sound that takes me back to Restless-era FLAMING LIPS while reminding me how I felt when I first heard ANDREW W.K. without doing anything in particular to sound like either. It's hard to take them seriously, but it's also hard to not get into I find it easiest to not resist. Special award for the weirdest MISFITS cover I've ever heard.