03 October 2010


Sweden's IDENTITY existed during that perceived hardcore void from late '80s to early '90s, a time that the closed minded claim produced no bands worth listening to. The closed minded are wrong, and IDENTITY is a prime example - this is the standard to which modern "melodic hardcore" should be held. Brilliant tuneful guitar leads throughout and hooks that border on melancholy, while the music blasts onward with few breaks in tempo ("Can I Really Trust Your Words?" is about as mid tempo as they get, and the kids could still pit to that one pretty easily). I picked up an EP in a bargain bin years ago on the recommendation of a fastcore obsessed buddy who said this was one of the only melodic bands he liked, and after I got over the surprise at Mr. Blastbeat suggesting what is basically a pop punk record I fell in love with the jams. This 1990 demo is rawer and rougher than the records (all of which are worth buying, and can usually be had for cheap, because no one cares), none of the charm is lost. If I were to try to make a bridge between mid-era HÜSKER DÜ and PROPAGANDHI's Less Talk, More Rock, I would make it out of these songs. It might be hard to get people to dance across it with me, but those who joined me on that bridge would have a really good time.


kf eldsjäl said...

Jögga from Identity later was in the band First In Line that was active during the 90´s first half. The started to play about 2006 again and you can listen to it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mgv7_CRnMY

In the 90´s they did a 7" and a split 7" on Bridge of Compasion. The split ep was with Backside Lkpg

F.I.L are one of the best bands from this region and they will have a track or two on a new comp Lp over bands from this region...

Halifax Collect said...

Are they from the States? Which city?

the wizard said...

They were from Sweden...and thanks for all of the post-IDENTITY band information, I'm stoked to check it out!

evilbuttmunkeh said...

i posted the ep a bit back, one of my favourite 7" back in the day (still is) but never found anything else by them so big thanks for this one.
and halifax learn to read "Sweden's IDENTITY"...

the wizard said...

ButtMonkey...I love the EP, and recv'd my digital file from you, kind sir. But go easy - our dear friend Halifax is from Iceland!
::Hi Birkir::

Slobodan Burgher said...

Oh shit, I love this band!!! Also score PUNKS IS HIPPIES for some obscure IDENTITY interviews in Spanish fanzines.

Anonymous said...

It was me, Peter who runs the KBD blog, drummer in Raped Teenagers now in PUSRAD on guitar, Löken the bas player from Rövsvett on drums, Patrik and Jögga now in FIL bas and guitar and David who now does remixes in Punks Jumps Up who made up Identity. In the beginning Packe of Raped T. sang for awhile.

ScreamingInChurches said...

Hi, I was hoping you could replace this link with a working one.

Thanks in advance!

the wizard said...


mk11 said...

We (peaceful califlower) did a split 7" with them in around '91, recorded in Switzerland in my friend's basement and released on Barcelona's B-Core. I probably have a master somewhere. (and hi, Peter...)