
Black Friday strikes at Amazon warehouses in Italy and Germany

The CGIL, Italy's biggest trade union confederation, Cisl, Uil and Ugl have called for a strike on Friday at Amazon’s main distribution hub, following a failure to negotiate bonuses with the company.

Dead fascist poets society: why CasaPound are no book club

The liberal commentariat seems to be completely unable to resist the allure of the far-right. The latest example: an article on Literary Hub that portrays violent neo-fascist gang CasaPound as some sort of edgy poetry club.

Down with the Bourgeois Republic! Down with Its Constitution! – Amadeo Bordiga

An article from 1947 by Amadeo Bordiga in which he discusses the debate over the constitution of the new Italian republic, the role of religion and secularism in Italian history, the opportunism of the Communist Party, “conformism” in Italian politics, the incompatibility of religion and socialism, the idolatry of the “sacred and inviolable” rights of the “Individual”, the fraud of political decentralization (which he correctly saw as opening the door of politics to the Mafia), the “demagogic appeal to labor” in modern “totalitarian” ideologies (the goal of the workers movement is “a society founded not on labor, but on consumption”), the illusion of self-management, etc.

Giuseppe Pinelli - Death of an Anarchist

A radio interview by the BBC History Hour program on the death of the Anarchist Railway worker Giuseppe Pinelli and a discussion of the Strategy of Tension period of Italian politics.

Reflections on the Counsel of Clowns, Anarchists and Social Movements

Ex-Caserma Liberata

Ex-Caserma Liberata thought it had something to learn from my movie but I knew the real reason I was in Bari, Italy was to learn from Ex-Caserma Liberata.


Parable of the good boss, the good unionist, and the wicked worker


Until Victory: film about struggles in Italy's meat industry

Picket at Levoni plant in Modena/Italy

New film about the struggle of workers organized in SI Cobas in the meat industry in Modena, Italy, in the winter of 2016/17. The material was filmed almost exclusively by workers and supporters themselves with their smartphones. It gives an impression of the physical violence and brutality perpetrated against superexploited workers.

Solidarity strikers accuse bosses of blacklisting in Bologna

Riot police block locked out warehouse workers in Bologna last week.

After days of being locked out of their warehouse for showing solidarity with colleagues on strike in Carpiano, workers at SDA Bologna are being allowed back in based on a list, which the union says is targeting their members.

Workers stabbed and hit by car as pro-boss mob attacks picket

Picket outside the Carpiano SDA warehouse.

One worker was stabbed and another hit by a car as a group of striking workers outside an SDA warehouse in Carpiano, near Milan, was ambushed last night by a group of over 100 attackers armed with knives and metal bars.

Photo gallery: warehouse workers' strike spreads across Italy

Image gallery of the strikes in Italy's warehouses, which have spread from one warehouse in Carpiano, just outside Milan, to warehouses at several cities across the country. Images taken from the SI Cobas Facebook page.