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Nick McKenzie
Investigative journo . politics/business/nat sec/foreign affairs/etc. Secure tips: signal/w’app:+61401877402
Nick McKenzie retweeted
Rory Medcalf Sep 19
A lot of the commentary on the US-China ‘trade war’ misses the point that US concerns over Chinese compulsory transfer of technology were a major cause of this, not a side factor or afterthought
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Eryk Bagshaw Sep 18
Wow. The Federal Court has upheld an appeal by Unique International College, which earned $60 million while enrolling 3,600 students to courses run above a $2 shop in Granville. Only 2.4 per cent graduated. The bench found it did not have a system of "unconscionable conduct."
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Bevan Shields Sep 18
Breaking and exclusive story from : HMS Endeavour has been found. Formal announcement to be made Friday, followed by an attempt to excavate it
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Paul Barry Sep 18
Read this and weep. Australia's media moguls plotting who should be PM. Important story from and
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Quentin Dempster Sep 16
Congratulations to for The Transparency Project - searchable data bases exposing slush funding and influence peddling practices. Now .. onwards to a National Integrity Commission (federal ICAC) to help restore trust in government.
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Sally Neighbour Sep 12
More than 4,000 Australians responded to the ABC's biggest ever crowd-sourced investigation. The result is a 2-part special report on the state of aged care in Australia, 'Who Cares', next on
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Bill Browder Sep 13
Pussy Riot member Pyotr Verzilov in critical condition in Moscow toxicology unit suffering from suspected poisoning. Hospital won’t allow his mother to see him. He’s a Canadian citizen (in addition to Russian), which will become significant in his case
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Bevan Shields Sep 10
. is calling on Peter Dutton to withdraw the remark in Parliament. He claims the minister accused him of "the criminal offence of sexual grooming".
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Mark Baker Sep 10
Proud to honour the great Micky Gordon with a project to enable the kind of journalism he did so well and we need so much
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
John Sipher Sep 10
"The goal is no longer to deny or disprove an official version of events, it is to flood the zone with so many competing versions that nothing seems to make sense."
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
David Capie Sep 9
Ignore the headline below, this is an interesting read on the battle between soft and sharp power...
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Michael Bachelard Sep 7
Wow. What really happens in the immigration system. With added au pairs. By R. Quadvlieg via
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Kate McClymont Sep 5
The plot thickens: Help for a 'friend': former border force chief Roman Quaedvlieg enters with some explosive evidence in the Peter Dutton au pair scandal via
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Rafael Epstein Sep 5
From frmr Border Force Chief, on Nauru "a refugee woman had just tried to immolate herself with cooking kerosene" "the hospital was in veritable ruin.. primal screams from the burns victim.. I wondered why morphine had not yet been administered to relieve her pain."
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Caro Meldrum-Hanna Sep 5
So I’ve been off the grid for a little while. This is why! A new investigative documentary series coming at you from & 3 weeks and counting. Epic team. Something different. Take a peak:
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Kasie Hunt Sep 4
BOB WOODWARD quotes John Kelly in his new book as saying of POTUS: “He’s an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in Crazytown. I don’t even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I’ve ever had.” Via
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Katharine Murphy Sep 3
Good grief. Journalism is about resisting a retreat to enclaves. It's about getting people out of them, and debating ideas, in civil and rational fashion. If it's all enclaves, we might as well give it away. We aren't helping. We are making things worse.
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Royce Millar Sep 3
Matthew Guy paid out millions in public money because he feared losing his job. So say documents tabled by Andrews govt on Ventnor planning saga. Our story this morning. via
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Tasmanian AFL Team Sep 1
RETWEET if you support the Tasmanian Devils being in the AFL! Let’s have a bit of fun and see how many we can get!
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Justin Stevens Sep 1
Worth a read - Obama’s McCain Eulogy
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Linton Besser Aug 31
The point is that in practice the defo act now serves to protect the powerful and wealthy against valid journalistic scrutiny. There’s no worse blight on freedom of the press in Australia
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Peter Greste Aug 31
At a time when so many things feel wrong in the world, comes a reminder that good news is still possible. Egyptian journalist Abdullahi Fakharany is free after 5 years in prison!!
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Sky News Australia Aug 31
: The White House has confirmed that US President has cancelled his planned November visit to Australia. MORE TO COME:
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Sophie McNeill Aug 31
Pathetically weak statement by that gives credibility to the sham court process James Ricketson has endured. Once again kowtows to Hun Sen’s regime. Imagine how James Ricketson’s children feel reading this from our FM
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Chris Uhlmann Aug 31
I worked with my friend Nick McKenzie every step of the way on this report, so am equally responsible for it and stand by every word. When we are done, and there is still some way yet to run, we need to chat about Australia’s defamation laws.
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Liam Cochrane Aug 30
There is no polite way of saying this: This case and this judgment is a farce. Cambodia has embarrassed itself. Australia, your move.
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
John Garnaut Aug 30
Valuable contribution from : The new government should prioritise ensuring that Australians live free of fear of Chinese government or Communist Party couldn’t be clearer that China’s and Australia’s human rights realities are increasingly intertwined.
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
David Crowe Aug 30
Peter Dutton acted on request from former police colleague to allow au pair into the country:
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
Alex Ellinghausen Aug 29
Last thursday - Liberal MP Julia Banks changes seats as Peter Dutton takes his seat near her, to sit next to PM Turnbull, who lost the Prime Ministership the following day
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Nick McKenzie retweeted
The Cathy Wilcox Aug 28
Dutton’s friends. My cartoon.
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