Plain Words #4 is Out: Anarchist Counter-Information From #Bloomington, #Indiana

Plain Words #4, Winter 2017/2018. Anarchist Counter-Information From Bloomington, Indiana.


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#Montreal #Antifa: Balancesheet on the November 25 Counterdemonstration in #Québec

The joint La Meute/Storm Alliance demonstration of November 25, 2017 promised to be the largest far-right mobilization in Québec since the 1930s. The organizers anticipated a thousand people turning out to denounce the Commission publique contre le racisme systémique, which, ironically, the Liberal government cancelled on October 18.[1] At the end of the day, even the two groups and their allies from the nationalist groupuscules, the Three Percenters, the Northern Guard, and the boneheads from the Soldiers of Odin and Atalante only collectively reached half that number (300 to 400 max). Nonetheless, this mobilization could still mark a qualitative and symbolic watershed for the fascist drift in the province—a drift that police forces are more openly supporting, and in which many “mainstream” political actors are complicit.


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The #Barcelona Interview Series: – Negres Tempestes About the Regime of 78: „It Was Not a Transition, It Was a Transaction“

This the second interview of our „Barcelona Interview Series“. On November 18, 2017, we spoke with anarchist comrade Xavi (name changed) of the Negres Tempestes collective in Barcelona, about the so-called Catalan process.


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The Limits of Hegemony

Review of Jonathan M. Smucker, Hegemony How-To: A Roadmap for Radicals. How can we build an effective popular movement to change society? That is the subject of this book, which has been widely praised. In my opinion, it has important and profoundly true things to say, but is politically unbalanced and mistaken in certain ways.


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#SanFrancisco December 16: Counter Protest Against “March Against Sanctuary Cities”

We got word that there will be a March Against Sanctuary Cities, and Against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate after he was acquitted of all murder charges against him.


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#Germany: Cops Attacked #Antifa Blockades With Water Canons by 0 Celsius

Riot cops attacked several antifa blockades against the party conference of the fascist AFD party in Hannover, Germany earlier today. One person was transferred in a hospital and became emergency surgery because of an open fracture on his leg. The antifa protests started with a demonstration last night.


Image: German riot cops attacked antifa blockades with water canons by 0 celsius earlier today. Image by Twitter account @infozentrale

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#AvakirinaKomin: Building the Internationalist Commune of #Rojava

In the beginning of 2017 we established the bases of Internationalist Commune of Rojava, working and organizing a new generation of internationalism to challenge capitalist modernity. Since then, different people from several places had been working on this project, sharing perspective, ideas, and practical work, making the internationalist commune grow in a physical and in a ideological way. In this months, we learned better which is our place in Rojava, how we can support to expand this revolution, and how we can organize ourselves for fulfill our duties as internationationalists in this revolution.


Image by The Internationalist Commune.

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Worldwide: Call for a Black December!

Call for a black December.


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Statement: Cops Raided #Olympia Blockade

Statement by Olympia Stand about yesterdays raid against the blockade in Olympia.


Image: Militarized cops raided the Olympia blockade yesterday. Image by Twitter account @Olystand

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The #Olympia Communard, Issue #1

The Olympia Communard, Issue #1


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