
Scott Pruitt, built his political career by attacking clean-air and clean-water rules. He is now endangering the legacy of the E.P.A.

The agency’s administrator is tearing down environmental protections that his organization should be championing.

While our president has been busy playing golf and tweeting about LaVar Ball, China has been creating a cashless society, where people can pay for so many things with just a swipe of their phones, writes Thomas L. Friedman.

For instance, India can teach us the power of digitized data.
Live Illustration of First U.S. Presidential Debate 2016
Chris Christie Argues with New Jersey Voter
Diana Nyad on Sexual Assault

The female falcon wheels into view 100 feet over Edmonton International Airport. She is majestic, graceful and resolute. She is also a machine.

Some airports are testing “Robirds” to help protect both humans and birds in the air.

By late 1963 Robert McNamara had ceased to be — if he ever was — a true believer on Vietnam, writes Fredrik Logevall.

How much blame does the whiz-kid defense secretary deserve for Vietnam?

North Korea fired a ballistic missile today. In the fall, Nicholas Kristof and other journalists from the Opinion section visited North Korea to understand whether war was inevitable. Here's what they found out.

Traveling to the world’s most isolated country, we found a nation furious with President Trump, and primed for nuclear war.

Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle describe how they became engaged.

In an op-ed today, Irenosen Okojie asks: Can Meghan Markle save the monarchy?

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North Korea fired a ballistic missile for the first time in more than two months. Do you think this raises the stakes in an already tense standoff with the U.S.?

The Trump tax plan would hurt the poor and middle class, writes David Leonhardt. Here’s how the bill’s defenders are selling it.

The Republican bill bears little resemblance to meaningful tax reform.

Despite all his talk about fairness and the need to stand up for ordinary working people, Donald J. Trump has little to offer his core constituency.

U.S. workers are an afterthought.

This powerful slogan can be exploited to hurt us, writes Bari Weiss. Exhibit A: Roy Moore’s false accuser.

The mantra creates terrible new problems in addition to solving old ones.

Prince Harry’s union with Meghan Markle has shaken to the core Britain’s ideas about who is entitled to a seat at the royal table.

I’m a black British woman who never cared about the royal family — until now.

America needs to come to terms with substantial evidence that the president is in thrall to a foreign power, writes Michelle Goldberg.

There is ample evidence the president is not working for America first.

If you work for a large institution in the U.S., it's common to get some training in appropriate behavior toward staff. But not if you're a lawmaker in Congress -- and that's a reason sexual misconduct is likely far more prevalent within its doors than even settlement figures suggest.

A system for settling sexual harassment complaints against lawmakers puts the burden on victims, and taxpayers.

Does the gap between morality and the moralists reveal an ugly hypocrisy behind all religion?

It depends if it’s being used for self-education or an ego boost for believers.

"This tax legislation is a trainwreck," writes Dean in a comment on David Leonhardt's column, "Will These Senators Live Up to Their Own Principles?"

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Donald J. Trump's budget cuts for the State Department and his attitude toward our diplomats and diplomacy threaten to dismantle the Foreign Service when we need it most.

The Trump administration’s proposed deep budget cuts to the State Department and failure to fill key diplomatic posts threaten the country’s security.