- published: 06 Mar 2013
- views: 177157
HV-016 is a former military unit of Norway, that was a part of the Home Guard. It was established after 1985 to "stop terror- or sabotage actions that could weaken or paralyze Norway's ability to mobilize its military and its ability to resist".
Formed in 1987 as a result of the possible threat posed by the Russian Spetsnaz, HV-016 (also informally known as HV-SPES) was an elite unit of the Norwegian Home Guard. The unit had detachments based in the 4 largest cities in Norway; Oslo, Trondheim, Bergen and Stavanger. Not a special forces unit per se, as the operators are not full-time employed in the unit, but it does participate in numerous exercises throughout the course of a year.
When the Home Guard was re-structured in 2005, HV-016 was made part of the newly formed I-Styrken, or Innsatsstyrken (En.: Intervention Force).
The unit was disbanded by the Norwegian government in September 2010.
HV-016 specialized in close protection of key military personnel and assets, CQB (Close Quarter Battle), and direct, offensive action.
Grim Tales is a British children's television program based on fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, featuring Rik Mayall as the storyteller dressed in his pyjamas and dressing gown. The twenty-two episodes were broadcast on ITV from 1989 to 1991,The series is rated TV-14 the released on video and audio cassette, with the slightly different title Grimm Tales.
Mayall tells the tales in his own inimitable way from his armchair, designed by David Barrington Holt, complete with paws and ostrich legs. The set was designed by building designer Julian Cripps. The Stories are almost all interspersed with animation, often fairly abstract, and are directed by Bob Baldwin, with music by composed by Ged Haney & arranged by Clive Bell.
The stories were adapted by Anne Caulfield and Anthony Horowitz.
Oggy 016 --new 2013
Bernard Bear 016
Minecraft SCP Containment Breach SCP-016
MENTOR365 #016 ¿Cómo es tu negocio ideal?
Factorio 016 Modular Megabase - E13 CAN IT BE BELTED
Honda Dream 016
No Relax 016
MIXTAPE | cypher 016 toneladas
Sentient Micro-Organism (Minecraft SCP-016 animation)
2. | Rafael Valente - 016 017 [R.I.C.O] (Prod. LR Beats)
Factorio 016 Modular Megabase - E12 EXHAUSTING MATH
FINDING PARADISE 🌟 016: Auseinanderleben ist ein schleichender Schatten
FIFA 18 ⚽️ 016: FAME oder FAMILIE?
Hardwell On Air: Off The Record 016 - LIVE @ Cafe Mambo Ibiza, 20 Aug 2017
GRIM TALES 9 👴 016: Kein Knoppers, keine BIFI? Kein Kühlschrank!
Factorio 016 Modular Megabase - E09 EASTERN FRONT
une vie duraille
Scp-016 Keter http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-016
MENTOR365 #016: ¿Cómo es tu negocio ideal? Estamos condicionados para prestar atención a métricas del éxito "populares", como deportivos, casas espectaculares y grandes sumas de dinero. Escuchamos hablar de grandes ingresos y automáticamente asociamos éxito con dinero. Pero no escuchamos hablar del impacto de esas personas en sus comunidades ni en las vidas de sus clientes, empleados y socios. Pero hay más métricas válidas. La empresa que quieres no tiene por qué definirse por sus ingresos... #MENTOR365 es el vlog diario con tips, consejos, reflexiones y acciones a realizar diariamente, durante 365 días. Mira las notas del episodio, revisa otros episodios y recibe información de altísimo valor, básica para tu éxito empresarial en https://institutodeemprendedores.org Conoce el ...
Factorio 0.16 "Vanilla" series with Biters at maximum difficulty - Modular Megabase with separate isolated rocket factories - Continue from my previous "Bugs everywhere" series - Manage Biters at max difficulty with Artillery Trains - Playing a pure vanilla game (no mods at all) Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Nilaus Discord: https://discord.gg/HtFp6dP Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChristianNilaus Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nilaus Playlist to start from the beginning: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV3rF--heRVvtrM3Qr7qQtucT63-B8zko Playlist of the "Bugs everywhere" from the beginning: https://youtu.be/A3gbqTiUtNw Blueprints available in my profile on FactorioPrints https://factorioprints.com/user/4POMqXHwmtatNNqubcNRuFoCYml2 Mods: None
Ficha Técnica: #CYPHER016TONELADAS Essa Cypher foi idealizada por Paulo Percepção – Sertãozinho/SP 016 e pela produtora Black Box Beatz – Ribeirão Preto/SP 016 Mixagem/Masterização/Produção: Black Box Beatz Gravações de voz: Zap Rap (Indynho Pscodélico), Made In Rua (Juninho Pagliatto), Ynmspiração Produtora (Bruno Terra), Dezin FNP, Correra Record's (Lincoln Rossi) Instrumentais: Boom Bap Session I – Produção: Black Box Beatz (Ribeirão Preto/SP) Riddim Session II – Produção: Fred Gomes e Chin Dub (Araraquara/SP 016) Boom Bap Session III – Produção: NomadeBeatz (Araraquara/SP 016) Trap Session IV – Produção: Dalle Xavi (Araçatuba/SP 018) Gabriel Siqueira: Captação e edição de vídeo Imagens Drone: Carlos Eduardo França (Janela) Artes Gráficas e Ilustrações: Gabriel Henriques...
Used to be a Scp-008 animation remake SCP Containment Breach minecraft) sub to him Zack Atomic) sub to him For "COPY" haters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGCb6t5dOEk
#AQuartaEra Em uma atmosfera de busca, de imersão nos próprios sentimentos e novas ideias a respeito de si mesmo e do mundo, Rafael Valente vem sem um pseudônimo em Vermelho, seu novo trabalho autoral e totalmente independente. Segundo Rafael, o “Valente” é como um personagem caricato, o lado sujo, caótico, pesado, agressivo, obscuro e de certa forma, insano do Rafael. Assim, o Valente encontra no “Trap” a forma para extravasar tudo o que sente, sem medo de repressão. Já em Vermelho, Rafael volta às suas origens, dos motivos que o levaram a escrever suas rimas, com tudo o que o rodeava no início de tudo. E agora, acrescido da bagagem e da experiência que o Valente lhe proporcionou. Nesse sentido, através de um jogo de metáforas sobre igualdade, preconceito, críticas à sociedade, Verme...
Factorio 0.16 "Vanilla" series with Biters at maximum difficulty - Modular Megabase with separate isolated rocket factories - Continue from my previous "Bugs everywhere" series - Manage Biters at max difficulty with Artillery Trains - Playing a pure vanilla game (no mods at all) Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Nilaus Discord: https://discord.gg/HtFp6dP Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChristianNilaus Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nilaus Playlist to start from the beginning: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV3rF--heRVvtrM3Qr7qQtucT63-B8zko Playlist of the "Bugs everywhere" from the beginning: https://youtu.be/A3gbqTiUtNw Blueprints available in my profile on FactorioPrints https://factorioprints.com/user/4POMqXHwmtatNNqubcNRuFoCYml2 Mods: None
🈲 EVIL WITHIN 2: http://grnk.yt/evil-within-2 🈲 EVIL WITHIN 2 kaufen: http://amzn.to/2yhgF97 * 🈲 EVIL WITHIN 1: http://grnk.yt/evil-within ···················································································· Über THE EVIL WITHIN 2 The Evil Within 2 von Genre-Meister Shinji Mikami erhebt die preisgekrönte Reihe mit einer einzigartigen Mischung aus psychologischem Nervenkitzel und echtem Survival-Horror in neue Höhen. Sebastian hat alles verloren, auch seine geliebte Tochter Lily. Doch die mysteriöse Organisation Mobius – obgleich verantwortlich für sein Leid – bietet ihm die Gelegenheit, sein tot geglaubtes Kind zu retten. Erlösung ist jedoch nur tief im Inneren des STEM zu finden. ···················································································· «TH...
🌟 FINDING PARADISE Folgen: http://grnk.yt/finding-paradise 🌟 Selber spielen: http://store.steampowered.com/app/337340/ 🌟 TO THE MOON: http://grnk.yt/to-the-moon ···················································································· WEITERE SPIELE DER REIHE: - To the Moon: http://grnk.yt/to-the-moon - A Bird Story: http://grnk.yt/a-bird-story ···················································································· Über FINDING PARADISE: Dr. Rosalene und Dr. Watts haben besondere Jobs: Sie geben sterbenden Menschen eine neue Chance zu Leben, ganz von Anfang an... aber nur im Kopf der Patienten. Das neue Leben soll das Letzte sein, an was die Patienten sich erinnern, bevor sie den letzten Atemzug tun. Deswegen findet der Eingriff nur am Sterbebett statt, um de...
Label and copyright: Vasilis produkcija Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
⚽️ FIFA 18 Folgen: http://grnk.yt/fifa-18 ⚽️ FIFA 18 spielen: http://amzn.to/2hl09Ni * ⚽️ Keine Folge verpassen: http://grnk.yt/abo ···················································································· Über FIFA 18: Mit der Power von Frostbite verwischt EA SPORTS FIFA 18 die Trennlinie zwischen der virtuellen und der realen Welt und erweckt die Spieler, die Teams und die emotionsgeladene Atmosphäre des Fußballs zum Leben. Bewegen Sie sich mit der Real Player Motion Technology, um Dramatische Momente zu erleben, in denen sich die Packende Atmosphäre der echten Fußballwelt widerspiegelt. Und gehen Sie auf eine weltweite Reise mit einer Reihe an Stars und Topspielern in The Journey: Hunter Returns. In FIFA Ultimate Team halten mit FUT ICONS Stars wie Ronaldo und andere Fußba...
Full tracklist & QUE's: http://1001.tl/2j7b1q01 Join the 'Off The Record' Spotify Playlist! → https://revr.ec/HWL-OTR Subscribe the Hardwell On Air Podcast: http://hwl.dj/HOAPODCAST For more info check: http://www.djhardwell.com http://www.facebook.com/djhardwell http://www.twitter.com/hardwell http://www.soundcloud.com/hardwell http://www.instagram.com/hardwell
⭐️ S U B S C R I B E ⭐️ http://bit.ly/VlogsWithPia 🌴 In this vlog, we head to Spell in Byron Bay, visit the girls at the Missguided Combi, do a photoshoot for Aguila Beer and head to Splendour in the Grass! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 😻 GET SOCIAL WITH ME! MY BLOG - https://www.piamuehlenbeck.com.au TWITTER - https://twitter.com/piamuehlenbeck INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/piamuehlenbeck FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/piamuehlenbeck.verified SNAPCHAT - http://www.snapchat.com/add/piamuehlenbeck MY STORE - http://www.slinkii.com 🐵 GET SOCIAL WITH KANE! :) INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/kane_vato SNAPCHAT - http://www.snapchat.com/add/kanevato FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/Kane.Vato.Photography ----------------------...
👴 GRIM TALES 9 Folgen: http://grnk.yt/grim-tales-9 👴 GRIM TALES selber spielen: http://amzn.to/2AUkjab * 👴 Mehr Wimmelbild Let's Plays: http://grnk.yt/wimmel ···················································································· WEITERE SPIELE DER REIHE: Grim Tales 1: Die Braut ► http://grnk.yt/grim-tales-1 Grim Tales 2: Das Vermächtnis ► http://grnk.yt/grim-tales-2 Grim Tales 3: Gefährliche Wünsche ► http://grnk.yt/grim-tales-3 Grim Tales 4: Die Steinkönigin ► http://grnk.yt/grim-tales-4 Grim Tales 5: Bloody Mary ► http://grnk.yt/grim-tales-5 Grim Tales 6: Die Vergeltung ► http://grnk.yt/grim-tales-6 Grim Tales 7: Farben des Grauens ► http://grnk.yt/grim-tales-7 Grim Tales 8: Zu Unrecht Verdächtigt ► http://grnk.yt/grim-tales-8 ···········································...
Factorio 0.16 "Vanilla" series with Biters at maximum difficulty - Modular Megabase with separate isolated rocket factories - Continue from my previous "Bugs everywhere" series - Manage Biters at max difficulty with Artillery Trains - Playing a pure vanilla game (no mods at all) Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Nilaus Discord: https://discord.gg/HtFp6dP Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChristianNilaus Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nilaus Playlist to start from the beginning: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV3rF--heRVvtrM3Qr7qQtucT63-B8zko Playlist of the "Bugs everywhere" from the beginning: https://youtu.be/A3gbqTiUtNw Blueprints available in my profile on FactorioPrints https://factorioprints.com/user/4POMqXHwmtatNNqubcNRuFoCYml2 Mods: None
IMMOBILIER QUAND ALLER VOIR UN FISCALISTE [2018 : 016] ►GRATUIT http://bit.ly/2i5ym2n "MindMap IMMO de A à Z" ⇩⇩⇩ PLUS D'INFOS ⇩⇩⇩ 🎯 MES 3 BONUS GRATUITS : ►"Les 7 étapes vers la réussite immobilière" http://bit.ly/28TKlyO ►"Rendements locatifs des 50 villes de France" http://bit.ly/2euBQh4 ►"MindMap d'un investissement de A à Z" http://bit.ly/2i5ym2n 🏫 MON BLOG IMMO ► http://apprendre-investissement-immobilier.fr 🚀 FORMATIONS ► Formation LOUEZ EN MEUBLÉ : http://bit.ly/2a8aUNC ► Besoin d'aller plus loin : http://bit.ly/1ODYZbb ► Formation BOOSTEZ votre CASH-FLOW http://bit.ly/1PPwl6Y ► Formation 0€ d'IMPOTS : http://bit.ly/0eurosIMPOTS ► Formation STRATEGIE DE REPORT de Crédit http://bit.ly/report-de-credit-immo 👥 COACHING IMMO PERSO ► Besoin d'un Accompagnement : http:...