2 December 2017

Guilty plea by Trump’s former national security adviser Flynn intensifies US political crisis

By Bill Van Auken, 2 December 2017

There are powerful sections of the ruling class that want to push Trump out, and with Flynn they appear to have obtained plenty of ammunition.

Canada adopts anti-Russia Magnitsky Act

Democrat Mark Warner auditions for the role of grand inquisitor in the anti-Russia campaign

Campaign builds for grand coalition in Germany

By Peter Schwarz, 2 December 2017

A new installment of the grand coalition would pursue a much more aggressive right-wing agenda than the previous governments.

German Left Party calls for rapid formation of new government

German political establishment and big business call for grand coalition government

UK government rocked by Trump’s fascistic twitter postings

By Robert Stevens, 2 December 2017

Following Trump’s unprecedented public attack on the Prime Minister, the alliance between the two countries has never been shakier.

Trump retweets fascist anti-Muslim videos from Britain

More on the Trump presidency »

Acclaimed Australian actor Geoffrey Rush becomes the latest witch-hunt victim

By James Cogan, 2 December 2017

The Murdoch media is circulating unsubstantiated allegations, made by an unidentified individual, in an attempt to destroy Rush’s career.

US sexual witch-hunt
NBC’s “Today” co-anchor Matt Lauer and “Prairie Home Companion” creator Garrison Keillor latest to be purged

Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi demands Representative John Conyers resign over harassment claims

At Abidjan summit, EU and France intensify neo-colonial scramble for Africa

By Francis Dubois, 2 December 2017

Faced with the disastrous results of the imperialist wars in Libya and the Sahel, the European Union is proposing to intensify its neo-colonialist and military interventions.

France intensifies intervention in West Africa with launch of Sahel G5 force

French president travels to Saudi Arabia amid danger of war with Iran

Canada to co-host meeting with US to prepare for war with North Korea

By Roger Jordan, 2 December 2017

References to a negotiated settlement are for public consumption alone, with the Trudeau government well aware that a conflict on the Korean peninsula is deeply unpopular.

Trump administration escalates threat to “utterly destroy” North Korea

More on the war threat against North Korea »

US federal prosecutors rely on ultra-right propagandist group’s recordings in trial of inauguration day protesters

By Nick Barrickman, 2 December 2017

The federal government’s use of material from Project Veritas in its case against anti-Trump demonstrators further signifies the Trump administration’s reliance on far-right forces.

First round of trials begin for 194 charged in anti-Trump inauguration day protests

One in 25 people homeless in some areas of England

By Dennis Moore, 2 December 2017

A new study by the homeless charity Shelter shows widespread and pervasive homelessness across the UK, with an additional 13,000 without accommodation in the last year alone.

Intelligence agency involved in latest Australian “terror” scare

By Richard Phillips, 2 December 2017

ASIO’s involvement raises questions about the long record of the police and intelligence agencies seeking to recruit and manipulate vulnerable young men.

Leader of Barcelona terror attack was Spanish intelligence informant

Trump uses New York terror attack to call for restrictions on immigration and democratic rights

New in German

Wachsender Druck für Große Koalition

Peter Schwarz, 2. Dezember 2017

Eine Neuauflage der Großen Koalition würde einen weit aggressiveren rechten Kurs verfolgen als die bisherigen Regierungen von Union und SPD.

Trump-Regierung droht erneut, Nordkorea „vollständig zu vernichten“

Joseph Kishore, 2. Dezember 2017

Die USA haben ihre Planungen für eine Militäroperation gegen Nordkorea fast abgeschlossen. Ihre Umsetzung könnte zu Millionen Todesopfern führen.

Streiks bei Amazon in Deutschland und Italien

Anna Rombach und Marianne Arens, 2. Dezember 2017

Die Streiks und Aktionen bei Amazon in Italien, Deutschland, Frankreich und Polen beleuchten erneut die Dringlichkeit einer internationalen und sozialistischen Strategie.

New in French

Au sommet d’Abidjan, Macron et l’UE intensifient l’intervention néocolonialiste en Afrique

Francis Dubois, 2 décembre 2017

Face aux résultats désastreux des guerres impérialistes en Libye et au Sahel, l'UE propose une intensification cette politique militariste et néocolonialiste.

Le gouvernement Trump aggrave sa menace de « détruire complètement » la Corée du Nord

Joseph Kishore, 2 décembre 2017

Les Etats-Unis sont déjà bien avancés dans la préparation d’une opération militaire contre la Corée du Nord, qui, si elle est mise à l’exécution, mettrait en péril de millions de vies.

La présidente sortante de la Réserve fédérale veut rassurer les marchés, tout en mettant en garde contre la crise de la dette et les inégalités sociales

Nick Beams, 2 décembre 2017

Alors que les marchés boursiers sont en plein essor et qu’une nouvelle bulle financière pointe à l’horizon, la présidente sortante de la Réserve fédérale américaine, Janet Yellen, a fait sa dernière apparition devant le Congrès.

Nous sommes des êtres humains, pas des esclaves ou des animaux
Un reportage d'un journal britannique décrit la super-exploitation des employés d'Amazon

Robert Stevens et John Newham, 2 décembre 2017

Un journaliste du Sunday Mirror a conduit une enquête secrète de cinq semaines dans un centre de traitement d'Amazon à Tilsbury.

New in Spanish

Gobierno de Trump doblega amenaza de “destruir totalmente” a Corea del Norte

Por Joseph Kishore, 2 diciembre 2017

Estados Unidos está en una etapa avanzada de planeamiento para alguna forma de operación militar contra Corea del Norte, la cual pondría en peligro millones de vidas.

Ante temores por inestabilidad financiera
Presidenta saliente de la Reserva Federal busca reasegurar a mercados pero advierte sobre deuda y desigualdad social

Por Nick Beams, 2 diciembre 2017

En medio de auges bursátiles y advertencias sobre una nueva burbuja financiera, Janet Yellen hizo su última aparición ante el Congreso.

Trump retuitea videos fascistas de Reino Unido contra musulmanes

Por Fred Mazelis, 2 diciembre 2017

La Casa Blanca está doblegando sus apelaciones a su base de fanáticos ultraderechistas y sentando las bases de un movimiento de masas fascista.

Other Languages


The US Senate tax bill: The financial oligarchy on the rampage

2 December 2017

There is an element of desperation in the frenzy in Washington to engineer one more transfusion of financial resources from working people into the sclerotic veins of the Wall Street addicts.

Earlier Perspectives »

Mehring Books

Tsar to Lenin - Centenary Edition DVD

Give the gift of the greatest documentary on the Russian Revolution, now subtitled in 15 languages. Available at Mehring Books for $10.95


IYSSE mounts campaign against university police censorship at University of California, Berkeley

By Evan Blake, 2 December 2017

Students registered opposition to the suppression of free speech and militarization of police by signing a petition and joining the International Youth and Students for Social Equality.

WSWS Arts Editor David Walsh at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor on December 5
Public meeting: What the Russian Revolution meant for modern art and culture

2 December 2017

David Walsh, arts editor of the WSWS, will be speaking at a meeting on December 5 to discuss the impact and influence of the Russian Revolution on art and culture, and its meaning today.

Oppose right-wing censorship at Leipzig University!

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 23 November 2017

Christian Democratic student association calls for the banning of the IYSSE at German universities

By Christoph Vandreier, 22 November 2017

International Youth and Students for Social Equality launches new website

6 November 2017

The IYSSE’s newly designed website includes an updated Statement of Principles for its US section. We urge all youth and students to join the IYSSE and take up the fight for socialism.

Arts Review

Roman J. Israel, Esq.: Rebel with a cause

By Joanne Laurier, 2 December 2017

Dan Gilroy’s Roman J. Israel, Esq. is a legal drama with an anti-establishment slant.

An interview with Iranian filmmaker Ali Asgari, co-director of The Silence and Disappearance
“The subjects that interest us are connected with social issues and the lack of equality”

By David Walsh, 30 November 2017

Radical Russia: Art, Culture and Revolution
How the Bolshevik Revolution saved avant-garde art

By Paul Mitchell, 30 November 2017

“The Bolshevik Revolution liberated art and artists”
Radical Russia: an interview with curator Peter Waldron

James Cameron’s 1997 film showing in the US for one week
What the WSWS said about Titanic 20 years ago
Why are the critics lauding Titanic?

By David Walsh, 29 November 2017

What the WSWS said about Titanic 20 years ago
Titanic as a social phenomenon


Senate races to pass Trump tax cut for corporate America

By Barry Grey, 1 December 2017

Graduate students protest Republican tax bill

The US tax bill: A massive handout to the financial elite

New York Times outlines Democrats’ “compromise” tax windfall for the rich

Undocumented workers in Houston face hazardous conditions and unpaid wages

By Trévon Austin, 1 December 2017

Hurricane Harvey three months on: Tens of thousands still homeless from worst natural disaster in US history

Ten weeks since Hurricane María: Scientists say real death toll in Puerto Rico over 1,000

Choreographed media fawning over Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

By Robert Stevens and Julie Hyland, 1 December 2017

Amid mounting fears of financial turmoil
Departing Fed chairwoman seeks to reassure markets while warning of debt crisis and social inequality

Warnings of new financial bubble as bitcoin price hits $10,000

Socialist Equality Party

Oppose Trudeau and Trump, the Canada-US alliance, and imperialist war!
For a working class counter-offensive based on socialist internationalism!|Part two

By SEP (Canada), 1 December 2017

Oppose Trudeau and Trump, the Canada-US alliance, and imperialist war!
For a working class counter-offensive based on socialist internationalism!|Part one

Free the Maruti Suzuki autoworkers
Indian ICFI supporters to hold a public meeting in Sriperumbudur

27 November 2017

Meeting of Grenfell Fire Forum in London on December 9

22 November 2017

Workers Struggles

Hyundai auto workers end strike, Sri Lankan bankworkers begin national protests
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

2 December 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

New Zealand: Socialist Equality Group holds meeting on Russian Revolution in Auckland

By our reporters, 30 November 2017

Russian television’s Trotsky serial: A degraded spectacle of historical falsification and anti-Semitism

By Fred Williams and David North, 25 November 2017

The eight-part serial is an exhibition of the political, intellectual and cultural depravity of all those involved in its production.

This week in the Russian Revolution
November 27-December 3: Soviet government steps up call for end to war

27 November 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

The Place of the October Revolution in World History and Contemporary Politics

By David North, 13 November 2017

On the Centenary of the October Revolution

By David North, 7 November 2017

Meetings in Newcastle and Brisbane on December 3
100 years on: The significance of the 1917 Russian Revolution for today

Autoworkers Struggles

Woodhaven Ford workers speak on still unexplained death of Jacoby Hennings

By Jerry White, 29 November 2017

“We have to make sure Jacoby Hennings didn’t die in vain”
Workers denounce scourge of suicides inside US auto plants

75 years since the release of Hollywood classic Casablanca
“And what if you track down these men and kill them? ... Even Nazis can’t kill that fast”

Death of Jacoby Hennings highlights UAW collusion with auto companies

More on auto worker struggles »

Google Censorship

Net neutrality and the drive to censor the internet

By Andre Damon, 25 November 2017

The conspiracy to censor the Internet

By Andre Damon and Joseph Kishore, 18 October 2017

The elites “have no credibility left:” An interview with journalist Chris Hedges

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

More on Google Censorship »

Book Review

The Republic For Which It Stands: The United States During Reconstruction and the Gilded Age, 1865-1896
Ida B. Wells, democratic rights, and lynch mob sexual assault accusations against African-Americans

By Eric London, 21 November 2017

The fight for the democratic rights of black men accused of rape is an essential issue highlighted by Richard White in his 941-page history of the post-Civil War period.

Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House
An insider’s view of the crisis-ridden Democratic Party

By Andre Damon, 20 November 2017

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon builds low-wage Maryland plant on ashes of largest steel mill in US

By Adam Soroka, 27 November 2017

Amazon announces new cloud to host “Secret” government data

By Evan Blake, 24 November 2017

House to vote on giving Amazon $53 billion deal to become main Pentagon supplier

By Evan Blake, 11 November 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

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