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Category:  Bible Stories

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Tracts Per Page: 10 All Page: 1 2 1 - 10 of 11 Results


Subject - Bible Stories

Through Adam and Eve, sin entered the world. Jesus is the only one who can remove it.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  
Empty Tomb, The

Subject - Bible Stories

The story of Christ's resurrection from the dead. Because of the empty tomb, Jesus is the only way to heaven.
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Other tracts related to: Basic Gospel   Older Children 

First Jaws, The

Subject - Bible Stories

God loved Nineveh enough to send Jonah to warn the city, and He loved us enough to send someone greater than Jonah to save us...Jesus!
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Greatest Story Ever Told

Subject - Bible Stories

Here's why Jesus really came to earth...from His birth to His resurrection.
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Other tracts related to: Christmas   Older Children 

Killer Storm

Subject - Bible Stories

God gave Noah a way to escape the flood. God made a way for you to escape the next judgment ... Jesus!
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Last Judge, The

Subject - Bible Stories

Samuel was a great judge. But he's nothing like that final judge we must all stand before. He knows everything we've ever done.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Miss Universe

Subject - Bible Stories

God sent Esther to deliver Israel. He sent His Son to deliver you! Will you accept Him?
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Outcast, The

Subject - Bible Stories

Rahab was saved because she trusted the Lord. He will save you, too, if you will call upon him.
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Passover Plot, The

Subject - Bible Stories

Through the story of the first Passover you will understand why Jesus was God's Passover Lamb to provide salvation for all.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Royal Affair, The

Subject - Bible Stories

When King David repented of his sin with Bathsheba, God forgave him. Repent, and God will forgive you, too!
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Other tracts related to: For Teens  


Subject - Bible Stories

After Andy`s truck fell into a sinkhole, he heard how God used a sinkhole to judge rebellious Korah.
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Other tracts related to: Basic Gospel  
Tracts Per Page: 10 All Page: 1 2 1 - 10 of 11 Results
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