Natasha Roth


Wherever I am, I'm always away. Writer and blogger at . Not interested in ideology.

Israel / Palestine
Bergabung Agustus 2010

@NatashaRoth01 diblokir

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  1. Syrian army close to cutting off the last access road to Aleppo

  2. me-Retweet

    Bad day for democracy in Israel. 3 Arab lawmakers suspended from Knesset, progress in bill to authorize indefinite suspensions of Guess Who?

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    1. A free and open media is the bedrock of a democratic society. Parliamentary sub-committee hearings accuse foreign media of bias.

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    BREAKING: Knesset Ethics Committee suspends Palestinian MKs Zoabi and Ghattas for four months, MK Zahalka for two months

  5. If you want people to live forever by the sword, revoke Palestinian peace activists' permits like Israel has

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    New web Series '' Satirizes the Birthright Experience via

  7. 1/3 of Israeli kids live below poverty line. Meanwhile, gov't is helping fund celeb VIP trips to Israel in PR move

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    Israel is a country where fundamentally illiberal policies are considered "moderate" while true equality is viewed as "extreme."

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    "These houses were once neighbors." My taxi driver shows Beit Hanina split apart by Israel's separation wall

  10. Israel doesn't just hem in Palestinian towns & cities in WB - it stifles natural growth inside the Green Line too

  11. Jewish politicians meet with terrorist families too - raises an excellent point via

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    Access to our office was temp disrupted by protestors today. After discussions w/concerned parties, all normal activities have resumed

  13. Red Cross in closes office due to violent protests

  14. Yes! One step closer to the world's first carbon neutral occupation!

  15. me-Retweet

    Only difference betw. Ayelet Shaked meeting w/ Duma suspects' families and Arab MKs meeting w/ terrorist familes is that former is in power

  16. P/t survey also shows that just over half of Palestinians in WB and Gaza now opposed to uprising, compared to 63% support in Nov. 2015

  17. New survey shows higher support for Fatah in Gaza than in West Bank

  18. Natasha Roth mengikuti , , dan
    • @JdeMaioICRC

      Head of Delegation in Israel and the occupied territories /

    • @AWRADPalestine

      AWRAD is an independent research center. AWRAD works in social political and economic research and development.

  19. This is too good

  20. me-Retweet

    After 74 day hunger strike in Israeli detention Palestinian journalist Mohammed Alqeeq reportedly loses consciousness, in critical condition

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