Natasha Roth


Wherever I am, I'm always away. Writer and blogger at . Not interested in ideology.

Israel / Palestine
Unit: agost de 2010

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  1. Israel accuses Hamas of misusing Gaza crossings, threatens to shut border

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  2. Why does the Oxford English Dictionary portray feminists as rabid? via

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  3. Retuitat per

    Flagship hasbara, Israel's gay-friendliness, transforms into predatory sexuality harassment if ur left-wing

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  4. Retuitat per

    Journalists protest for release of hunger striking Pal journalist in ad. detention

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada
  5. Culture Min. Miri Regev's next goal - to funnel millions more shekels to cultural institutions in the settlements

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  6. Retuitat per

    Historical inaccuracies are not new in Israeli educational curriculum. History of Palestinians & Mizrahim almost totally absent.

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  7. Homophobia, wedding protests and the Right's attempts to silence the Left in Israel

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada
  8. Retuitat per

    Who came out with homophobic statements against our executive director Yuli Novak and her partner?

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  9. כשהומופוביה משמשת ככלי לרדיפה פוליטית | שיחה מקומית via

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  10. Israel arrests activist who called for protests against house demolitions on Facebook

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  11. Retuitat per

    Eritreans in Israel harassed by spies and forced by embassy to pay 2% diaspora tax

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  12. Homophobia is being used as a tool to attack anti-occupation activists in Israel via

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  13. Retuitat per

    Brilliant and brave piece by the one and only

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  14. Retuitat per

    When homophobia becomes a tool for 's Right to persecute the Left by

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  15. Retuitat per

    Next up: Asylum seekers will get refugee status and Palestinians won't have to wait six hours at every checkpoint.

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  16. There! That wasn't so hard, was it? finally tweets in Arabic

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada
  17. Retuitat per

    . have just now communicated in Arabic for the 1st time since Christmas!

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  18. This warning doesn't seem to appear in Arabic, even though it's supposedly addressing 2.6mil Palestinians in the WB.

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada
  19. This warning doesn't seem to appear in Arabic, even though it's supposedly addressing 2.6mil Palestinians in the WB.

    Aquest tuit no està disponible.
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  20. Retuitat per

    The Jerusalem court once against decided to not extend the detention of the 2 leftist activists. Police will again appeal the decision.

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