
We hear from a Bristolian in the ongoing anti-fascist fight in Syria.

We hear from a Bristolian in the ongoing anti-fascist fight in Syria.

Today Raqqa was officially liberated by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The capital of the religious fascists, Daesh/ISIS is free and their dreams of Caliphate lie in ruins.

Bild könnte enthalten: eine oder mehrere Personen, Hut und im Freien
Bild könnte enthalten: 4 Personen, Personen, die lachen, im Freien

Anti-fascism , Jihadism and the Football Lads Alliance.…/anti-fascism-and-jihadi…/

The Football Lads Alliance (FLA) march in London last Saturday, saw large crowds (estimated between 5,000 to 20,000) gathered to protest Islamic extremism. The stated aim, at least from the organis…

Antifascists are taking direct action against religious fascists, fighting to clear Raqqa of Daesh/ISIS scum, meanwhile the UK government is making deals worth billions with the biggest supporter of jihadism worldwide, Saudi Arabia.

Bild könnte enthalten: 5 Personen, Personen, die stehen und im Freien

Anti-Fascism and Jihadism, a look at the aims of the FLA and how Anti-fascists combat Jihadism.

The Football Lads Alliance (FLA) march in London last Saturday, saw large crowds (estimated between 5,000 to 20,000) gathered to protest Islamic extremism. The stated aim, at least from the organis…

On the wave of FLA marching against terrorism and (vaguely defined) extremism, a quick reminder about some people that tackle Islamic fundamentalist terror face-to-face , risking their lives in a fight against Daesh/ISIS in Syria. This is antifascism in action.

In late 2015 an activist with the Anti-Fascist Network went to Rojava (the liberated Kurdish area in northern Syria) to join the Kurdish fight for self-determination and against ISIS. They returned…
by Liz Fekete re-blogged from The Institute of Race Relations // original with footnotes here Anti-extremism frameworks, popular in policy and academic circles, are masking the multi-dimensional an...

The Football Lads Alliance held their second march in central London today. Estimates of attendance range from 5 to 20,000.

No official counter-mobilisation was called, but a small group of Brighton anti-fascists traveled up to take a look. We ended up with Stand up to Racism’s small counter protest on Downing St. This was deliberately intended to be low key and non antagonistic, concentrating on handing out leaflets, asking the FLA to distance themselves from fascist te...ndencies.

Like the EDL in its opening days, the FLA doesn't present itself as racist or islamaphobic and attempts a ‘common sense’ facade. However attending the march there were members of The Pie and Mash Squad, the Southeast Alliance, the EDLs Tommy Robinson with Rebel Media, the London Forum lot, and a lot of known Nazi, Fascist or Ultra-Nationalist faces.

The response of the FLA crowd to the leafleting was constant intimidation of the people from Stand Up to Racism, throwing stuff, shouting at them, at times making token efforts to push through police lines

There is no doubt that many of the FLA are not racists or fascists but there are many fascists turning up, who see the organisation as a recruiting ground and are trying to steer the direction of the FLA and using it as a platform to bolster their own movements.

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Bild könnte enthalten: 1 Person, Menschenmasse und im Freien
Bild könnte enthalten: eine oder mehrere Personen, Menschenmasse und im Freien

This is tonight! Get down to the Cowley Club at 7pm.

Mi 19:00 UTC+01Cowley ClubBrighton, England, United Kingdom
227 Personen sind interessiert

On the anniversary of the East End's triumph we ask "What does Cable St mean today?"…/03/cable-street-and-bey…/

On the 4th October 1936 , tens of thousands of anti-fascists turned out to stop Moseley’s Blackshirts marching into the East End of London.

NEW BLOG POST: Cable Street and Beyond, a look at antifascism in the UK, and where we stand now. Worth a butchers.

On the 4th October 1936 , tens of thousands of anti-fascists turned out to stop Moseley’s Blackshirts marching into the East End of London.

This Saturday- definitely worth coming and supporting.

Sa 14:00 UTC+01Cowley ClubBrighton, England, United Kingdom
Guter Zweck · 112 Personen

Discussion on cable street and anti-fascism is tomorrow night at 7pm at the Cowley Club. Be there!

Mi 19:00 UTC+01Cowley ClubBrighton, England, United Kingdom
227 Personen sind interessiert

Some scummy stickers appeared in Brighton. If you see them anywhere, remove/cover but also take a picture and let us know the location in a private message. #brightonstaysredandblack

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Below you can see Spanish Fascists mobilising in Madrid. Solidarity with those in Catalonia fighting for self determination, and the left across Spain. Always against police violence, always antifascist.

“Spaniards sing the Fascists anthem in Madrid "Facing the Sun" un Madrid. Ordinary people not political militants.

'Make no mistake, these neo-Nazis and white supremacists are serious. The recent murders in Portland and Charlottesville demonstrate that. In Europe, different generations of young antifascists committed to preventing acts of violence to vulnerable populations, resurface from time to time. I feel comforted by the fact that these young antifascists exist here in America, too.''

More than 70 years after hiding in a Berlin cellar, I’m faced once again with neo-Nazis spewing and spreading their hate and beliefs around white supremacy.