
**CALL for a coalition Anti-fascist bloc, Glasgow, 24 Nov**

Antifascists from across Scotland will be converging in Glasgow for the STUC St Andrew's Day Anti-Racism March & Rally (https://www.facebook.com/events/840298416360766/) to form a coalition Anti-fascist bloc as a united front in support of these struggles, global and local, and those fighting against racism and oppression every day.

Come along, bring your flags and your friends to support our siblings in Glasgow fighting for an anti-racist, anti-bigotry and anti-fascist world.

शनि, २४ नोव्हें, २०१८
Glasgow green - to the left of the arch
कारणे ११६ लोक

Last November, we arranged a nationwide speaker tour about the history of German antifascism, on behalf of "ums Ganze!" Bündnis, alongside Plan C.

Now Roots of Antifa is back at Fast Forward Festival 2018: Building Autonomy next weekend! If you want to catch the talk this time and a whole load of other workshops, including more antifascist workshops and discussions, follow the link to get your tickets ----> https://www.weareplanc.org/festival

'In this workshop, our comrades f...rom …umsGanze! are back to share more from the history of German antifascism, and discuss current methods being used.

Taking a look into the history of antifascism, it quickly becomes clear that movements have tried a huge range of approaches: from public education and distributing food in communities suffering under capitalism, to trying to claim nationalism and national identities for the Left.

The workshop will present theses on what can be learned from the rich history of antifascism for the struggles now, and to come. The theses circle topics like youth work, connections to social struggles, cultural activity, organizing, fascism, and what strategies antifascist communist organisations should employ.

The presentation will be followed by some group discussion.'

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