Weekend Action Diary

2 06 2016

There’s a lot going on this weekend for Antifascists. Here, we’ve rounded up the main demonstrations, and what’s going on.


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Blink and You’ll Miss It – Fascists in Pompey

7 05 2016

Today, the pathetic far-right fantasists of the Pie and Mash Squad (or “South Coast Resistance” as they’d rather be known these days) held their inaugural demo of the year in Portsmouth. Given that it’s their home turf (most of them live in or around Pompey), they were probably expecting quite a large turnout. That’s not exactly what happened…


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Dover – Solidarity and Kettled Nazis

2 04 2016

Today, anti-fascists from across the country stood in solidarity with locals from around Dover to oppose neo-nazis and assorted far-right rejects who decended on the town, once more openly flying fascist flags and seig heiling.


The pathetic fascist turnout.

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Dover – Final Update

25 01 2016

There’s less than a week to go until our protest in Dover, and antifascists from across the country are finalising travel details, making sure we get maximum numbers on the streets to support Kent Anti-Racism Network and proudly say that while refugees are welcome here, racists and fascists aren’t!


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Luton is Antifascist! 22nd Nov

3 11 2014

On November 22nd, the EDL will be holding a national demonstration in Luton. The Antifascist Network, alongside many other antifascist groups, is mobilising to oppose them.

A previous EDL demonstration in Luton.

A previous EDL demonstration in Luton.

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Glasgow and London Report

20 09 2014


So far this weekend has seen two far-right events in the UK: a nationalist rally in Glasgow’s George Sq celebrating Scotland’s “No” vote, and a national EDL march in Central London.

On Friday night, loyalists, British nationalists and fascists gathered in George Sq, central Glasgow to celebrate the “no” vote. The rally started peacfully enough but soon descended into violence as members of the far right chanted “no surrender”, waved Ulster Unionist flags, nazi saluted and attacked “yes” voters. There are multiple reports that the Scottish Defence League, National Front and Britain First were in attendance, although this has not been confirmed. There are, however, multiple confirmations of far-right chanting and nazi-saluting. It seems very probable that far right groups were out in force last night.

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Welsh Antifa Showing NF The Door

9 03 2013

Reports and pictures confirm the National Front have pulled in about 60 extreme fascists to the heavily policed white pride rally. The police chopper is up for this? Pathetic!

Antifascists gathered with the UAF have around 300-400 participants. It appears that a few militant antifascist groups roaming Swansea have been stopped by police and forced to join the UAF demo or sit in the cells for the day.

More news will follow, there may be a few local fascists hanging around later. Out of towner scumbags (98%?) will be making their way back home by train and car after the police bus them to a safe distance and out of the reach of Antifa’s. If you have a National Front member in your town you may want to collect them from the station to make sure they get home ok!

Here’s a picture of a redwatch photographer looking lonely (tweeted by EDL News):

I'm so ronery!

I’m so ronery!