• CalcuQuote
    Quotes Made
    RFQ Management System for Electronics Manufacturing.
    Tell me more!

Your RFQ process should be simple. fast. accurate. value added.

CalcuQuote is your one-stop-shop for the entire RFQ process beginning with RFQ receipt to sending a professional looking quote back to your customer (and everything in between).

Deliver the Quote!

Improve the speed and accuracy of your RFQ process Designed for EMS industry by EMS veterans.

What are the Benefits?

Quote on the go

Have your sales team capture RFQs from anywhere.

Quote with consistency

CalcuQuote puts guardrails on your quotes to ensure consistently accurate quotes.

Quote the right opportunities

Configure your own, unique labor profiles so you win the RIGHT type of business.

Quote materials instantly

Easily select real-time pricing and availability directly from distributors.

Quote like a professional

Automatically generate a formatted quote for a professional presentation.

Quote with confidence

Prevent unauthorized quotes and price edits by setting user level permissions.

Quote with visibility

Keep track of open RFQs and follow up with customers to win more business.

Quote the CalcuQuote way!

Analyze key process metrics for continuous improvement.

and more...

We use industry best practices to protect your data and block unauthorized access.
Get the best service you've ever gotten from a vendor - bar none.
We are constantly improving and evolving based directly on customer feedback.

We're not the only ones excited about better faster accurate painless Quotes.