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  1. We condemn murder of . Deeply saddened. Heartfelt condolences to her friends/family.

  2. People View all

  3. 8 hours ago

    Dear Amb, condemning a murder is enough. Don't teach us

  4. 3 hours ago

    More than 800 journalists have been murdered since 1992. Help uphold by making a gift today.

  5. 8 hours ago

    Press Club of India is packed, rallying for , mourning murdered journalist

  6. 7 hours ago

    Press Club of India, banner: IDEAS ARE BULLET-PROOF

  7. 8 hours ago
    Replying to

    US the country which jailed chelsea manning & is keeping Julian Assange holed up in London, snowden in moscow lecturing abt 😎👎

  8. 5 hours ago
    Replying to

    Did you also condemn the murder of those 3 journos in Bihar? How is different? How do you connect this to ?

  9. Replying to

    Many Americans don't understand that is a precious tenet that isn't respected in much of the world. Stop w the crap.

  10. 8 hours ago

    condemns lankesh murder, expresses concern on Follow updates

  11. Aug 31

    Russia Today has lashed out in an unusually violent manner at Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

  12. Aug 27

    In the verdict in the state of vs. Journalist Fiyaz, the judge ordered on all state institutions to guarantee .

  13. Aug 27

    BREAKING: RaajjeTV COO found not guilty of "touching" a police officer.

  14. Sep 2

    How do we name and shame the journos? Freedom of press must come with some responsibilities - not at the price of our truth

  15. 4 hours ago

    This. in the world's largest functioning democracy

  16. Sep 1

    These journalists are spending Eid in prison.

  17. Aug 31

    UN human rights chief says attacks on media in U.S. – historically a beacon for – could incite attacks in other countries.

  18. Sep 2
  19. 3 hours ago
  20. 1 hour ago

    Abe Govt spread False impression over UN special rapporteur

  21. 2 hours ago

    When we gather to talk about govt's assault on , journos covering the event shld move beyond Kanhaiya,Shehla,D Raja & Agnivesh!

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