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Melbourne, Australia
Joined April 2009


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  1. 6 hours ago

    A good call? Or did the tourists toss it away?

  2. 7 hours ago

    Game on: The cricket battle being waged behind the scenes of the Ashes

  3. 8 hours ago

    Zuckerberg's sister goes public over harassment on plane

  4. Retweeted
  5. 8 hours ago

    'We're getting the band back together': Barnaby rejoices as New England re-elects its deputy PM in a landslide

  6. 9 hours ago

    Brighton beach box sells for record price ahead of auction

  7. 9 hours ago

    Innocence and fear go hand in hand in a visual exploration of timeless tales

  8. 10 hours ago

    Former Liberal leader claims bank influence on government is 'blatantly obvious'

  9. 10 hours ago

    Sogyal Rinpoche and the abuse accusations rocking the Buddhist world

  10. 10 hours ago

    Melbourne will be a very wet place on Saturday night, Bureau of Meteorology warns

  11. 10 hours ago

    COMMENT Call me old-fashioned, but Prince Harry wouldn't be a bad monarch Down Under

  12. Retweeted
    11 hours ago
  13. Retweeted
  14. 12 hours ago

    COMMENT Malcolm Turnbull can breathe easy: this will be a killing season without a killing

  15. 14 hours ago

    BREAKING Geoffrey Rush steps down from Australian screen academy after Sydney Theatre Company complaint

  16. Retweeted
    21 hours ago
  17. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    There has been a massive boom in Melbourne trans children seeking treatment for gender dysphoria - from 1 in 2007 (Georgie Stone) to at least 230 this year.

  18. Retweeted
  19. Retweeted
    17 hours ago
  20. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    Trend of artificial stone benchtops (I have one in my house) has a major dark side via

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