
Richard Glover

Richard Glover is the author of 12 books, including the prize-winning memoir “Flesh Wounds”. He presents “Drive” on 702 ABC Sydney and the comedy program “Thank God It’s Friday” on ABC local radio. For more:

The beer in  history: cricket fans at the Sydney Cricket Ground during a tour match between England and an Australian XI ...

Richard Glover: Rats drink more moderately than humans

It's a curious fact that Australia launched a beer and wine industry to encourage sobriety in the colony. Two centuries later, we are still waiting for the result with evidence that even rats drink more moderately than humans.

The recipients of these gifts may have everything, but there's always an unimagined pleasure available somewhere.

Here's your Christmas shopping list sorted

"She's just impossible to buy for." Or: "He's the sort of person who already has everything." These are the phrases one hears all the time in the seasonally-festooned shopping malls of Sydney. Clearly people are not thinking clearly. There are plenty of Christmas present ideas for the already-spoilt. Here are some thoughts.

Grandparents back in the day. Meet the Medimaze family, created by Penny Janjic for a government advertising campaign in ...

Richard Glover: Grandparents, don't get too big for your boots

Today's grandparents think they were better at parenting than their offspring have proved to be. Forget potatoes growing out of your ears, is it time for a new batch of cautionary tales like the boy who played on his iPad so much that his fingers fell off?