Australian academic research has quantified the scale of illegal activity financed by Bitcoin users.

Sex, drugs and Bitcoin

About a third of Bitcoin users are using the anonymous digital currency for nefarious activities, but that's trending downwards as the currency has become more regulated.


ACCC warning as Amazon looms

ACCC chairman Rod Sims has warned suppliers and retailers to be careful they don't breach competition laws as they attempt to limit the impact of Amazon's expansion.

For Geoff Wilson, the veteran fund manager and chairman of Wilson's Asset Management, everything comes in cycles.

Geoff Wilson gets ready to sell

Wilson Asset Management's chairman says investors around the world have mispriced risk so badly that it's going to be like 2008 all over again.


Personal Finance

Helen Rowell, deputy chair of APRA, will consult with the industry on proposed revisions to the prudential standards.

APRA turns up the heat on super sector

The superannuation industry's main regulator has warned that its prudential standards will be upgraded to intensify pressure on underperforming schemes to merge.