
Jessica Irvine

Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer for Fairfax Media.

Older generations can't be blamed for making a motza out of their family homes - and then holding on to them.

Diary of a first home buyer, week 10: Why Baby Boomers are not to blame for high house prices

It is true that in my darker moments – when home ownership has seemed but a distant dream – I have cursed the Baby Boomer generation and their cakewalk through life; cursed their free education, their property windfalls, their superannuation tax breaks and their $1 bus tickets. On the downside, they did grow up with crap food, hardly any overseas holidays, poor career prospects for women and they will all likely die younger than me.

We're learning to control our use of technology.

Message from a techno-optimist: the kids will be OK

To navigate and thrive in this new world requires us to learn to use technology as the tool it was always meant to be – to connect with others, to make a difference and to enjoy ourselves - not as an end of itself.

The Treasurer's plan is to allow first home savers to sock away a total of $30,000 into super accounts at a concessional ...

Why I won't be using ScoMo's super saver scheme

If the money doesn't get into the hands of the buyer in time, and the property is missed, the buyer then only has 12 months to spend the money on a property, or it needs to be returned to the super fund.