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•A Sane Revolution•

If you make a revolution, make it for fun, Don’t do it in deadly earnest, Do it for fun.
Don’t do it because you hate people, Do it to spit in their eye.
Don’t do it for the money,
Do it & be damned to the money.
Don’t do it for equality,
Do it because we’ve got too much equality and it would be fun to upset the apple-cart and see which way the apples would go a-rolling.
Don’t do it for the working-classes. Do it so that we can all of us be little aristocracys on our own. And kick our heels like jolly escaped asses.
Don’t do it, anyhow, for international Labour.
Labour is one thing we have too much of.
Let’s abolish Labour, let’s have done with Labouring!
Work can be fun, & we can enjoy it; then it’s not Labour.
Let’s have it so! Let’s make a revolution for fun!


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