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Did the Catholic Church Give Us the Bible?
NEW EXPANDED EDITION: includes the story of the Spanish Bible

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Author: David W Daniels
ISBN: 9780758905796
Price: $11.50 US
Pages: 208 - Paperback

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The True History of God's Words

There is not one history of the Bible, but two. One is a history of God preserving His words through His people. The other is of the devil using the Roman Catholic church to pervert God's words through her "scholars."

Written in a down-to-earth style, and packed with cartoon illustrations by Jack Chick, Daniels shows that the Bibles Rome gave us are really clever counterfeits, designed to eliminate God's preserved words in English, the KJV. You will see why the KJV is the only Bible you can trust.

Will you trust God and believe His preserved words, or will you trust yourself to pick a Bible version that says what men think God meant to say?

This revised and expanded Did the Catholic Church Give Us the Bible? has two more chapters and is about 20% larger than the first edition, and has much important information that is not so well-known, to English or Spanish-speakers. But when brothers and sisters in Christ learn the true reason for new Bible versions, and when the Spanish-speaking believers learn what the English speaking "scholars" thought of them, they may seriously reconsider trusting them and their Jesuit associates, choosing instead to trust God's preserved words whether in English, the King James Bible, or in Spanish, the Reina-Valera-Gómez 2012.

Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • The Purpose of This Book
Chapter 1 - A Short History of the Bible — God's Own Words
  • A Quick Summary
  • What Are "Original Autographs?"
  • God Wants Perfect Copies
  • The Old Testament History Books
  • The Old Testament Writings
  • The Three Categories of the Old Testament
  • The Old Testament Major Prophets
  • The Old Testament Minor Prophets
  • The New Testament Books
Chapter 2 - The Northern & Southern Streams — Antioch & Alexandria
  • The Northern Stream —Antioch
  • The Southern Stream — Alexandria
  • The Southern Stream: Origen Was the Origin?
  • The Northern Stream — Old Latin
Chapter 3 - The Caesars Change Costumes
  • Constantine — The Last Caesar
  • What Constantine Wanted
  • What Constantine Left Behind
Chapter 4 - The Beginning of the Roman "Church"
  • Formed in Just One Century
  • Counterfeit Christianity
  • The Faithful Vaudois
Chapter 5 - Light Shines in the Dark Ages
  • The "Threat" of John Wycliffe
  • The Printing Press of Gutenberg
  • The Greek New Testament of Erasmus
Chapter 6 - Reformation — and Revenge
  • The Reformation in Germany — Martin Luther
  • God's Pattern of Preserving His Words
  • The Reformation in England — William Tyndale
  • Reformation — and Revenge
  • The Counter-Reformation — Ignatius of Loyola
  • The Counter-Reformation — Steps One and Two
  • The Counter-Reformation —The Council of Trent
  • The Counter-Reformation — Inquisition
  • The Reformation in Spain: Enzinas' New Testament
  • The Reformation in Spain: a Spanish Old Testament
  • The "Holy Office" of the Inquisition
  • The Reformation in Spain: God's Little Smuggler
  • The Spanish Empire Strikes Back: the Auto de Fe
  • The Reformation in Spain: Reina and Valera
  • The Counter-Reformation — The Jesuits
  • The Rulers of England: Catholic or Protestant?
  • The Counter-Reformation — The Spanish Armada
  • Summary
Chapter 7 - The King of English Bibles
  • The Desire of King James
  • The Gunpowder Plot
  • King James' Bible
  • The Struggle after King James
  • The Power of the King James Bible
  • Summary
Chapter 8 - The Jesuits Attack
  • Jesuit Missions — and Hatred
  • The Jesuit Attack on the Bible
  • The "Tractarian Movement"
  • The "Westcott & Hort" Bible
  • Satan Finally Succeeds
Chapter 9 - Valera's Vision
  • Fulfilling Valera's Vision
  • Nida's Own Vision
  • Pastors' Objections to Nida's Vision
  • What Godly Pastors Wanted
  • Nida's Sneaky Plan
  • Nida's 2-Part Solution
  • The Real Purpose of Many Bible Societies
  • The Versión Popular: One Bible to Fool Them All
  • The Move for an Ecumenical Bible
  • The Rome-Approved Hebrew and Greek
  • First Spanish... Then the World
  • Subtle Changes in the Text
  • Many Changes, Many Bibles
Chapter 10 - Valera's Vision Restored
  • To Whom Much Is Forgiven
  • The Missing Pieces of the Puzzle
  • Checking and Rechecking
  • Settling the Spanish Text
  • Taking Responsibility for the Translation
  • The Revenge of the Bible Publishers
Chapter 11 - Look Where We Are Today
  • Bibles Are Big Business
  • The Master Plan
Chapter 12 - Showdown
  • Why No Revival?
  • The Choice
  • The Right Choice
Extra Reading and References
  • A. For Further Reading
  • B. The "Faith" of Westcott & Hort
  • Bibliography
  • Subject Index

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