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Manuel Pulgar Vidal
Mis tuits se sustentan en mi libertad y derecho de opinar. Son absolútamente personales.
Manuel Pulgar Vidal 5h
Ningún político quiere ser investigado. Ser político implica rendir cuentas (accountability) Sean valientes, sométanse a las investigaciones
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
UNA-UK 22h
"Not everyone sees climate action as a force for good" writes for us &
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
Pierre Cannet Oct 5
GOOD NEWS: accounted for almost 2/3 of net new power capacity globally in 2016 (165GW) boosted by solar
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
Pedro Cateriano B Oct 4
Ahora qué dirá la congresista León que con su irresponsable investigación paralizó el programa de renovación de viejos equipos en las FFAA?
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
Pedro Cateriano B Oct 4
Se requiere seguir con renovación de equipos. Fujiaprismo la detuvo con irresponsabilidad, enjuiciando a oficiales que cumplieron su deber.
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal Oct 4
Flexibilizar regulación ambiental no es buena noticia, menos aun si la RM dictada se basa en Proyecto de DS para exploración no promulgado.
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
Josefina Brana Oct 2
approved historic milestone 4 & : decision 4 REDD results-based payments adopted, completing a 10-year long process
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
Alistair Monument Oct 3
ASEAN banks need to align businesses to climate and sustainable development goals
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
Stefan Henningsson Oct 3
Carbon countdown clock by : how much of world carbon budget remaining for less than 2˚C
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal Sep 27
Ya basta, no? Demuestren su capacidad y no sigan cazando "Pokemones" Quedan en ridiculo con el pais que confió en ustedes!!
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
Erik Solheim Sep 25
"There are strong signals the global economy is on the cusp of another tipping point."
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
Ollanta Humala Tasso Sep 26
Afrontamos la justicia porque no tenemos nada que temer, pero no veo equidad, ni el rigor debido con quienes sí festinaron dinero del Estado
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
WWF Climate & Energy Sep 22
. takes place in San Francisco, 12-14 Sept 2018. Let's step up !
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
COP23 Sep 21
Fijian delegation & team at where Incoming COP23 President addressed global security threat of
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal Sep 19
Fiji will do everything in their hands to protect and implement the Paris Agreement. in
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal Sep 19
Global Pact for the Environment can become a tipping point for real change
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
La France à l'ONU Sep 19
French President & UN Secretary-General start today essential work for a
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal Sep 19
Global Pact for the Environment is a welcome initiative, that deserves global support:
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
NoticierosGarzaLimón Sep 19
'No cederé nada' respecto al Acuerdo de París: Macron
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Manuel Pulgar Vidal retweeted
CCSI Sep 18
: Join our debate on the politics surrounding w of + others |
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