
Updated: 11:55 EDT

Doris Day dead: Silver screen icon dies of pneumonia aged 97

The Doris Day Animal Foundation said in an emailed statement that the 97-year-old (shown inset on her birthday on April 3 and left in 1965) was surrounded by close friends when she died at home in Carmel Valley, California. She 'had been in excellent physical health for her age, until recently contracting a serious case of pneumonia.' The charity also revealed that 'her wishes were that she have no funeral or memorial service and no grave marker. Instead, they want fans to visit the charity she founded to save animals. Day charmed America in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, starring in an astonishing 39 films in just 20 years. She is shown (right) in 1948 in Love On The High Seas. Among her greatest hits was Pillow Talk, in which she starred with Rock Hudson. On screen, she was a bright-eyed goodie two-shoes and she often referred to herself as 'America's virgin'. But her personal life was marred by darker episodes. Her first three husbands mistreated her, beating her, leaving her and squandering her fortune, and she suffered a bout of mental illness in 1950s at the height of her career. She devoted the last few decades of her life to animal rights activism.

Au pair, 21, had 'no chance' when she fell in high heels running from London Bridge terrorists who fatally stabbed her and the Good Samaritan who tried to help, inquest hears 

Australian au pair Sara Zelenak, 21 (pictured in a family photo, left, and, right, on the day of the tragedy) had met up for drinks with her friend Priscila Goncalves near London Bridge before terrorists killed her and seven others on June 3 2017. After sheltering from the rain at a bar called London Grind at 2 London Bridge they heard the loud crash of the terrorists' hire van smashing into the railings and began running down stone steps towards Borough Market. But Ms Zelenak was wearing high heels and appeared to lose her balance, falling over on the wet pavement. She was aided by James McMullan (inset) but the inquest at the Old Bailey were told the pair had 'no chance' as the attackers were already running towards them. By-stander Erick Siguenza filmed terrified people screaming and running away as the pair were stabbed with 12-inch knives.

ITV viewers were left confused after this morning's episode of The Jeremy Kyle Show was cancelled following Lorraine at 9.25am and Dickinson's Real Deal was shown in its place.

The Japanese company told workers at the Swindon factory that no viable alternatives to the closure have been found. The plant employs 3,500 workers.

Rockett told police he went to the restaurant `to survive´ (Anna Gowthorpe/PA)

Paul Rockett, 52, ate crab bites, penne meatballs with a side of chips and a peach sundae at the Frankie & Benny's outlet in Cambridge, and washed it down with Magners cider and a Jack Daniels.

A body found in a wheelie bin close to a Waitrose in Holloway on Saturday at 4pm has been compared to Queen frontman Freddie Mercury. A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Former taxi driver Melissa Ede, 58, died on Saturday evening, her fiancee Rachel Nason has confirmed. She won £4million on a £10 scratchcard in December 2017.

Hillsborough families' fury after football club secretary is fined £6,500 over disaster

Graham Mackrell (right) who was safety officer for the club at the time of the 1989 FA Cup semi-final, was found guilty of failing to discharge a duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act. As well as a £6,500 fine, Mackrell was ordered to pay £5,000 of the legal costs of the case today. But, speaking outside court, families of those who died said the fine was too little. Louise Brookes (left), whose brother Andrew (inset) died at Hillsborough, said: 'Our 96 are dead and all it’s worth is £67.70 each. Shameful. Thirty years to get to this.’


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Moment police finally catch moped gang who terrified Amanda Holden's neighbour's three-year-old, stole £170,000 Boat Race camera and attacked officers in seven-month spree as they are jailed for 68 years

Amanda Holden tweeted footage showing two robbers threatening Phoebe Ruele with her three-year-old son in Richmond, South West London, on 21 June last year. Witnesses heard the terrified mum scream 'don't take my baby' as the robbers demanded she hand over her jewellery. Helicopter footage (top) shows the moment two of the gang slid off their moped after another crime. They were chased into a graveyard when one was detained, leading to a series of arrests. Twelve members of the gang (some of whom are pictured, bottom) were today jailed for a total of 68 years.

Bill Fitzgerald, 94, was 18 at the time of the landings and one of seven veterans to attend an event at the Royal Hospital Chelsea today.

The striker was given the right to build an 18-feet long, 6-feet high wall with electric gates outside his £1.2m pile in Wilmslow, Cheshire after the plans were initially rejected when neighbours objeced

Deputy director of public prosecutions Eva-Marie Persson said at a press conference in Stockholm today that she is taking up the case again following representations from his alleged victim.

The Trust said it was 'tempting to get in among' the delicate flowers to 'get the best photos' but that the 'extremely delicate' flowers could be a 'thing of the past' if warnings are not heeded.

Pictured: Survivor, his sister and uncle pulled from plane crash

Jack Moore, 25, (bottom right) was flying in the plane with sister Billie Manley, 16, (top right) and pilot uncle Stuart Moore (inset) when disaster struck on their way to see Manchester United play. The light aircraft hit overhead power cables - and the plane burst into flames when it attempted an emergency landing on a busy road. Pilot Stuart had taken off from Abergavenny Airfield in South Wales to fly to Old Trafford to see Cardiff City face Manchester United. The plane crash landed on the A40 in Monmouthshire - but did not hit any passing cars. Passersby Joel Snarr, 35, and Daniel Nicholson, 46, pulled the passengers from the 'inferno.'

Scott and Casey Taylor called for parking measures in his street in Salford after his four-year-old daughter was hit by a car and injured. Salford Council painted the lines in November 2017.

Talent executive Stefania Aleksander was out with friends in London when she posted a photo on social media showing a list of things to pack for a holiday, which included 'champagne and cocaine.'

Dr Shriram Rabinthiran was furious when a part was stolen from his car outside his work place - St Peter's Hospital in Surrey, but in a stroke of luck the car's dashcam triggered, capturing the thieves.

Nigel Farage says it’s his 'duty’ to stand as MP at as he campaigns in a Labour heartland

The Brexit Party leader also admitted he would be willing to prop up the next Conservative leader to make them Prime Minister in the event of a hung Parliament - but only if they agree to leave the EU with No Deal on World Trade Organization (WTO) terms. Mr Farage, who last stood in South Thanet in 2015 in his seventh failed attempt at getting into Parliament, has not said the constituency he would target at the next general election. Speaking while campaigning in Pontefract, where he posed for selfies (pictured), he told LBC today: 'I'm going to have to [stand] of course.  It's a duty, it's a duty, it's a duty'. The Brexit Party is racing ahead with a predicted 34 per cent of the vote on May 23 - but Theresa May 's Conservatives are heading for just 10 per cent, a YouGov survey has found (bottom right). The collapse in support for the Conservative Party is piling pressure on Mrs May (top right today) to set a date for her departure from No 10.

Size six student stunned when she went into labour and had no idea she was even pregnant

Beth Martin, 18, from St Anne's, Blackpool, was stunned when she went into labour during riot training - as she had no idea she was even pregnant. The size six student was training to become part of the UK's Border Force, and undertaking extreme physical activity such as army and police riot training (inset) up to an hour before she entered labour. Known as a 'cryptic pregnancy', Beth's baby Maizie, now seven-months-old (pictured right), had grown behind Beth's ribs, showing no physical bump - and has even failed to show up on two pregnancy tests. Pictured left: Size six Beth when she didn't know she was pregnant.

Anthony Currie, from Renfrew, posted the photographs showing men dressed in black drysuits lying facedown in the water in Leadhills, South Lanarkshire.

The balmy conditions in Scotland this week could even produce the hottest day of the year so far - and the Highlands will be warmer than Los Angeles, which is only expected to get to 23C (73F).

Jordan Anthony Davies, who lives in Windsor, is said to have met the 14-year-old child last year and also admitted meeting a second teenager girl just three weeks after grooming her in 2018.

Shocking moment road-rage driver leaps onto a car bonnet and shatters windscreen with a single stamp of his foot 'while young child was in the back'

The driver was caught on camera rushing from his Audi A3 onto the front of the car behind him and shattering the glass with a single stamp. The incident is believed to have happened near Sandbrook Park in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, and the footage was uploaded to Facebook on Saturday.

World's biggest semi-submersible ship that is so big it can carry 110,000 tons seen off

Adrian Thomas, from Mermaid Pleasure Trips, saw the 91,000 ton BOKA Vanguard near Mount's Bay, off the coast of Marazion, Cornwall, this weekend. The 'jaw-dropping' vessel can carry cargoes of up to 110,000 tons - 19,000 tons heavier than itself - including ships, oil rigs and other offshore installations. And its flat deck allows ships longer than it is to overhang the bow. Mr Thomas said: 'I was astonished by the ship while I navigated around it. It was a great sight for me and my guests. You could see it from the land for ages. It looked like a giant oil rig from the land.'

United Flight 93 phone calls to loved ones revealed in new Mitchell Zuckoff book

Mitchell Zuckoff's new book recounts exactly what happened on board United Flight 93 on September 11, 2001. The flight was hijacked on 9/11, but never hit its target in Washington DC after passengers tried to take the plane back. It crash landed in Pennsylvania. Zuckoff's book contains text of the emotional phone calls passengers made to their loved ones.

Last year’s data includes 1,100 patients across the UK who faced slow or ineffective treatment and 679 who were misdiagnosed or experienced a delay in being diagnosed.

Britain's biggest supermarkets, food manufacturers and suppliers will sign a pledge to halve food waste by 2030. The UK currently wastes 10.2million tons of food a year.

Kazi Islam (pictured), 24, of East London, was released after serving four years of an eight-year sentence for trying to groom a teenager with learning difficulties to murder troops.

Honeytrap killer is freed from jail after 10 years but kicked out of Britain

Samantha Joseph (top left) from Brockley, south-east London, was jailed for life in 2009 for her part in the murder of Shakilus Townsend. She has now been deported to Trinidad - where she was born - after doing the minimum stint of ten years in a British prison. Joseph, who was 15 at the time, lured Shakilus into an alleyway. He was then ambushed by a gang of six masked and hooded teenagers, led by Danny McLean (bottom left). CCTV footage (pictured) showed Joseph and McLean walking away calmly after murdering 16-year-old.

David Gill, 50, repeatedly aimed the green light at the pilots, forcing them to abandon a search for a car which failed to stop. The crew were able to pinpoint the source and guide West Yorkshire Police to Gill.

Danny Baker, 61, was sacked from BBC Radio 5 Live on Thursday after tweeting a joke about the Duke and Duchess Of Sussex's son featuring a picture of a chimpanzee.

The levy will be a major victory for the Daily Mail's Turn the Tide on Plastic campaign. It will hit plastic manufacturers that fail to include 30 per cent recycled content, and will boost recycling industry.

Conservative, 21, who posted bikini snaps is approved to stand for party in general

Elena Bunbury (right), a councillor in West Yorkshire, will be seeking a constituency to contest in the next general election after passing the party's MP selection process. She grabbed headlines in September last year after sharing bikini snaps (left) on Twitter to silence a mob of critics who unleashed a barrage of sexist remarks following her appearance on Question Time (inset). Now, Ms Bunbury could be set to become one of the youngest ever MPs to take their seat on the House of Commons's benches. Passing the Parliamentary Assessment Board does not automatically mean that you will fight the next general election but allows you to seek the support of a local constituency association to contest that seat.

Kacper Krauze, 13, from Appleby, Cumbria, was pulled from the cold river in cardiac arrest but was saved by a treatment that oxygenated and warmed his blood.

Thousands of free cash machines across the UK have shut or started charging customers in the past year. MPs on Treasury select committee said urgent action is required to stop this.

The glamorous couple, who are friends with Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, have a joint marital fortune of £270million, according to the Sunday Times Rich List.

Drug gangs recruit young 'mules' on school buses to launder money through their bank

Schoolchildren as young as 11 have been targeted to launder dirty gang money in the UK. Some 10,686 under-21s were caught acting as mules last year - a 26 per cent rise from 2017, according to the fraud prevention service Cifas. Drug gangs will use the children's 'clean' bank accounts to deposit and move funds. In February conman Alexander Ogun-Moweta, 27, (inset), was jailed for using mules' bank accounts in a £200,000 fraud racket. Money launderers will promote their 'business' on Instagram to attract youngsters (left and right).

The death of a close friend can cause a ‘major decline’ in physical and mental health that can last for up to four years, a University of Stirling and Australian National University study reveals.

Shaun Bailey, 48, said quotas for black students would be ultimately 'debilitating'. Only around 5 per cent of black students in the UK get AAA at A-level, compared with 11 per cent of white students.

Between 2014 and 2017 the number of people who died from cardiovascular disease before the age of 75 – the definition of a ‘premature’ death – rose for the first time since the 1960s.

'Ella had the last laugh!' England captain Harry Kane shares a sweet snap with schoolgirl, 16, who was trolled by football fans as she celebrates being a Spurs mascot with a sing-a-long and a dance 

Earlier this month, the England striker invited Ella Markham, of Banbury, Oxfordshire, to be a mascot at his north London side's Premier League finale against Everton. The schoolgirl, who has Down’s Syndrome, became the target of cruel online bullying after she was filmed by her father during her first visit to the club's new stadium last month. Yet despite the experience, Ella's enthusiasm was in no way diminished, with footage capturing the teenager dancing jubilantly when attending Spurs’ last home game on Sunday.

Matt Western, 56, received 80p in taxpayers' cash for four trips on visits in recent months. He claimed £8.60 in total for 43 miles on 19 trips in his Warwick and Leamington constituency.

Ten of the UK’s biggest solar farms pocketed £3million or more each in eco subsidies in 2017/18, statistics from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) reveal.

Defective tumble dryers which have been fixed to supposedly make them safe remain a 'massive fire hazard', a former Whirlpool engineer from Buckinghamshire has claimed.

Metro Bank tells customers their money is safe despite social media rumours

Metro Bank has assured customers their money is safe despite many responding to rumours circulating on Whatsapp by trying to withdraw all their money from branches in west London. The bank has issued a statement assuring customers of its financial health and said plans to raise £350million from investors are 'well advanced'. Many customers took to social media to post photographs of the queues and share their fears of a repeat of Northern Rock from 2007.

Tesco boss Dave Lewis has called for high street retail stores to get a 20 per cent reduction on their business rates, to be paid for with a 2 per cent levy on online retail sales.

The 42 arrivals – mainly Iranians or Iraqis – are believed to be the highest number in one weekend this year. It means around 200 migrants have been picked up so far this year off Kent's coast.

Emergency services were called to Tollgate Road, Canning Town, east London, at 5pm and the victim was found with stab injuries.

London mayor Sadiq Khan is snubbed from Trump's state banquet

The Mayor of London (pictured right today), who has feuded with Mr Trump (left) since before either of them took office, is not on the guest list for the white-die dinner hosted by the Queen at Buckingham Palace. The snub for Mr Khan is a break with recent precedent, as his predecessor Boris Johnson did attend the state banquet for then-President Barack Obama in 2011. But Mr Khan has insisted he did not want to go anyway, echoing the stance of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who is boycotting the dinner.

Hundreds of contestants get down and dirty as they battle low tide black slime in Essex

This year's notorious Maldon Mud Race lived up to its name as hundreds of contestants caked in sludge ran, crawled and slithered their way across the bed of the River Blackwater in Essex. Batman suits, bright green wigs and fairy dresses were among the bizarre garments worn by the competitors as they hauled themselves through the 400-metre mud course. And one brave man (left) - who clearly thought that clothes would slow him down - stripped completely off and charged through the slime.

It will be broadcast simultaneously across hundreds of UK radio stations today at 11am. The precise details of their message was still under wraps last night.

Bizarre footage shows a 70-year-old pensioner launching into an abusive rant- threatening a London bus driver with a punch to the head after he stopped further up the road, in Camden, than usual.

Celebrations erupted in London today as members of this year's Pagan Pride parade took to the capital's Russell Square in Bloomsbury.

Mums fed up with selfie-obsessed daughters took part in TV experience to live just like

Never mind a different generation, sometimes our daughters seem to inhabit a different planet — one that consists mostly of extraordinary eyebrows, Instagram filters, and graphic online chat. Now, mums Joanna Taverner-Averkiou, 41, (far left, with daughter Devon, 20), Harjit Kaur, 46 (centre left, with Kiran, 23), Rachel Williamson, 39, (centre right, with Taylor, 18), and Monera Pamela, 32, (far right, with Elesha, 16) have agreed to take part in BBC documentary 21 Again to plunge them directly into the world they were so afraid of. All five, chosen from different parts of the UK, will move into the same house in Liverpool and spend a month living as their daughters do — with the younger women there, too, to show them the ropes and cast an eye over their dress choices, lifestyles, views on religion, work and life.

Georgina Lochrane is determined to face her daughter's killer, Aaron Campbell. Campbell, 16, raped and murdered Alesha on the Isle of Bute in July last year.

Sir Amyas Morse – who steps down from his role at the National Audit Office this month – said the UK would have to be in a ‘lot of economic trouble’ to pull the scheme at this stage.

Theresa May announced the Domestic Abuse Bill today to bolster protection for victims in the UK. She said: 'I've always vowed to leave no stone unturned in tackling domestic abuse'.

Harry and Meghan post adorable photo of Archie's feet to Sussex Royal Instagram account

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have posted a brand new photo of their baby son Archie Harrison, born on May 6th, today, to mark Mother's Day in the US and other countries around the world. Believed to have been taken at Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, the adorable image shows two tiny flexing feet being held by a hand, with a flourish of blue forget-me-nots – Harry’s mother Princess Diana's favourite flower - seen in the background. (Pictured from left: The photo of Archie's feet with forget-me-nots in the background. Right: Meghan and Harry with Archie introducing him to the world for the first time last week)

In uncomfortable scenes Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage clashed with the BBC's Andrew Marr as the journalist tried to ask Mr Farage whether he stood by statements on the NHS, guns, and climate change.

Sean Mercer, 29, is believed to be the 'drugs kingpin inside' HMP Frankland, County Durham - controlling the distribution of spice, heroin and cocaine, a senior prison source has claimed.

The motorbike rider was in hospital after the 'deliberate and targeted' attack by the Deccan Fuels station in Little Hulton, Salford, at 9pm on Saturday.

Harry and Meghan named their son Archie 'after commanding officer who saved prince's army

Major Tom Archer-Burton (left and with Harry on the right during a charity mission in Lesotho), commonly known as 'Archie' among friends, was the prince's commanding officer during his highly secretive tour of Afghanistan in 2008. He convinced top brass to allow the prince to become the first royal since Andrew during the Falklands war to be deployed, having missed out on the Iraq war because of fears he would be a prime target for the enemy. The bond between the two became so strong, with the 41-year-old meeting most of Harry's family including Meghan, that the couple decided to name the newest royal (inset with Meghan and Harry) after the Surrey-born officer, reports suggest.

Veteran broadcaster Brian Walden, who started his career as a Labour politician, died at home in St Peter Port, Guernsey on Thursday.

Speaking after Freddie Starr was found dead in his Spanish bolthole, Tara Coleman-Starr, 22, says she may not go to Freddie Starr's funeral as she is ashamed of having him for a father.

Alisha Preece, 12, from Bradford, was last seen at 5.30pm yesterday. West Yorkshire Police have now launched an urgent appeal to find the 'vulnerable' teenager.

IVF triplets born after parents struggle to have a baby for four years

Niketa Bell, 25, and her husband Mark, 30, from Carlisle, had initially refused a second round of IVF because of the emotion and trauma they had already been through. The couple gave the fertility treatment one more go and Niketa fell pregnant with triplets.

EXCLUSIVE: The moment a suspected gunman shoots two others while running across a Birmingham road. The incident took place on Warwick Road, Solihull at 3.42pm yesterday.

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT. Rhys Pringles, seven, lost the tip of his finger, including the nail, when he got it caught in a toilet door at Harestanes Primary School in Kirkintilloch.

Steve Hydes, who was known as 'Gary Gatwick' after the Sussex airport's teddy bear mascot, spent 15 years trying to find his family. But he discovered his mother had already passed away.

Grieving father releases unseen pictures of his daughter 18 years after she vanished aged

The case of missing student nurse Louise Kerton (left), from Broadstairs, Kent, has frustrated police and private investigators since she went missing on her way home from Germany in 2001. Now her father Phil (inset) has released new images of her growing up and enjoying life (right, aged nine) before she disappeared. The snaps show Louise on family holidays with her siblings, doing her homework, eating ice cream, playing on the beach and having dinner at home. Mr Kerton, of New Ash Green, Kent, said the case still affected his family even now. He said: 'We still miss her, even today. That never fades. It affects everybody differently. The way one person copes with it is not necessarily in the least helpful to another person. One thing we are all in agreement on is that we want to know what happened.'

A rugby player caused a 90-minute delay on a Belfast-bound easyJet flight from Bristol Airport on Friday for allegedly sexually harassing a female cabin crew member.

Social scientist Noah Carl (pictured) was let go from a fellowship at St Edmund's College last week, on the grounds that he allegedly collaborated with people who hold 'extremist views'.

Police were called to a report that the girl had collapsed in Applegarth Car Park (pictured) in Northallerton, North Yorkshire, at 9.30pm yesterday.

Man dies after driving his van over 60ft cliff and then plummeting on to the road below 

Emergency services found the man alive at the bottom of the cliffs east of Brighton marina near Roedean School, East Sussex, at about 6.30am this morning. He was found inside his crumpled silver Vauxhall van (inset) which had smashed into the concrete walkway after falling off the cliffs above. A Sussex police spokesman said: 'On Sunday May 12, just after 6.30am, police were called to a silver coloured Vauxall van gone off the edge of the cliff east of the Marina and close to Roedean school. Police, ambulance and fire services attended the scene. The driver sadly died a short while after. Next of kin have been informed.'

Police launched an investigation after the discovery near the supermarket's car park at 4pm last night (pictured).A forensic tent was set up on Tollington Road.

Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay said politicians should 'roll up their sleeves', warning that if no deal is done by October the EU may not grant a further extension.

Stowe headteacher Anthony Wallersteiner (pictured) faced a backlash led by Dame Margaret Hodge for making the comments in an interview published yesterday.

British spies identified Jihadi John within hours of beheading video by veins on his knife

Analysts at GCHQ knew Mohammed Emwazi (right and left in his first ISIS video) was the terrorist seen threatening the West after beheading American journalist, James Foley, in scenes that shocked the world when first broadcast in August 2014. GCHQ used recordings of his voice from previous wire taps taken during a three-year surveillance operation and compared it to the disguised voice used in the ISIS video. They also examined the way he stood during the clip and compared the pattern of the veins in his left hand (inset) that he pointed directly towards the camera with archive photographs. He was finally tracked down and killed by a US drone strike in November 2015 just in Raqqa as he walked towards a vehicle. Despite his counterintelligence efforts, such as using encryption, private networks and wiping every computer he used to send messages, Emwazi's movements were discovered when he contacted his wife and child who lived in Iraq.

Joe Dale (pictured) from, from Barnsley, South Yorkshire, died on June 23, 2017 - the day of his prom - after having an allergic reaction to pollen.

Shepherd, 31, who is serving six years for the manslaughter of Charlotte Brown, 24, was transferred for his own safety to HMP Woodhill, near Milton Keynes.

Former GP Kate McCann, 51, has placed gifts to celebrate her daughter 16th birthday in her bedroom in Rothley, Leicestershire. Facebook post reads: 'Happy Birthday, Madeleine'.

UK Daily Mail News Tips

Gwadar gunmen kill five in Pakistan terrorist attack at Pearl Continental hotel

Pakistan's Army says the death toll has risen to five people in the attack by insurgents on a luxury hotel in the country's Southwestern coast. Three gunmen stormed the Pearl Continental hotel in the city of Gwadar on Saturday, killing three staff members, a hotel security guard and a special forces soldier. A further six people, including two soldiers, suffered injuries. All three gunmen were killed after an eight-hour shootout with Pakistan security forces. A Baloch separatist group, the Baloch Liberation Army, claimed responsibility Saturday for the attack, releasing photos of the insurgents who it said took part.

Michael Schumacher's wife and father will open up on camera

The film, simply titled Schumacher, is backed by the German's family and is expected to hit cinemas in Germany and Switzerland in December this year. The driver's 50-year-old wife Corinna (pictured together right), who has rarely spoken in public and is believed to be responsible for guarding the secrecy of Schumacher's health, is expected to be among the interviewees. His 73-year-old father Rolf (pictured inset, left, with the driver's brother Ralf) is also set to appear but Schumacher himself (pictured left celebrating victory at the 1999 Brazilian Grand Prix) is not expected to be in the film. A trailer for the film will be shown at the Cannes film festival which begins this week.

The Old Joliet Prison made famous in the 1980  classic The Blues Brothers is now open to

For the first time since the Joliet Correctional Center opened in 1858, and closed in 2002, The Old Joliet Prison (left) - what it's called by locals - is now open for tours. It's famous as one of the filming locations for the 1980 comedy The Blues Brothers starring Dan Akroyd and John Belushi (top right and bottom right). Tours, which last 90 minutes and cost $20, and include visits to prison cells, the yard and the chapel. Some sections are closed off until they can be restored, such as the former warden's quarters

According to data compiled by researchers from Northwestern University, the search engine promoted those sites over others repeatedly in November 2017.

Rapper NBA YoungBoy has reportedly been shot at in a shooting near the Trump International Beach Resort in Miami. Police said one man was killed and a 19-year-old woman was injured.

Philip Morris International's 'marketing standards' don't allow tobacco products, including its new 'heated tobacco' device called the IQOS to be sold by anyone under the age of 25.
