Mother risks life to save unborn child after mass on scan

Mickayla Jordan-Smyth was told she had a partial molar pregnancy. This can become cancerous yet the 30-year-old refused to have a termination. By the 26-week scan she couldn't even see the baby for a mass of black holes. Mickayla, from North Yorkshire, was warned she may need chemotherapy after the birth. But Raine survived and was born/

Indian toddler with protruding eyes dies after donations

The plight of Zailian Kaipeng (pictured with his father and grandmother right) hit the headlines two months ago and £10,000 poured in. The boy, from rural India, was in 'constant pain' since he was two months old. But the boy, who had blood cancer, caught an infection which turned into pneumonia. Tragically, his mother Neirbanglal did not see Zailian before he died on Saturday. His family have thanked the general public for their kind-heartedness.

Researchers from Bangor University found that after up to eight weeks of intensive cardio training three times a week, women experience no significant change to their weight or BMI.

A team from McGill University in Montreal analyzed 19 studies totaling 1,160 participants. They found a particular type of mind technique helps maintain weight loss and prevent a rebound.

The British actress, who starred as Ronnie Mitchell in the BBC soap, has spent the past 15 years plagued by severe, incurable gum disease – despite being fastidious about her dental hygiene.

The disease is the most common form of cancer found in men in Britain, with 50,000 new cases diagnosed every year. The test can detect two markers of the cancer found in urine.

Ashford woman 'cures' acne with colloidal silver

Charlotte Hall, 27, from Kent, was so self-conscious she shun socialising and didn't have a boyfriend until 2. She tried antibiotics and even the controversial drug Roaccutane but to no avail. Then she found a cream which is said to kill the bad skin bacteria that causes acne without harming good bacteria. She says 'getting rid of my acne has literally opened up a whole new world to me'. Colloidal silver product sales soared after Debbie McGee says it keeps her young.

The 59-year-old English actor told last week how she takes a spoonful of an alternative health supplement called colloidal silver – microscopic silver particles in water.

Unfortunately, keeping your cool is a problem for many people: almost a third of Britons polled say they have a close friend or family member who has trouble controlling their anger.

Victoria Woodhall tested the 10 minute 'Vagal toning' experience associated with treating stress. Using the sensate tool, Stefan Chmelikan helped her relax her vagus nerve.

Salted caramel was created in an obscure confectioner's shop in Northern France more than three decades ago, but now it seems to be taking over the Western world.

How long can you keep Thanksgiving leftovers for?

It may be too soon to think about eating again, after a day of indulging in turkey, pie, sweetened yams, and anything else you could cram in. But for many, the dishes left behind are an entirely separate phenomenon. That said, adding food poisoning to your hangover is not the ideal way to spend a holiday weekend. However you want to consume them, it's best to be aware of each dish's shelf life. Here, we have broken down the longevity of the top Thanksgiving dishes based on guidelines from the US Agriculture Department.

Doctors are brow-beaten and cowed by red tape, trained by a system that values tick-boxing over initiative, writes Dr Max Pemberton, the NHS psychiatrist who may make you rethink your life.

British singer Rita Ora, 26, has revealed she froze her eggs when she was 22, so she has her eggs at their best and can decide what to do with them later. Here, we explain why more women are doing it.

These researchers are Queen's University, Ontario, have dedicated their research to understanding the properties of wine and how they affect us.

Helen McGinn rounded up her pick of drinks which she believes reduces the chance of a hangover. Her selection includes organic prosecco and vodka, gin and Japan's national drink.

Woman reveals how she lost her 'mum tum' in just 12 weeks

EXCLUSIVE: Mother Sandra Van Den Berg, 38, from Rochdale, Greater Manchester, swapped her 'mum tum' for abs in just 12 weeks by overhauling her diet and working out just three days a week (pictured, Sandra before and after the transformation). Sandra, who struggled to find time to exercise after giving birth to sons Eddie, four, and Liam, two, shares the seven exercises she used to shed fat from around her legs, abdomen and arms.

Pioneering British surgeons are performing heart-valve surgery via a minute incision in the nipple – sparing patients from a large cut and breaking the breastbone to reach the organ.

A Midwestern hospital introduced a policy mandating the flu vaccine for its employees. Daily Mail Online spoke to Sharon Beaulieu, who refused the shot on principle and was fired. 

Newborns were almost two-and-a-half times more likely to have the incurable condition if their mothers took aspirin and 50 per cent more likely if they took paracetamol, a

Equestrian left vomiting own excrement after minor cyst op

Kelly Yeoman, from Bristol, had day case surgery to have fluid-filled sac on her ovary removed (pictured left and right, riding her horse). She was re-admitted 2 weeks later after getting infection in bowel yet an operation failed to fix the problem. She is 'severely faecally impacted,' and she's at risk of suffocating (inset shows a scan of her lungs) or needing a colostomy bag.

Researchers in Spain have created a new strain of wheat that comes close to eliminating the form of gluten that triggers an immune reaction in people with Coeliac disease.

Next year's ''superfood'' roundup includes clay, hemp and protein powders made from crickets. FEMAIL takes a look at the coming health food trends predicted to be big in 2018.

A study of 8-11-year-olds carried out by researchers at the University of Granada in Spain found exercise boosts cognition, executive function and academic achievement.

More than three in four adults do not consider themselves at risk of mouth cancer, found a Oral Health Foundation survey. There are 7,500 UK cases each year – a rise of 68% in 20 years.

As reports of Black Friday violence roll in, paramedics, hospitals and retailers prepare for the worst. Before you set out to shop, know the most common ways that Black Friday can turn bloody.

Kings College London researchers and schizophrenia patients used computers to fine-tune the voices of these avatars, so the patients could come face-to-face with their tormentors.

Frenzy over Playboy Lindsey Pelas' 'lopsided' breasts

The 26-year-old, from Louisiana, shared a snap on Instagram with her 7million fans (right) which caused concern. A second picture posted yesterday (left) also showed Lindsey's breasts appearing to look different in sizes. It caused many to question if the shape of her chest is healthy and normal. A study recently revealed about 47% of women have breasts that are not equal sizes. 'In reality, no female has entirely symmetrical breasts,' said a cosmetic surgeon.

Dental nurse Jasmine Clarke, from Edinburgh, said she is left in almost constant agony by the skin condition, which causes violent flare-ups, swelling, oozing and extreme dryness.

Cassie Lamos of Warwick, Queenland has revealed how a rare genetic disorder has resulted in an incurable condition for her one-year-old son. She says her youngest might only have months to live.

Health blogger Olivia Budgen, from Brisbane, Australia, made an Instagram post to 'challenge' people's beliefs about cancer, arguing that it isn't 'actually bad at all'.

South Wales mother woke from a coma thinking she was 13

One minute Shannon Everett (right), 22, from Cwmbran in Gwent, South Wales, told her mother, Nicola Everett (pictured left), 46, and fiancé Ioan she loved them and the next her heart stopped beating, all while giving birth to baby Nico (pictured left). Shannon, who suffered an amniotic fluid embolism and delivered Nico while unconscious, was unable to hold her baby for almost two weeks as doctors put her in an induced coma in hospital (inset) in an attempt to save her life. Although her family were relieved when Shannon, who is also mother to three-year-old Mika, woke up, they were devastated to discover she thought she was a teenager and could not remember her two children or fiancé.

The findings from the Virginia Commonwealth University highlight the direct implications the current obesity epidemic could have on the generations to come.

NHS bosses are drawing up national rationing guidelines for routine operations and prescription medicines after getting only a third of the money they asked for in the Budget.

Parents who drive their children to school in the UK are unwittingly ‘poisoning’ them as toxic fumes are three times higher inside cars than outside and increases the country's obesity problem.

A radical new cancer treatment inspired by patients who seem to ‘shrug off’ the disease could be tested next year. 'Neutrophil' cells are may be a key reason why cancers are rejected.

Three-year-old Qld girl is allergic to almost everything

Gabby Marler's allergies include peanuts, dairy, eggs, wheat, and dust mites, among many others. The Queensland toddler's reactions can range from swelling and vomiting to losing consciousness. Gabby's mum, Tiffany, vacuums and mops their Caboolture home daily to try and contain it. But Gabby still must wear special cotton-footed leggings so that she doesn't have a reaction. Now her family is trying to raise money to build her a 'safe home' home.

An outbreak was confirmed in Leeds and Liverpool on November 23. Manchester has also been put on high alert to look out for signs the life-threatening condition may have spread there.

The experimental device is the creation of Dutch designer Frank Kolkman, who graduated from the Royal College of Art in London in 2015, and lets wearers live out the feeling of dying.

The clip was recorded by Dr Michael Lewis, who runs his own practice in California. As soon as the pus is released from the painful, infected cyst the unnamed woman lets out a sigh of relief.

Louise Burgess, 45, from Canberra, was diagnosed with stage one melanoma in May this year after she noticed a mole changed shape last November and used the SkinVision app to track its progress.

Soft robotic sleeve hugs the heart to keep it beating - and could save patients from a lifetime on post-surgery drugs

Currently, pumps are made of tough material, and the blood has to run through them, increasing infection risk. But this new device developed by Boston Children's Hospital lightly squeezes the heart to help it keep pumping blood. It could prevent lopsided pumping that causes the other half of the heart to fail. It could also allow patients to forego debilitating post-surgery drugs. The device proved successful on pigs (pictured), and researchers believe it can work for humans.

A Duke University professor has raised doubts about the validity of cannabis studies because participants may overestimate the drug's effectiveness when they feel 'high.'

A study by Goethe University Frankfurt found the brains of clever people really are wired differently. Challenging tasks may help in development of brain networks – so different parts can interact.

The study by the University of California San Francisco found babies of mothers who had the most stressful life events were more reactive to stressors and took longer to recover.

Sarah Hyland opens up real about transplant side effects

Modern Family star Sarah Hyland has opened up to her fans about one of the common side effects she still deals with five years after her kindney transplant. The 26-year-old actress received a kidney from her father in 2012 to cure a condition called dysplasia, when the organs do not develop properly. Now, she is on a habitual dose of prednisone, an immunosuppressant drug to prevent organ rejection and infections. One of the common but harmless side effects is known as 'moon face' swelling. On Saturday, Hyland posted an Instagram Story (pictured) laying out how she deals with this on a day-to-day basis while juggling her career.

Researchers at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn that, due to the way flour is manufactured in the US, there is always a risk of E. coli lying dormant in packets.

Spending time alone can improve mental health by boosting creativity, University of Buffalo research shows. People who enjoy being alone are more creative, reducing their stress levels.

Researchers at Glasgow and Nottingham University based their conclusion on X-rays of Dolly's skeleton, held by National Museums Scotland (NMS), in Edinburgh.

Disease feared at puppy adoption party in New Hampshire

Ten puppies rescued from Puerto Rico may have exposed more than 200 people at an adoption party at a New Hampshire pizzeria to a rare bacteria. Chili (left) and one other puppy have died and one has tested positive. There have been no reports of symptoms in people, and the remaining seven puppies, including Ollie, Chance, Zorro and Benny (right) seem to be healthy. 

Lack of vitamin D can cause low oestrogen in women and testosterone in men. London-based Rob Hobson says you can boost your libido by choosing the right foods for breakfast.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School found cutting out salt and eating more fruit and vegetables reduces blood pressure levels by 21 mm Hg, with most medications lowering it by 10-15 mm Hg.

AJ Burgess was born in Atlanta without kidneys. But his family was told he was not eligible for a transplant before his father Anthony Dickerson, who was a perfect match, had violated his parole.

Toddler with Ondine Syndrome could die when she sleeps

Paula Teixeira (right), three, from Zamora, Spain, has Ondine Syndrome, which causes her to stop breathing the moment she falls asleep, putting her at risk of death. Her mother Silvana (pictured left), said: 'Since Paula came home, we can't sleep as we used to before. One of your eyes is closed and the other is wide open thinking is everything okay. She will always need a person to watch her sleep. Always, all her life.' Although Paula is well enough to live at home and go to school, she must frequently go to hospital (inset).

Six in 10 of us have taken a day off work in past year due to our mental health, a recent study suggests. Best-selling London author Chloe Brotheridge provides her advice for calming down.

Conor Lewis, now 18 from Nottinghamshire, was diagnosed with ‘medically unexplained’ functional neurological disorder. His physio team unexpectedly captured him walking after years of therapy.

Franck, 33, suffered tremendous injuries from an accident at work, shearing off 95 per cent of his skin. His twin brother was able to provide the skin for a record-breaking transplant in Paris

Doctor recalls own experience with postpartum depression

Dr Tara Lynn Frankhouser (pictured) didn't fully understand the postpartum depression she saw in her patients in her North Carolina practice until she went through itself after she and her husband Charles (far right, center right) took home their first child (right). Now a mother-of-three, she bravely tells of all she went through in a published autoethnographic study on the pressures guilt and denial that many new mothers experience, in the hopes that her account can help clinicians empathize with and thoroughly screen their patients.

Waiting more than four years is just as risky, according to the researchers from the CDC, who assessed hundreds of US babies with developmental disorders.

A 71-year old woman from North Carolina checked into hospital with a sore throat, but doctors discovered that her fish dinner from eight days before had almost killed her

Mouthwash may kill off helpful microbes in the mouth which protect against these conditions, found the Harvard School of Public Health which suggests swilling once not twice a day may be best.

A new global malaria crisis could be triggered by a resistant-strain form of malaria discovere din Southeast Asia. Scientists are hopeful they can nip it in the bud but fear it may soon go further afield

Derby mum with 40KK boobs feared she would suffocate baby

Mother-of-two Danielle Matier (pictured), 31, from Derby, told how she was forced to give up on her dream of breastfeeding son Jack, now six, because her size 40KK breast would often cover his entire face. Mrs Matier, who also has a daughter Willow (left as a newborn), two, has now launched an online campaign to raise money for surgery to reduce her breasts to a more manageable D-cup. She also explained how the size of her breasts has left her feeling self-conscious and with severe back and neck pain.

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Germany, found Yersina pestis bacteria first entered Europe in the Bronze Age, not the historical Black Death pandemic.

A recently-developed meningitis vaccine can prevent nine out of the 10 strains of the virus found tin the US, according to new research from the CDC. The vaccine was approved in 2015.

Researchers in Canada were the first to quantify how much noise most people are exposed to during their commute. They found long-term exposure leads to hearing loss and depression.

This amount cuts the risk of heart disease by 15% and early death by 17%, found the University of Southampton. It also slashes chances of certain cancers, diabetes, liver disease and dementia.

Stop panicking about indulgence on Thanksgiving

Aaron E Carroll, a nutritionist and physician at Indiana University, and Liz Weinandy, a registered dietitian at Ohio State University, explain why there is no point restricting yourself from indulgence.

The New York Times posted a years-old recipe for a vegetarian slider dish on Twitter this week. It calls for Brussels sprouts cut in half like a burger bun and filled with onions and marinated tempeh.

Holiday stress gets the best of many Americans, but experts explain how to have more merry and less manic this year, whether you're a perfectionist, a family feud-er or just feeling a little lonely.

Charles Manson exploited a basic psychological need

Lou Manza is a Professor and Department Chair of Psychology at Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania. He has spent years studying the psychology of people that follow cults. Charles Manson (inset), who died November 19, famously attracted a coterie of men and women to do his bidding, which included committing a string of murders in the late-1960s. Among those, the Manson 'family' like Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten (pictured right) admitted to killing the actress Sharon Tate (left).

Researchers from Maastricht University found that even at considerably lower doses than those taken recreationally, the controversial former 'legal high' still makes people intoxicated within one hour.

The singer, pictured, who is about to start a two-week British tour, answers questions about his health including can he run up the stairs and does he get his five a day.

Drinking red wine makes people feel relaxed and amorous while vodka or whisky boosts energy and aggression, a study by Bangor University and King's College London academics suggest.

A new CDC report released on Wednesday confirmed the rate dropped a significant two percent from 2013 to 2014, continuing the steady decline seen over the past few years.

Seniors in the US are sicker than people over 65 in any of 10 other high-income countries, according to a Commonwealth Fund survey. Yet, Americans cannot afford healthcare.

Welsh father asks others to get flu jab after son dies

Macauley Bratherton (left), 20, from Denbighshire, Wales was only ill for a few days when he was taken to hospital, and died soon after, having contracted influenza A and pneumonia. Now his parents, Mick and Linda (right) and his sister (center) ask people to get flu shots to help themselves and those ineligible to prevent the same thing from happening to others

Suman Prasad, 25, from western India was in surgery for three hours to remove a gigantic hairball after she had been chewing her hair. In the end, the mass of hair weighed three pounds

Exclusive: An analysis of over 50 products on the market in the US and UK compared how much saturated fat, sugar and protein they contained compared to an Original Glazed Doughnut.

The FDA gave approval to a two-drug HIV treatment regimen for the first time on Thursday. The new drug, called Juluca, is approved to maintain undetectable viral loads after standard treatment.

Speaking to FEMAIL, Sydney-based dietitian and nutritionist, Lyndi Cohen, shares the top seven foods that are routinely described as health foods. She also offered alternatives.

Researchers from the University of Salford found N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) significantly lowers levels of the breast cancer aggressiveness marker MCT4, offering an inexpensive, safe therapy.

Mother with incurable cancer has a dying Christmas wish

Rockhampton mother, Nikki Flood (pictured left, right and inset with her family), 37, has been diagnosed with incurable cancer and is facing the heartbreaking prospect that this Christmas with her family will be her last. She spoke to FEMAIL about her agony, but also her refusal to give up. 'I won't give up because I'm a fighter,' she told Daily Mail Australia.

Researchers at Queen Mary University of London successfully repurposed a diabetes drug to prevent rejection without the side effects of current immunosuppressive drugs.

New York-based experts Dr Michelle Metz and Dr Jennifer Wider along with Chicago-based Dr Lauren Streicher provide the answer to the question debated repeatedly over the years.

Scientists from The Chinese University of Hong Kong found men living in areas of high levels of pollution were far more likely to have sperm of an abnormal size and shape.

Conjoined twins Abby and Erin Delaney were successfully separated during an 11-hour surgery. Four months later, Erin has been released from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Gloucestershire mum's life ruined by tremors due to SPS

Georgie Weatherley, 30, from Gloucestershire, a mother-of-two, suffers from painful tremors and struggles to move because of a rare illness that makes her limbs stiffen, like a statue. This illness has been a personal disaster, and she even considered leaving her fiancé to spare him the trouble of caring for her. Luckily, the family stood by her, and her daughter even thinks the illness, although debilitating for her mum, has brought the family closer together.

A study by University of Maryland researchers found that ketamine, an anesthesia drug also commonly used as a party drug, has anti-depressant properties in mice, but only when administered by men.

According to an Australian company, only 45 per cent of women will keep a full head of hair. FEMAIL spoke to a dermatologist about ways to increase your hair's thickness.

Once-conjoined twins are going home for Thanksgiving

Just five months after their 11-hour operation at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, once-conjoined twin girls Erin and Abby Delaney are heading home to North Carolina for Thanksgiving. Erin was discharged at the beginning of October, and has been staying with their mother Heather in the nearby Ronald McDonald House. Their father Riley, however, has been traveling back and forth between the ward and his work in Raleigh. On Monday, surgeons declared Abby had recuperated enough to go home. Pictured: Erin and Abby with Heather after their c-section birth in July 2016 (left); Erin and Abby together after their surgery in September 2017 (right); the whole family on Monday as they prepared to be discharged from the hospital.

The researchers at the University of California at San Francisco say that, had this paper been published in 1968, it would have led to scrutiny and even regulation of sugar by the FDA.

A researcher illegally injected people eight Americans in Illinois with a live herpes virus in an unregulated experiment for a vaccine that is now backed by billionaire Peter Thiel.

If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep, think about opening your bedroom window or door. It helps the air circulate at night, leading to better quality sleep, a study found.

Cigarettes, red meat and alcohol carry a higher cancer risk for men than women. Women should be more wary of excess body weight than men, the American Cancer Society report found.

Sophie Wessex is 'heartbroken' over a baby with meningitis

Kia Gott (right), from Bradford, is in a high dependency unit and recently had her fourth limb amputated. The Countess (left), who is patron of Meningitis Now, wrote to her family wishing them 'peace, strength and hope' as the youngster recovers. Kia became ill two months ago (pictured inset before) and is facing skin grafts, hearing and sight loss, and 90 per cent brain damage all while being weaned off a drug stronger than heroin.

Two varieties of adobo spices distributed in Puerto Rico have been recalled by popular American food producer Goya after the FDA warned they may be contaminated with salmonella.

Researchers from the University of Birmingham build on past studies that show vitamin D strengthens the immune system, however, already-affected joints are 'committed' to swelling.

The 'lone genius' scientist stereotype could be dangerous, as the opinion of a lone commenter may be considered equal with that of hundreds of people who have made the subject their life's work

Dr Hendow is latest nomination for our Health Hero Awards

Dr Gabriel Hendow's surgery has recently been rated Overall Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission — the only sole practice in the country to achieve this rating — which found that ‘patients were treated with compassion, dignity and respect’. Dr Hendow (pictured) is based in the heart of Hull’s Bransholme estate, one of Europe’s largest council estates. While most sole GPs have about 1,900 patients on their books, Dr Hendow (pictured left with one of the patients who nominated him Noel Till and Practice Manager Tina Cheyne) has 700 more than this, and single-handedly treats each one.

Pressure at Christmas can impact on men physically, explains an Oxford pharmacist. Stores expect sales of newly-launched tadalafil – the generic version of Cialis which lasts 36 hours – to rocket.

The foods you eat before going to bed can have a serious impact on the quality of your sleep. FEMAIL takes a look at those you should avoid, and those to eat to ensure a great night's slumber.

Rates of teens' self-harm in the US, especially among girls, have been rising significantly in recent years, according to new data on emergency room visits from the CDC.

John, the anaesthetist, told me when he came to see me on his Sunday round that I had just been ‘incredibly unlucky’, writes MARK DAVIES.

Researchers from Georgetown University Medical Centre in Washington found certain drugs cut off tumors' blood supply, which results in reduced blood pressure and could be a treatment.

Staffordshire woman's ARD sticks organs together

Samantha Leyland (pictured right and bottom left when ill), 41, from Staffordshire, has Adhesion Related Disorder (ARD). This causes aggressive growth of internal scar tissue (shown top right) which causes her organs to 'cement' together. She has needed to have six major surgeries since her diagnosis in 2010. It has resulted in the loss of her right kidney and parts of her bowel and a hysterectomy. She is now speaking out about the condition which she says is rarely talked about.

Some 2,267 people have been struck down by the 'medieval disease' in Madagascar, which is a rise of 64 casualties since the 2,203 cases reported on Friday. Ten countries are on 'high alert'.

EXCLUSIVE: Many clinics advise women to refrain from intimacy due to risk of infection and damage from an orgasmic contraction. But Dr Hana Visnova, from Prague, says there's no evidence.

Zailian Kaipeng, from India, was in 'constant pain' since he was two months old. His family thank the public after his swollen eyes have already drastically reduced due to treatment.

Joy and Joyce Magsino, 10, from the Philippines, were born with angular frontal partial craniopagus. New images show the twins in hospital yesterday in preparation for surgery.

West Yorkshire mum says organic juice shrunk her tumours

Julie Shaw (pictured in left in hospital), 54, from West Yorkshire, was told disease had spread to her lungs and liver and warned there was just a 5-10% chance of chemotherapy working. Her daughter Katie brought wedding forward from June 2018 to September this year (Julie and Katie pictured right and inset). Julie began drinking organic juices which she claims stopped the cancer spreading. Now four months after her diagnosis, scan shows tumour growth has slowed. She is fundraising for special low-dose chemotherapy in Germany costing £15,000.

GABA drugs are increasingly being used to treat nerve pain such as diabetic neuropathy (a complication of diabetes), shingles pain and trigeminal neuralgia (severe facial pain).

Millions of men are deluding themselves about their weight, experts have warned. More than half of overweight men think their weight is ‘about right’, research suggests.

Mobile CT scanners will be rolled out to supermarket car parks across the UK after a trial in Manchester led to a four-fold increase in detection rates among at-risk patients.

The implant is injected into the middle of a tumour, where it slowly releases tiny amounts of ethanol — the pure alcohol that makes up, for example, 12 to 14 per cent of wine.

Clogs are killing your feet, experts say

Wooden clogs chipped the foot-bones of people that were loyal to the show, according to a new study from Western University. Modern clogs are not much better for fans like Lena Dunham (left), Sarah Jessica Parker (center, with daughters Marion and Tabitha Broderick), and Rachel Bilson (right). One New York podiatrist says she'd choose heels over them for her foot comfort.

Millions of operations are performed on the NHS every year, but most of us give little thought to the complex medicine that allows us to be ‘put to sleep’.

A study by the University of Edinburgh has paved the way for new drugs that could stop one of the most common forms of dementia 'in its tracks'. It is the form late comedian Robin Williams suffered.

Recent studies suggest crack cocaine use is on the rise due to youth unemployment and cuts to social services. Increases in purity levels and fall in prices have also contributed to the surge.

Vegetables and whole grains have long been seen as the key to good health. But could some of these actually be doing us harm?

How to get actress Amy Adams's shoulders

Wearing an asymmetric dress to a recent red-carpet event, Hollywood star Amy Adams revealed a toned shoulder. The 43-year-old, who trained as a dancer in her youth, has said exercise ‘keeps me grounded if I’m feeling overwhelmed’. She does strength training using light weights and also enjoys running.

Heavier women were more likely to have a larger tumour, found a study by The Karolinksa Institute in Sweden. This may be because the tumour was harder to find in larger breasts.

What is the daily minimum of fruit and veg?

Each plate pictured here contains the minimum daily amount of fruit or vegetables for one day. Last week, the CDC released a report showing just 10 percent of Americans reach the minimum amount of fruit and vegetables a day. The vast majority (90 percent) struggle to squeeze two pieces of fruit and three cups of vegetables (i.e. two sides or a large salad) into their daily diet. We spoke to experts about the challenges, what the minimum is, and how to fit nutrients into your food - especially if you live in a 'food desert'.

Shaming kids does not lead to weight loss. And yet, scores of parents and physicians seem to struggle with that concept, pediatricians and the Obesity Society warn in a new policy statement.

Todd Golde is a neuroscientist and director of the brain institute at the Florida Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. He explains that funding and laws are blocking our bid to cure Alzheimer's.

While many studies have suggested this could be the case, this research by Boston Children's Hospital offers the clearest evidence that breast milk can prevent allergies.

I have had insomnia for years, which I put down to the menopause. Now I’ve come across research that suggests interrupted sleep in middle-age increases the risk of Alzheimer’s. What should I do? I am 62.

As crop prices fall across the US, farmers are increasingly anxious, depressed, and at risk of suicide, as shown by a recent Minnesota survey. Some states have introduced helplines.

Jeremy Hunt has finally hit back following his Twitter confrontation with Ralf Little after the actor accused the health secretary of lying about his efforts to challenge mental health

A 10-second 'snip' can cure tongue-tie in babies

A husband is calling on NHS England to issue a national policy directive and provide a trained tongue-tie practitioner in every maternity unit.

Researchers from Tommy's Stillbirth Research Centre at St Mary's Hospital in Manchester estimate there would be a 3.7 per cent decrease in stillbirths if women slept on their sides.

Finland-based company Popit Ltd has created a new device that clips onto your birth control pack and sends an alert to your smartphone if you have forgotten to take your daily pill.

Just over 12% of the men surveyed had sex more often after having the snip, Frankfurt University researchers found. Meanwhile, just 4.5% reported having it less often.

Muhammad Saleem, 53, is known as the 'elephant man' in Karachi in Pakistan. He suffers from hereditary lymphedema which has caused both his legs to balloon and he has begged for 17 years.

Florida trans teen's war with his body started when at 10

Theo Ramos, 16, of South Florida, started cutting himself in fifth grade. He says when his body started to revolt, he had no idea there was a growing movement empowering transgender people. He became a child at war with his body. He wasn't aware of words like gender dysphoria or transgender; those would come later. Back then, Theo felt that his body was rebelling in disturbing ways. He developed breasts and got his period. He felt like a boy, but every month, the cramps reminded him of reality. Pictured: Theo, born Alex, aged 13 (left); and aged 14 (right), meeting with an endocrinologist near his hometown of Homestead, Florida.

Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and UCL believe young people, particularly girls, may feel pressured into having anal sex, which can be painful or not involve condoms.

London-based gynecologist Tania Adib reveals the ten most intimate questions that women ask her. From post-baby sex to vaginal douching, a must-read list for anyone with a vagina.

Wyke baby with meningitis has her fourth limb amputated 

The family of Kia Gott, 11 months, from Wyke, West Yorkshire, have been warned the youngster may lose her sight and hearing, as well as suffering 90 per cent brain damage, after she became ill two months ago. Kia's aunt Terri Mitchell wrote on Facebook this week: 'Kia has had her 4th amputation and is still fighting she's a little sleepy after all her ops.'

NHS England patients say they’ve been scared by stories linking HRT with cancer, blood clots and early death – stories that are inaccurate. So what is the truth? Dr Louise Newson asks.

Repeated over-impact on the feet will arise from obesity or poorly cushioned shoes. Cycling would not cause pain, as stress to feet is minimal, says NHS England GP Dr Ellie Cannon.

Ten per cent of women who conceived thanks to fertility treatment gave birth before 37 weeks, scientists found - almost twice the rate for women who conceived naturally, Italian researches found.

Prompt service is what you expect in a cafeteria — but now those at the top of the NHS want to see instant service in healthcare, too.

Virginia woman with vitiligo now makes light of condition

Sharekia Winston (right), 31, from Richmond, Virginia, first developed white, pigment-free patches around her eyebrows two months after her eldest daughter Deniyla's birth in July 2006 (pictured left while pregnant), but dismissed it as a rash. After being diagnosed with the skin condition vitiligo, Ms Winston, a nurse and mother-of-three (pictured inset with her daughters Braelyn and Deniyla, and husband Derrick) endured cruel remarks from strangers, with some even asking if the disorder is contagious, causing her to pile on make-up every day to hide her patches.

The NHS is paying a controversial author to persuade midwives to promote ‘natural birth’ despite a series of baby deaths associated with it, campaigners have claimed.

One child aged ten to 14 and four aged 15 to 19 had an NHS hip replacement last year with obesity as the main or secondary cause, official figures have revealed.


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