Jesse Stay

Hacking Facebook ads using Google+ Circles

Too often, marketers get caught in the social network wars that users do, neglecting that while a certain social network may not be their favorite to use, there is definitely […]

Why The Mormon Church Tops Facebook Page Rankings

The head of social media Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints explains what makes Mormon religious organizations so successful on Facebook.

App Development Contests 101 – Tips From a Judge and a Developer

Recently, I was selected to be a judge in Bebo’s B.E.S.T. Developer contest.  Over 2,000 applicants participated, and after 2 months, 18 were selected by Bebo to be judged.  Frank […]

Disqus Makes Your Comments Better With Facebook Connect

Blog owners with third-party comment engines don’t have to wait much longer to get Facebook Connect integrated on their blogs. Today, Disqus, one of the leading third-party comment engines, became […]

Facebook Creating Fourth-Party Privacy Rules for Facebook Connect Widget & Plugin Developers

In a recently-written post on the Facebook Developers Wiki, Facebook had added new rules for information sharing between websites that have implemented Facebook Connect and any third party widgets that […]

We’re Related Proves Families are Popular on Facebook

Facebook is the ideal tool for maintaining family relationships. With simple tools like sharing photos and now HD quality videos, along with ability to communicate, organize communication, and keep everything […]

Facebook Takes the Lead in HD Video

Facebook is on fire lately with the launch of its Facebook Connect platform and opening up its data to developers outside of the Facebook walled-garden.  Last night, the company launched […]

Websites Caught in Tug-o-War as Facebook and Google Launch “Connects”

This week has been quite the week for both Facebook and Google, as both have released their “Connect” products more broadly to developers and webmasters over the last couple of […]

Yes, Facebook is Open Source, Too!

When people think Open Source and social networking, usually the first thing that comes to mind is Google and OpenSocial. What most don’t know however is that Facebook is almost […]

An Intro to Facebook Connect Development

Just recently at F8, Facebook announced the launch of the ability to integrate your website’s users with users inside Facebook through a technology they call Facebook Connect. Such technology enables […]