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Kindness Advent Calendar to print for Christmas

Maxabella |

The kids can add some extra sparkle to Christmas with this Kindness Advent Calendar.

Kindness Advent Calendar to print for Christmas


We've been using a Kindness Advent Calendar for about three years now, and ever since we started I've enjoyed the lead-up to Christmas so much more.

This free printable Kindness Advent Calendar brings new meaning to the Advent countdown to Christmas. Instead of receiving a small gift each day, kids are encouraged to give something back.

Each day, the Kindness Advent Calendar has a suggestion for something kind your child could do for someone. They are small acts, nothing fancy, but each one could make the world of difference to someone in your child's life.

The countdown acts of kindness

1. Write something nice about each of your friends and give them your note

2. Draw a Christmas card for your teacher

3. Pick up rubbish in the playground

4. Make a Christmas present for your siblings

5. Invite someone lonely to play with you today

6. Take a Christmas card to your librarian to say thank you

7. Find three toys you can donate to a kid who needs them more

8. Deliver the Christmas card you made to your teacher

9. Do a job for Mum without her having to ask

10. Call Grandma for a chat

11. Put a gift under a local wishing tree

12. Write a message about kindness on the footpath near your house

13. Invite a friend you don’t get to see very often over to play

14. Do a helpful job for Dad without being asked

15. Tuck a quote about kindness inside a library book for someone to find

16. Bake or buy a treat for your neighbour 

17. Make and leave a kindness stone on a bench at the park for someone to find

18. Tidy your bedroom (Santa loves a clean room!)

19. Be kind to yourself all day

20. Leave some baked goods for the Postie with a thank you card

21. Compliment your sibling on something they are good at

22. Tidy up the backyard ready for Christmas

23. Make all the beds in the house as a surprise

24. Leave out a thank you note for Santa

Blank version of the calendar

Of course, you might prefer to come up with you own acts of kindness. You can print a blank Advent Kindness Calendar and write in your own.

Some suggestions for other acts of kindness to add to your calendar are:

  • Donating clothes to a charity shop
  • Helping out at a soup kitchen
  • Giving a gift to a homeless person
  • Visiting your local nursing home
  • Singing Christmas carols to raise money for charity
  • Donating food to a food drive
  • Walk a neighbour's dog
  • Donate pocket money to charity
  • Taking treats to the local fire station or police station
  • Leave change in a vending machine
  • Writing a thank you note to a house with beautiful Christmas lights
  • Leave a gift for the garbos on top of the rubbish bin on the last bin night before Christmas

Enjoy the excitement of Advent this year. If the kids miss their usual treat, you can always reward their kindness with a chocolate from time to time.