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Fri November 24, 2017
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Whatever you do, don't "remind" children of their gender by calling them "girls" and "boys"
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(Daily Express)
Saudi Arabian Prince calls Iran's president "New Hitler" (possible nsfw content on page)
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(Some Guy)
Had enough Alice's Restaurant? Come hang out on the jazz side of town. TFer hosts two hours of live jazz starting at 10:00 Pacific / 1:00am Eastern. Link to goes to my radio station, or stop by the thread to tell me how little I know about jazz
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Thu November 23, 2017
(BNO News)
Active shooter reported near Hempstead, Texas. Happy Thanksgiving
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(CTV News)
Just in time for...well, no, it's a little late, but still close to... Veteran's Day
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(Chicago Trib)
Herpes researcher at Southern Illinois University accused of illegally experimenting on U.S. citizens
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Photoshop theme: A new Thanksgiving tradition
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Sure, your Christmas decorations may be cool, but are they "Millennium Falcon on the roof" cool?
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Canada is number one.... in terms of household debt. Take that, America
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Belgian waffle factory fire sprouts over Brussels
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(KETV Omaha)
Not news: kids play ding dong ditch. News: over 80 times on the same house. Fark: homeowner chases them through the backyard in his Jeep
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Name something you could say during both sex and Thanksgiving dinner
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Are you having the most delicious dish of green bean casserole this Thanksgiving? Thank this New Jersey woman for inventing it
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Photoshop this reason to eventually get in the car
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On the positive side, sound detected from missing Argentine submarine may help it be found. Unfortunately, submarines don't react well to explosions
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The financial realities of going viral (don't quit your day job)
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(Bay News 9)
Florida: Where iguanas are one of many things that can crawl up out of your toilet
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(Tacoma News Tribune)
Having naked drunk driving sex while your infant child is in the back seat is no way to go through life, son
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Science may have finally cured baldness, so good news to those of you who are genetically inferior
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(Daily Mail)
Breaking the news to someone that their partner has been killed in an accident is an issue that should be handled with the utmost care and delicacy. Or leave a voicemail. Whatever
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You can get anything you want (excepting Alice) at Alice's Restaurant. The Thanksgiving noontime tradition continues
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(CBS Los Angeles 2)
Warnings for LA beaches: Low tides, high temperatures and also watch out for the thousands of stingrays hidden in the sand. CRIKEY
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Pistol-packing granny would have gotten away with the bank robbery if she only put some wheels on her get-away walker
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Want to save the environment? Eat deep-fried food
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(Daily Express)
Mother attempts to ban story about woman who falls in love with man who kisses her because she never consented. Facepalm: "Sleeping Beauty" (possible nsfw content on page)
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Navy sends group of warships to the Gulf of Mexico. Fark: The Iranian Navy
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(The New York Times)
Don't care, had cookie dough
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Photoshop this mystic man
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(Daily Mail)
Woman tricked into buying potatoes she thought was an iPhone. Available on Spudify. She found it on Mashable. Check it out on YouTuber. iPhone? More like an EyePhone. I think I'm done
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(Great Falls Tribune)
Punchable white nationalist banned from 26 western European countries. It's a start
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Woman who allegedly sent explosive devices to Pres. Obama and Texas Governor Greg Abbott was arrested after her cat's hair was found on the devices. It's as yet unclear what her or the cat's motive was
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"Manus Island: PNG police move into detention centre and tell refugees to leave." No worries, they'll be done in a GIF
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Homeless veteran pays it forward by giving woman his last $20 after she ran out of gas, she pays it backward by raising $100,000 for him. The cycle of giving just in time for Thanksgiving
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(Fox News)
Baltimore cop murdered 1 day before he was to testify against other officers in federal case
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Pegging is NOT gay, so say 7 'straight' guys (not safe for work)
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Now ICE wants to monitor the social media accounts of C) Visa-holders
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(The Grio)
Virginia mom faces felony charges of parenting while black
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Theme of Farktography Contest No. 655: "Autumn 5". Details and rules in first post. LGT next week's theme
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