Argentina: ¡Santiago Maldonado Presente! (Video)

Received on 19.11.17:

Video compilation of graffiti and street actions / riots for murdered anarchist comrade Santiago Maldonado that have taken place in Argentina over the past 3 months.

Posted in Argentina, Direct Action, Graffiti, Riots, Santiago Maldonado, Videos

Montreuil, France: Solidarity with the 3 Anarchist Women Prisoners Awaiting Trial for ‘Attempted Burglary’ of an Unoccupied House


Three women were arrested, detained and imprisoned at Fleury Mérogis Prison, accused of ‘meeting for the purposes of attempted burglary’ after they were seen near an unoccupied house. A rally has been called for them at 18:00hrs in Montreuil.

On the night of Tuesday 14 to Wednesday, November 15, three women were arrested on a street in Montreuil and taken to the police station. A ‘vigilant neighbour’ saw them near an unoccupied house and called the cops. They were then placed in custody for ‘meeting for the purposes of attempted burglary’. They did not say anything during their interrogation and refused to give their fingerprints and photos, which is why they are also accused of ‘refusal of identification’. One of them is also accused of ‘provoking arming against the state’ without even knowing what this last charge refers to.

After more than 24 hours in custody they were referred to the TGI (Investigative Court) in Bobigny on Thursday 16 November for an immediate appearance. In the midst of the daily banality of the dirty work of justice whose immediate appearances are one of many examples, a dozen comrades were present in solidarity with the accused on Thursday afternoon. All 3 accused comrades refused immediate trial and asked for a postponement of their case to prepare their defense. The ensuing hearing was therefore not about the merits of the case, but rather for the judges to determine whether until the time of their trial they would be released, placed under judicial supervision or in detention. Having been unable to be assisted by the lawyer of their choce, they ended up with a court appointed lawyer who partially refused to play her role in defending the accused.

From the beginning of his indictment, the prosecutor directly attacked the proof of accommodation and employment provided by the three accused as being ‘of convenience’ and motioned for the imprisonment of the three pending their trial. Having cataloged the defendents and the people in the room as ‘ultra-left’ he played the role of the court cop and decided on the expulsion of a person who was present in the court room despite protests.

During the suspension of the hearing, police reinforcements stood at the entrance and inside the courtroom and surrounded the people who were there in solidarity. When the judge announced the detention of the three comrades until the trial on December 7, cries of rage and protest filled the room and the cops evicted everybody by jostling and assaulting them, tasers in hand, first in the the court and then in the hall. The cries of ‘Freedom’ and ‘Shit Justice’ were echoed by people facing other cases who were also ejected from the court.

Without commenting on the exact circumstances of these arrests, it is increasingly common for squat opening cases to be labelled ‘burglary attempts’ to justify large fines and jail sentences. While waiting for further information, the Kalimero solidarity fund is accepting donations for the comrades (kalimeroparis[at]riseup[dot]net).

Pending their trial scheduled for December 7, the three comrades are incarcerated at the prison of Fleury-Mérogis.

A solidarity demo is being organized in Montreuil this Saturday, November 18 at 1800hr, at the entrance of the pedestrian street at the Metro Croix de Chavaux, let’s be many!

Smash the prisons!
Fuck the justice system!
Freedom for all!

(via Sans Attendre Demain, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Anarchist Women, Fleury Mérogis Prison, France, Montreuil, Repression

Ferrara Prison, Italy: New Text from Anarchist Comrade Alfredo Cospito


Originally published in Vetriolo, anarchist journal, number 1 /  Autumn 2017 (this text is also online here).

Note from Insurrection News: This English version of Alfredo’s  text was translated by us from the French language translation by the comrades from Attaque.

Note from Vetriolo: Alfredo wrote this text of salutation for the number zero edition of Vetriolo, in November-December 2016. This letter, as is well known, was blocked by the prison censorship. Now we can publish it. We recall that in recent months the censorship has increased a lot, a tightening vise obviously ordered by the Prosecutor Sparagna, and not just the simple zeal of the prison guards. Apparently there are definite orders about what can and cannot be sent or received (Vetriolo, for example, was not received by anybody) [comrades imprisoned for Operation Scripta Manent]. To protest the censorship,
Alfredo went on a hunger strike from May 3 to 13.

Break the isolation!


With charges that could lead to 30 years of prison time hanging over my head like a sword of Damocles, the need to communicate projects and reflections may seem absurd. Under the influence of censorship, which modifies all that I write and say, the fact
that I am continuing imperturbably to communicate and write reflections that inevitably lend themselves to repression, may seem stupid and insane. It is stupidity and madness that I cannot do without, to feel alive and active.
One choice, back against the wall: continue the fight. Continue with all means at my disposal.

The inspiration for writing this article was given to me by the inquisitor Sparagna, who during his ‘monologue-interrogation’, maintained, with barely concealed embarrassment, that he would have broken us [the 22 comrades under investigation from Operation Scripta Manent] by isolation, thanks to the ‘scorched earth’ that the anarchist movement would have made around us in Italy. Is it possible that the anarchist movement has fallen so low in Italy, feeling no empathy for comrades who have fallen
into the net of repression, even to consider us as a foreign body?
The truth cannot be found in the instrumental and insane ‘logic’ of a Prosecutor from Turin. The truth is hidden in the folds, in the different expressions of solidarity that have been addressed to us, in the opportunity that can be given to us, even by a wave of repression like this one. To demonstrate this, there have been many actions of solidarity with us, all over the world; there are a few, but significant communiques of solidarity
that have reached us. At first glance, these communiques seem to be the usual facade of solidarity, but in reality they take on a great importance to me.
Perhaps, because of their origins, comrades with different projects between them but who, despite everything, felt moved inside themselves. Perhaps because all these comrades participate one way or another in this anarchism of praxis that keep alive, vivacious and reactive anarchy in this world. For these reasons and many more, these words of solidarity are not small things and can become an opportunity, especially it they manage to go beyond the repression.

The opportunity that presents itself to us is the real possibility that routes that are different, but are all determined and aggressive, may, at times, intersect. It’s not for nothing that power tends to separate anarchists between good and bad.
And there Vetriolo comes in. I cannot help myself. When realism and logic tell me to shut up and wait, I rise. Vetriolo, an anarchist periodical of a deepness where one can confront in a clear and fair way, without false pretences, different positions and ideas: ‘social’ and ‘antisocial’, ‘organizing’ and ‘anti-organizing’ attitudes, partisans of anonymity or not.
I am convinced that until some knots are undone, we will continue to be tangled. I am not interested in the sterile, mathematical, quantitative unity; but in the real possibility
that comrades with different perspectives can collaborate without reciprocal conditioning, without yielding anything and without distorting their own projectuality. It’s a simple question of method. In my head I have a thousand questions and some answers to which a journal of theoretical deepening like Vetriolo should face. Like all of those who try and put into practice what they say, I have many more doubts than certainties.
On a theoretical sphere, new suggestions could come out of confrontations between different ideas, offering us more possibilities and instruments.

Affinity groups, individual actions, organizations. Simple techniques to use according to the opportunities that are presented in turn, or something deeper to put into practice
according ones own predispositions of character and their individual aspirations?
Simple techniques, to use coldly, with calculation and determination according to the social situation, to trigger a revolutionary process that will turn us into revolutionaries,
projecting ourselves into the future?
Or are these existential choices that are invested by our deepest being and make us live our own anarchy now, right now, in a continual confrontation with the existing?
Affinity groups, individual actions, organizations. Techniques, instruments, weapons to strike, each of them has defects and qualities. The only ‘unit of measure’ that we have, to know how we can act in the way most suitable for us, is the natural disposition that each individual carries within themselves.
It is an ‘exchange’ between the freedom we lose and the new possibilities we obtain. For some, limiting their freedom (by giving themselves rules) in exchange for a stronger impact may be worth it, for others not. It is also a character element, the factors are numerous, and all touch our freedom, our sensitivity.

The hatred we feel for the system is sometimes so strong that it can make us lose our supposed freedoms in exchange for greater virulence, greater strength and greater capacity. The important thing to know is that organizations, individual actions and affinity groups are all an equal part of those ‘instruments’ that anarchists have always used throughout history. It is ridiculous to cry scandal if an anarchist chooses to use an organization as an instrument for themselves, be it ‘informal’ or ‘specific’, it is useless to be indignant, everyone makes their own choices.
The problem, in my opinion, is quite different: how to succeed in ‘communicating’, at given moments, between comrades who do not know each other, who have different ways of acting, without negating each other, without stepping on each other, without the hegemonic coordination and superstructures that pass over organizations, individuals and affinity groups without ever coming into contact with each other. But who must join forces by giving themselves common temporalities of action. I believe that this is the real challenge that lies ahead, the main knot to undo.

Alfredo Cospito


Posted in Alfredo Cospito, Analysis, Anarchist Movement, Anarchist Prisoners, Attaque (France), Ferrara Prison, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), Italy, Olga Cell, Operation Scripta Manent, Vetriolo Anarchist Journal (Italy)

Madrid, Spain: Action in Solidarity with the Anarchist Comrades in Italy facing Trial as a result of Operation Scripta Manent


On November 15, a day before the start of the Operation Scripta Manent trials, a group of anarchist comrades gathered in front of the Italian Embassy in Madrid in support of the comrades detained in this operation. The comrades distributed the following text:

Solidarity and support for the comrades detained and facing trial as a result of Operation Scripta Manent in Italy

In September 2016, arrests and searches for this operation took place in Italy. Once again they try to attribute different actions to a supposed hierarchial organizational structure, as was done previously in Italy with Operation Osadia. This repressive strategy has been used in a similar way in the Spanish, Greek, French etc states in an attempt to fit the anarchist conflict and its practices into accusations of terrorist or similar organizations. Anarchism will never be able to fit into these structures, since it is horizontally based and fights against hierarchies and all kinds of authority.

All our support and strength to the comrades that will be judged from this Thursday. Four of the defendants have been denied the possibility of being present at the trial and may instead appear via video conference. In solidarity with them, some of the accused comrades are refusing to attend.

International solidarity with all those who fight for freedom
Courage and strength to our comrades
Against all authority, for anarchy

(via Contra Madriz, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Banners, Direct Action, International Solidarity, Italy, Madrid, Operation Scripta Manent, Spain

Chile: Update on the Bombs Case 2 Trial and a New Letter from Nataly, Juan and Enrique

Control de detención a los tres detenidos por su presunta colocación de artefactos explosivos

The End of the Bombs Case 2 Trial is Approaching

During the last fortnight of November it is expected that the huge trial initiated under the anti-terrorist law for the attacks against the Subcentro shopping centre, Los Dominicos metro station and two police stations in Santiago will come to an end.

The so-called Bombs Case 2 started more than two years ago against the comrades Enrique Guzman, Nataly Casanova and Juan Flores. They have been on trial under the anti-terrorist law for the past seven months and it is finally coming to an end. After the closing arguments, it is expected that the court will decide whether they are innocent or guilty of each charge and if they are found guilty, the court will dictate their sentence.

It is worth remembering that after this instance, both the defense and the prosectuion can appeal the decision, so that although this is another twist of the judicial apparatus against the comrades, it is not the last.

Here are the accusations and penalties that the power are requesting against Enrique, Nataly and Juan:

*Enrique Guzmán: Accused of preparing the explosive device that was used at Police Station 1 in Santiago Centro (downtown Santiago). Charged under the anti-terrorist law, the prosecution are requesting 10 years imprisonment.

*Nataly Casanova: Accused of construction of the explosive device used at Police Station 1 in Santiago Centro, of placing the explosive device in the subway car at Los Dominicos metro station and possession of material for the manufacturing of explosive devices. Charged under the anti-terrorist law, the prosecution are requesting 20 years imprisonment.

*Juan Flores: Accused of placing the explosive device at Police Station 1 in Santiago Centro, placing the explosive device in the subway car at Los Dominicos metro station and placing the explosive device at the Subcentro shopping centre. Charged under the anti-terrorist law, the prosection are requesting life imprisonment.

Combative solidarity against the democratic inquisition!

(via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News)


Letter from Nataly Casanova, Enrique Guzmán and Juan Flores

Translation note: the following letter written by the imprisoned anarchist comrades Nataly, Enrique and Juan, was written for the SOLIDARIDAD A FLOR DE PIEL tattoo and body art convention that was held in solidarity with the prisoners of the social war in Santiago on November 4th.

These words were born and flew from the prison cells of San Miguel, the special high security unit and the former pententiary, to send a greeting of complicity that we dedicate to the comrades who have organized and given life to the SOLIDARIDAD A FLOR DE PIEL tattoo and body art convention…

With these first words from within the torture centres, we would like to send fraternal and complicit greetings to those who, at the intersection of rebellion and insubordinate creativity, organized and participated in this anti-prison initiative…a solidarity initiative for those who feel the bitter taste of prison every day – the anger, the frustration and the indignation of not being able to materialise the war because they are surrounded by bars, cameras and guards…

In this sense, we share the same anger, frustration and indignation, against the bastards that maintain and perpetuate this society, that imprisons our lives and the lives of our brothers and sisters…that is why we send our respect and fraternal love to those conscious minds that do not give space to inaction and indifference.

Approximately 7 and a half months ago we found ourselves at the mercy of the prison police with daily searches and transfers to the courts of the Chilean state, who judge our desire to confront the Dominion, a trial that discusses our supposed participation in the detonation of bombs at the Los Dominicos metro station, Police Stations 1 and 39 in Santiago and against the Escuela Militar Subcentro (actions that were claimed by the comrades from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and the International Conspiracy for Revenge). The trial is in its final stage, following the legal / fiscal arsenal and the entry of more than 150 testimonies, 80 experts, 230 documents and 640 pieces of expert evidence. This Monday they will discuss the days required (which can be no more than 4) to prepare the closing arguments…

With a signal of complicity with the comrades in the prisons of Korydallos (Greece), those in Ferrara (Italy) and the immense number of brothers and sisters who have been imprisoned or fallen in this war, we say goodbye, nourished with the pleasant taste of solidarity that you have shared with us!!!

Nataly Casanova (San Miguel Prison)

Enrique Guzmán (Maximum Security / High Security Prison)

Juan Flores (Former Penitentiary)

(via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News)




Posted in Bombs Case 2, Chile, Enrique Guzmán, Juan Flores, Nataly Casanova, Santiago, Solidaridad a Flor de Piel

Poland: Poznań United Against Nationalism

Received on 17.11.17:

On November 15th Poznan Against Nationalism coalition organized a demonstration in the center of Poznan, Poland. The people of Poznan have proven they will not be threatened by fascists and the fake news they spread – their strategy based on creating fear and tension did not succeed.

The antifascist demonstration was around 700-people strong. The anti-nationalist demonstration was organized as a reaction to a meeting with deputy Robert Winnicki, a neofascist who spreads hate and xenophobia. He is a member of Mlodziez Wszechpolska (MW). The presence of that “important guest” was an attempt to legitimize the vicious attacks of nationalists.

Winnicki, who is known for an attempted attack against a Roma settlement in Wroclaw, became the face of the fascist far-right in Poland. He came to Poznan to meet with the local nationalists at a bar in the centre of the city.

After the antifascist demonstration was announced, nationalists were trying to spread fake news about the so-called Antifa planning to vandalize the city of Poznan with the help of their militant comrades from France, the rumours were widely spread by the right-wing media. Neo-nazis also announced a counter-demonstration against the left.

The anti-nationalist demonstration was also a reaction to various neo-nazi attacks in Poznan. Last March, right after a nationalist rally, a group of 30 masked men attacked an anarchist bookshop Zemsta, which was full of guests at the time. The previous attack took place two weeks before, another one happened last month. They have attacked various demonstrations, for example the Gay Pride march, they also attacked a LGBT organization’s office and have taken down rainbow flags.

Anti-racists from different organizations (anti-hate groups, pro-refugee NGOs, LGBTQ community, left-wing and democratic parties) then decided to form a united front against nationalism and mobilized for the demonstration. They wanted to show that the symmetry between anti-fascism and nationalism as two opposing ideologies cannot be drawn.

It is also important to mention that last Saturday, on November 11th neo-nazis once again marched through Warsaw in the so-called Independence March, which has been called the largest neo-fascist gathering in Europe. They were chanting white power slogans, held banners that read “Europe should be either white or deserted”, some of them were seen seig-heiling, which is illegal in Poland. The spokesperson of MW in Warsaw said that his organization does not represent racism but “racial separatism” and he added that a black person could not be Polish.

The demonstration in Warsaw outraged even more people who decided to support the anti-nationalist protest in Poznan. They brought whistles, banners and masks with Winnicki’s face with Adolf Hitler’s moustache. They chanted slogans about kicking nationalism out of Poznan, stopping fascism and also about solidarity and mutual aid.

The anti-fascist demonstration was supposed to take place in front of the pub where the neo-nazis were meeting but the Poznan police allowed the fascists to gather there and did not allow the anti-racist gathering to move there “for security reasons”.

The neo-nazi demonstration was at least half the size of the anti-nationalist rally or even smaller. Both demonstrations were cordoned off by a massive number of police in riot gear. Again, as both events were live-streamed online, fascists were seen seig-heiling and chanting about white supremacy.

The meeting with Winnicki had to be stopped at some point due to the noise from outside. Due to enormous police presence, both groups did not confront each other directly and were escorted off on their way back.

The anti-nationalist demonstration organized by Poznan anarchists and other groups was the second event of this kind this year, the previous one took place in April and was attended by a very similar number of people. This time, however, it seems that a lot of people were afraid to show up, due to the media scare and fascist propaganda, which makes the turnout of this gathering a huge success in the face of the growing wave of nationalism.



(via Rozbrat)


Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Direct Action, Nationalism Shall Not Pass, Poland, Poznań, Videos

Solidaritas Untuk Papua (Barat) Merdeka (Salatiga) / Salatiga, Indonesia: Demo in Solidarity with West Papua Struggle


*Scroll down for English translation*

15 November 2017, Salatiga (Jawa Tengah)

Solidaritas antar berbagai aliansi termasuk diantaranya Federasi Mahasiswa Libertarian (FML), Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) terjadi di kota kecil Salatiga, tepatnya di Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Solidaritas ini merupakan seruan dari KNPB (Komite Nasional Papua Barat) dalam skala nasional untuk menekan pemerintah Indonesia agar memberikan hak untuk menentukan pilihan bangsa Papua Barat. Dalam hal ini, kaum anarkis dan libertarian, membatasi solidaritasnya dalam bentuk otonomi bangsa Papua Barat dan bukannya disintergrasi yang akan menciptakan negara baru lagi.


Solidarity between various alliances including Libertarian Student Federation (FML), Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) in the small town of Salatiga, at the Satya Wacana Christian University. This solidarity is a nationwide call from the KNPB (National Committee of West Papua) in order to give pressure to the Indonesian government to give rights to West Papuan independence and autonomy. In this case, anarchists and libertarians limited their solidarity for the full autonomy and freedom of West Papua from Indonesian state and not supporting the creation of West Papua as a nation-state.


Videos Links (click on the links below):

some anarchists students make their way out of campus

Demonstration outside of University

(via Agitasi)

Posted in Autonomy, Direct Action, Indonesia, International Solidarity, Papua Merdeka, Salatiga, West Papua