Saturday, January 01, 2005
Christopher Hitchens dossier. posted by Richard Seymour
The following links record various hefty kicks into the decaying, bloated cadaver of the Late Christopher Hitchens - in no particular order, but just for reference and for any stalkers out there (public service is its own reward):Principle
Hitchens' attack on Respect: "it is very badly written, it says nothing new and what was worth repeating is obliterated by what was never worth saying in the first place".
The Strenuous Credulousness of the Capital
In which Hitchens' "contrarianism" is cunningly exposed as the deepest conformity.
Tariq Ali versus Christopher Hitchens
The pre-Popinjay Hitchens is casually slapped about by his old comrade.
Chomsky, Monbiot & Hitchens on the Hippocratic Oath
One or two secret little treasures from Hitchens' past.
Christopher Hitchens' Existential Despair
Trouble in Iraq has Hitchens reaching for casuistry - obviously, it would have happened anyway.
Hitchens at West Point
The 'Dude', as some rather dull people insist on calling him, is called to service by the US Army.
Hitchens on Zarqawi
Any jaw-dropping sequence of inventions, half-truths and slanders will suffice to justify the war as it plumbs new depths of barbarity.
Hitchens is in the house: count the forks and spoons
Noam Chomsky used to overcome apologists for US policy by studying the documentary record: a trick Hitchens might want to learn next time he cites some Act or other.
Tour London with Christopher Hitchens, David Horowitz and Paul Johnson
This could be spectacular. For instance, Hitchens could greet Johnson and seriously ask "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"
Pugilist v Popinjay: conflagration down town New York
Hungry Hitchens in a grudge wrestling match with Gorgeous George.
Judging a Book by its Covers
"For some odd reason, which he has yet to satisfactorily explain, Christopher Hitchens does not read my online writings or consult me before unleashing another torrent of drivel on the world". Quick review of 'Regime Change' or 'The Long Short War'.