Rahul Raj


सौ दर्द बदन पर फैले है हर करम के कपड़े मैले है.

Đã tham gia tháng 6 năm 2011


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  1. Tweet đã ghim
    17 thg 10, 2021

    Climb. Rise. Fall. Recover. Climb. Life is short. You won't be comfortable with everyone. Everyone would not be comfortable with you. Choose your battles. Choose your friends. Build your own identity. Build your own thought processes. Climb. Rise. Fall. Recover. Climb

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    18 thg 4
    Đang trả lời

    मर्दवा inverted के बैटरिया लगा ला, भौकाल होयी टाइट अ जीवन जिंगालाला।

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  3. 18 thg 4

    Here is a fun announcement. We are running a caption contest for batteries. The one who would come up with Truck Slogans will be awarded by sir. The one with best visual creative will get a job opportunity at .

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  4. 18 thg 4
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    18 thg 4

    True for science in general - atoms are attributed to many scientists including kannad, dalton etc. But it wasn’t mainstream up until 100 years ago. Boltzmann committed suicide due to constant barbs on this matter on his ‘atomistic’ approach

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    18 thg 4

    Using the number of citations or h-indices or the cumulative impact factors of the venues that they have published in as metrics for choosing people to lead institutions provides little indication of their success prospects as institution builders. (I made the last metric up)

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  7. đã Tweet lại
    18 thg 4

    Also, the skills require for being a good researcher have only a little overlap with the skills required to be a good academic administrator / institution builder.

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    18 thg 4

    In academia, one can be a good institution builder and a productive researcher. But never simultaneously.

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    Arya Rajagopal, the daughter of petrol pump attendant, has secured admission in IIT Kanpur for Post Graduation in Petroleum Technology. Her father, Rajagopal, has been working at petrol pumps for 20 years, slowly and surely fuelling his daughter's dream. PC:

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  10. đã Tweet lại
    16 thg 4
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  11. 17 thg 4

    Instead of giving free electricity to everyone, use the money to employ more police and create more doctors. The country needs law and order more than appeasement.

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  12. đã Tweet lại
    17 thg 4

    Many interesting tid-bits of news from UP and WB through parents and relatives... Both the places are spinning in such drastically alternate directions. Amusing and amazing!

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  13. 17 thg 4

    मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी
द्रवहु सुदसरथ अजिर बिहारी

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  14. 17 thg 4

    The world should learn from Pakistan. No country in the history would have given so much meme materials that Pakistan gives every day.

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    Spring of bliss and the bliss of Spring, right in the backyard of our home. !

    , ,6 người khác
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  16. đã Tweet lại
    16 thg 4

    Electrostatics is about how charge makes the electric field diverge - without ever curling. Magnetostatics is about how current makes the magnetic field curl - without ever diverging. They're opposites. But there's a way to look at them that makes them very similar! (1/n)

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  17. 16 thg 4

    Bihar has worst growth infrastructure. Biharis work very hard to crack UPSC to change the fate of state. They qualify IAS, IPS and IRS in huge numbers. Conditions of Bihar remain unchanged. Next set of students prepare hard to qualify UPSC. They succeed. Bihar stays the same.

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  18. đã Tweet lại
    15 thg 4
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  19. đã Tweet lại
    16 thg 4

    Indus Valley is the most enigmatic of ancient civilizations. For a start look at the current map. Why did they stop abruptly around current Haryana? There are no geographical boundaries to descending further south along the vast river network - so why?

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  20. 15 thg 4

    It is a miracle that China doesn’t witness civil riots

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  21. 15 thg 4

    If you turn the IPL performance tally of this year upside down, you will get the list that everyone was expecting.

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