
Letters to the Editor

Pruning of our wallets

One has to ask who was responsible for adding a further $10 to our already burgeoning electricity bills.

Protect our rock of ages

I was horrified when I saw a news clip of Uluru being jackhammered to install handrails for climbers – at the request of the tourism industry.

Breakneck speed

The reporting of the pedestrian accident hot spots (Sunday Canberra Times, October 29) is timely.

Beware rewriting of history

In the re-enactment of the Light Horse attack I was disgusted to see them flying the Israeli flag.

Parliament's Greek tragedy

It's hard not to be drawn into the narrative of Malcolm Turnbull making slow passage home to rightful kingship in Ithaca.

Housing history

Last Sunday's editorial drew our attention to the plight of the homeless in the ACT.

Insulting the messenger

Michael Pezzullo has a vested interest in pretending that all is well on Manus Island.

Equality for a mother too

My mother is 83, proudly independent and fulfilling her capacity and preference to age in place.

What we wish for

Empty town centres are purely the result of ACT self-government(s).

Collapse outcome a concern

It was not entirely surprising to learn WorkSafe is not pursuing any charges regarding the collapsed bridge on the Barton Highway seven years ago.

The NEG is not a new scheme

The National Energy Guarantee (NEG) requires each electricity retailer to meet an emissions intensity target.

Climate concerns

How can anyone know definitively what the volume of ice in the Arctic was in the 1920s, '30s and '40s?