Tag-Archiv für 'oi'

Wild Style Catalogue Update: Wasted Youth, Russian Antifa Benefit, Classic Oi Update, Stickets, Uptight Shirts…

Weve made much progress on the catalogue in the last few days, which is a good way of taking our minds off of the little progress being made with our fall collection (whose arrival we anxiously await), the Zartako CD (still not here), the Opcio LP (waiting for the artwork to arrive), and the Brixton Cats CD/LP (waiting for artwork to be sent!).

1. Music- Wasted Youth, Russian Antifa Soli, tons of classic oi! (Cockney Rejects, Angelic Upstarts, Cocksparrer, Adicts) , Newtown Neurotics, The Ruts
2. Stickers- New designs from Disgusted Youth and Left Stickers
3. Clothes- Several New Uptight Shirts Online

1. MUSIC -
Wasted Youths debut album is now available, and we highly suggest it. Well played, inspiring, straight up antifascist music. Good music from good people!

A video…

wasted youth fight the scum from wasted forever on Vimeo.

In the category „money well spent“ is the beneift CD for Russian antifascists released by True Rebel Records. 22 tracks in total, and bands include What We Feel, Loikaemie, Stage Bottles, Eight Balls, My Terror, Rejected Youth, Jesus Skins, and Rolando Random.

In a very different category….we completely updated our classics of British oi section this weeek. No longer available old titles are gone, and quite a few new ones have taken their place. You can see most of them here, and re-stocked older titles can be found under the „Step 1″ and „Captain Oi“ label sections of the catalogue. Some hightlights….

Definitely not quite Oi, but in our opinion terribly underrated classsics are of course…

Not too much to say there. One new designs from Left Stickers, which we are of course big fans of because of the hometown bonus on the image…

From Disgusted Youth, the following three have been added…

We have updated the Uptight section of the online shop, so that what is there is actually what is available as well. Furthermore, we have added the following three fine designs….

Fire and Flames, New Releases Fall 2010: Opcio K-95 LP, Brixton Cats CD/LP, Zartako Live CD, Split 7″

After the musical experiments of the last few FFM releases, the fall brings us straight back into the more familiar territory of streetpunk oi. Although, ZARTAKO are basically a modern antifascist version of late 80s NYHC bands. Neither OPCIO K-95 nor BRIXTON CATS need much introducing, and well let the music do the talking with the videos below.

WHEN??!! Is of course the question burning on all of your minds, so…

In case you live in a cave and missed it, the BRIXTON CATS/OPCIO K-95 limited edition 7″ has been available already for a few months, and will probably only still be available for another few. Again…unreleased songs, 500 copies (numbered), on red vinyl.

With ZARTAKO we welcome a new addition to the FFM family, and „Primero Nosotros“ is a great starting point, as it is a live recording with perfectly captures the spirit of the band. We will be getting the CDs directly at the CNT Fest in Metz, so they will be online as of Sunday, 4th of October.
The WAHRSCHAUER review of their most recent album, „Sangre Por Sangre,“ says:
„ZARTAKO kommen aus Bilbao/Spanien und sind seit 2002 dabei. “Sangre por Sangre“, was so viel wie Blut für Blut bedeutet, ist ihr zweites Album. Die 10 Songs orientieren sich stark am New York Hardcore. ZARTAKO ist jedoch keine reine Hardcore-Band, sondern sie mischen Einflüsse von Oi sowie Punkrock dazu. Heraus kommt ein Sound, der die Aggressivität der drei Stile perfekt verbindet. Gesungen wird meist auf spanisch, teilweise aber auch auf baskisch, was den Songs eine ganz besondere Note gibt. Allerdings ist es für den Hörer, der des Spanischen nicht mächtig ist, schwierig, die Aussagen zu verstehen, da leider keine englische oder deutsche Übersetzung im Booklet beigefügt ist. Politisch ist die Band sehr engagiert, und so wundert es nicht, dass sie insbesondere in den politischen Kreisen in Spanien einen sehr guten Ruf genießt. Ihre Texte sind allesamt kämpferisch und teilweise sehr radikal. Diese Texte passen perfekt zur druckvollen Musik. Hier vereint sich der Kampfeswille mit musikalisch eingängigen Klängen der harten Sorte. ZARTAKO dürften mit diesem Album auch über die politisch engagierten Kreise hinaus Fans gewinnen. Die Musik ist zu gut, um nur ein Nischendasein zu fristen.
Fazit: ZARTAKO sind eine Entdeckung. Sowohl für Hardcore-Fans als auch für jeden politisch engagierten Menschen, der die Schnauze voll hat von Protestsongs am Lagerfeuer.“

Finally, with both BRIXTON CATS and OPCIO the issue is „only“ the artwork. We hope to have them ready to ship by early November.

PS Ach ja…Rote Hilfe soli CD kommt auch noch bald. How geil is dat then please!!??

Coming Soon on Fire and Flames Music: Opcio K-95, „Reneix“

Soon, soon. But for the moment here are two videos for your enjoyment…

Opcio K-95 / Brixton Cats Split 7″ (Red Vinyl / 500 Numbered Copies)

One of our most anticipated and drawn out releases is finally available! After over a year of work, including the pulling out of the original partner for Opcio K-95 for this split (Esclaves Salaries) and their more than worthy replacement via Brixton Cats..its finally here!

Antifascist streetpunk at its finest!

The most important facts…

-Two new and unreleased songs from each of these bands.

-Limited edition of 500 numbered copies.

-All printed on red vinyl!

-Original artwork by Fire and Flames designer Corte.

If you would like one, then this way please.

Paris, 26.06.2010: Brigada Flores Magon Last Show

Very few things on this Earth can make me feel bad about being in South Africa for the World Cup, but this is definitely one of them. It was bad enough to begin with, but seeing BFM on stage with all (or at least most) of its past members, even including my good friend Victor, great and glorious original guitarist of BFM who I havent seen in almost 10 years, flown in from Mexico just for the show was too much.

„Heros et Martyrs“ one last time…

Bad News (Opcio K-95), Worse News (Esclaves Salaries), Good News!!

The bad news: Opcio K-95 will not be playing their shows in Potsdam and Göttingen this weekend. Very sorry.

Even worse news….Esclaves Salaries are now officially broken up. Sadly, the constraints of work and other responsabilities made it impossible for the band to continue functioning as they would have liked it to, and so instead they chose to dissolve it. So, while there will be no final tour, we are still desperately trying to get a hold of the recorded and ready final album of theirs and release it.

But since bad news without good news is no good…we had originally planned a 7″ split between Esclaves Salaries and Opcio K-95 with unreleased songs from both bands. For obvious reasons, Esclaves Salaries are no longer on it. That said, we have found a very worthy replacement in the form of Brixton Cats!!! The artwork is almost ready (the necessary changes are obvious, I believe), and we should have it in our hands in the next 2-4 weeks. Red vinyl, 500 copies limited, numbered, and with original artwork!

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