Spiritual travel from A to Z

Spiritual travel in Germany -
Go on a journey – it's worth it!

You don't need to be religious to go on a journey. These days, spiritual travel is a way of finding yourself. Travelling to churches, abbeys, monasteries and mystical places or embarking upon a journey along pilgrimage routes – Germany has plenty of impressive and inspiring places just waiting to be discovered.

Go on a tour of fascinating places, and see artworks and cultural assets of immense value – monumental and formidable witnesses to major events throughout the history of the church, and, very often, global politics.

Stay in abbeys and monasteries where the magic of days gone by can still be felt, where past and present are at one. Visit spiritual hubs that have become meeting places. Or spend a few days experiencing monastic life, far from the trials and tribulations of everyday life.

Embark upon a pilgrimage along countless routes and break new ground. The place at the end of the route is not your actual final destination, it is the journey that counts. Discover the St. James' Way network and other pilgrimage routes, either by bike or on foot, summon your inner strength and experience humanity, culture and history along the way.

Experience spiritual moments and be inspired by our selection of highlights.

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