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Simplify. Change.

 ChangeForge specializes in orchestrating people, process, and technology

to help busy people–just like you–simplify choices, stay focused, and achieve results.

Life is hard enough. Change doesn’t have to be.


 Founded by Ken Stewart, ChangeForge provides a refreshing approach to your unique situation.

Whatever your need, we are focused on simplifying the way you work so you can see results faster.

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A message from the Founder

By its very nature, change can seem hard. We naturally resist what we don’t understand.

I founded ChangeForge to help busy people simplify choices, stay focused, and achieve results–to help you realize your own dreams. You see, I believe I was put on this earth to help people–just like you–achieve their goals. Whether it’s personal productivity for teleworkers, launching award-winning programs for local companies, or strategic consulting for Fortune 500 companies, I thrive on seeing others succeed.

Our purpose flows from my own core values:

Integrity requires action.

Technology serves need.

Serve others with heart.


Allow us to help you succeed, today!

ChangeForge | Simplify Change


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Helping you is what we do.

Profit Rocket Proposal Accelerator

Profit Rocket Proposal Accelerator

Selling software solutions can often be too complicated, slow down your sales cycle, and destroy your customer accounts when things go wrong. It shouldn’t be this hard.

Simplify to succeed.


destroy | Distraction

destroy Distraction Logo Round

Focus can be so elusive in today’s world of distractions. Are you tired of feeling like you’ve been stretched thin, stressing over the things you feel like you have little control over?

Get focused.

Start Here


Call us at

(864) 916-9536

…or drop us a line.