This is a special Sunday edition of Geek Reading for one simple reason. I am taking a break from posting Geek Reading for a while. Life and work are always very busy and I am hoping to get back to writing again. Maybe in the near future I will post an original article or opinion, and get back to what I really enjoyed but haven’t had time for lately. Geek Reading will probably reappear eventually, but I have to think about the right direction for it. Thanks to everyone who has been reading and sharing Geek Reading for the past few years!

As always, enjoy today’s items, and please participate in the discussions on these sites.

Startups, Career and Process

Design and Development

Concurrency, Performance and Scalability

AI, Machine Learning, Research and Advanced Algorithms

Big Data, Visualization, SQL and NoSQL

Infrastructure, Operations and DevOps

Security, Encryption and Cryptography

Link Collections

Yesterday was buy a company day! First, Atlassian announced their acquisition of StatusPage. This is yet another step in the DevOps and monitoring direction for Atlassian. Amazon acquired Cloud9, which gives them a development environment in the cloud. Basically, Amazon does not want to give you a reason to not use their services. In the not quite an acquisition category, we have a great post from Astronomer on their near investment and acquisition. It is an excellent look into what can happen during the both of those deals.

As always, enjoy today’s items, and please participate in the discussions on these sites.

Top Stories

Startups, Career and Process

Design and Development

Concurrency, Performance and Scalability

AI, Machine Learning, Research and Advanced Algorithms

Infrastructure, Operations and DevOps

Security, Encryption and Cryptography

IaaS, PaaS, Saas and *aas

Link Collections

GitHub Engineering starts our day with their post about mitigating a SYN flood. Overall, it is an interesting post and a cool look at how some companies deal with this type of attack. The Amazon AWS blog talks about scaling vulnerability testing with Amazon Inspector. Inspector is a new tool, so any details on how to use it are definitely helpful. CodingVC gives us a different spin on technical diligence for startups. Basically, he figures that everything is going to change and evolve, so the key is really whether the team and business can scale.

As always, enjoy today’s items, and please participate in the discussions on these sites.

Startups, Career and Process

Design and Development

Concurrency, Performance and Scalability

AI, Machine Learning, Research and Advanced Algorithms

Infrastructure, Operations and DevOps

Security, Encryption and Cryptography

Link Collections

Kubernetes starts our day with a post about Minikube, their way to run Kubernetes locally. It is not entirely standalone since it requires VirtualBox, but at least it is a step in the right direction. At the morning paper we get an excellent introduction into Goods, Google’s tool for organizing datasets. This is one of those products that only appears when you get enough smart people working on a bunch of different things, but they all run into a similar problem. On Machine Learning Mastery, we have a post about feature selection for machine learning in Weka. Besides data preparation, feature selection is one of the harder elements of machine learning.

As always, enjoy today’s items, and please participate in the discussions on these sites.

Startups, Career and Process

Design and Development

Concurrency, Performance and Scalability

AI, Machine Learning, Research and Advanced Algorithms

Big Data, Visualization, SQL and NoSQL

Infrastructure, Operations and DevOps

Security, Encryption and Cryptography

Link Collections

Radical UX starts our day with a look at nine nasty UX truths. These are some excellent pieces of advice, with my favorite being “color is meaningless”. Color can be used to differentiate ideas in a UI, but overall it does seem like nobody cares otherwise. At Ayende @ Rahien, we continue the database internals series with the communication protocol. You can make it as complicated or as simple as you like, as long as it works. On DZone Agile, we get an excellent post about the Purpose Alignment Model. For product development teams, there is an excellent quadrant-based visualization for helping make decisions about your purpose and your development.

As always, enjoy today’s items, and please participate in the discussions on these sites.

Startups, Career and Process

Design and Development

AI, Machine Learning, Research and Advanced Algorithms

Big Data, Visualization, SQL and NoSQL

Infrastructure, Operations and DevOps

Security, Encryption and Cryptography

Link Collections

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