FriendFeed Has Been Down For About 24 Hours, Is It Finally Dead? (UPDATED: Back Up For Some)

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One of the interesting things that happened when Facebook acquired the FriendFeed team is that the service lived on for a certain segment of users. Content continued to flow, and in fact, it looks like FriendFeed still possesses the infamous “Twitter firehose.”

Alarmingly, again…for some, FriendFeed hasn’t been available for the past 24 hours. I’m told by sources that this is one of, if not the, longest outages since the site’s inception. Sure, the team went on to work at Facebook, but the site has remained up and reliable since then.

Bret Taylor, one of FriendFeed’s founders, recently left Facebook from his CTO gig, and it’s not known at this time what he’s working on. Taylor once said that Facebook had no plans on shutting down the site. So, what’s up?

Here’s what you see when you try to log in:

We’ve reached out to Facebook and Taylor to see if anything has changed with the plans to keep FriendFeed alive. Clearly, it’s not a priority, and that makes total sense. It would be nice to know, though! Many of FriendFeed’s users have gone over to Google+, as the streams are somewhat similar, minus the ability to cross-post every single thing you have ever done on the Internet. Ugh.

Feel free to follow:

UPDATE: After this long downtime episode, some folks are reporting that they’re able to access their precious FriendFeed again. The unofficial downtime was 19 hours. This now leads me to the question…why does it still exist? To keep the fanboys and girls happy, or is it a test-bed for innovation at Facebook?

[Photo credit: Flickr]