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Arena journal no.19

2002: General Issue

ARENA journal

Number Nineteen, 2002


Is This the End of History Geoff Sharp 1

Commentaries: The World at Large

    After September 11

    Terrorism, Anti-Terrorism and the Globalization of Insecurity Joseph A. Camilleri 7
    Chechnya and the Theatre of War Boris Kagarlitsky 21
    Terror on the Beach Simon Cooper 27
    On Global Terror John Hinkson 33
    Globalization and the Unchosen: Leaving America Behind Tom Nairn 45
StemCell Alchemy: TechnoScience and the New Philosopher’s Stone Kate Cregan and Paul James 61

Cultural Studies

‘Plenty of hope, an infinite amount of hope – but notfor us.’ Cultural Studies in the Shadow of Catastrophe John Docker 73
Left Out? Marxism, the New Left and Cultural Studies Andrew Milner 85


Another World is Possible Arthur Mitzman 99
Can Education Challenge NeoLiberalism? Lui Armando Gandin and Michael Apple 127
Global Capitalism and the Return of the Garrison State Henry A. Giroux 141
Self-Reliant Citizens and Targeted Populations Vaughan Higgins 161