
Sydney: Anarchist anti-electoral campaign

  • Posted on: 7 July 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Over the past two months some anarchists around Sydney mounted a campaign against politics and the democratic process.

This election takes place in a period of historic disillusionment with the political spectacle and the politicians who represent it, and never before have so many parties been on offer, to direct that mistrust back into the electoral process.

FTP Issue 6

  • Posted on: 17 January 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From the introduction: Welcome to the fifth issue of FTP zine, our biannual report on anti-colonial, anti-state resistance, compiled within occupied Cadigal territory.

Like previous issues we have chosen to highlight acts of resistance to the Australian state and its control of this territory, such as attacks on its police, its prisons, its monuments and its schools.

The entirety of the content in this publication was found as public information online, and later compiled for this zine. Nothing here is the original content of those who may be responsible for this project.

Melbourne Anarchist Club in battle with property developers

  • Posted on: 5 December 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

They are locked in a struggle for freedom. Freedom from oppression, freedom from the ruling classes, freedom from "the man".

Now, the battle is on their doorstep. Literally.

The Melbourne Anarchist Club – home to a group of social outliers who reject "hierarchical power structures" and believe profit is evil – is staring down its capitalist overlords as their headquarters is engulfed by boutique apartments.

FTP issue 5 out now

  • Posted on: 9 July 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

This is the fifth issue of FTP zine, our biannual report on anti-colonial,
anti-state resistance, within the occupied territory known as Australia.

Like previous issues we have chosen to highlight acts of resistance to the Australian state and its control of this territory, such as attacks on its police, its prisons, its monuments and its schools.

The struggle for the environment

  • Posted on: 6 April 2015
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Through libertarian communism we can reach a point of balance between the capacities to produce, the needs of populations, and the limits of the biosphere. We cannot build our future in opposition to the rest of life. The ideology of domination must be broken everywhere, so that humanity can find a safe future on its planet.

Meeting at the Dead End - Nihilism, Green Anarchy, and the Desire for Immediate Revolt

  • Posted on: 26 March 2015
  • By: worker

From Fierce Dreams - by Riflebird

We are not autono­mous, we are everywhere and everyone. We are looking to set an invisible trend that is already here, that abandons the shackles of subculture, identity and ideology, and finds comfort in the revolutionary discomfort we all feel. The sui­cidal are in control, destroying the land that feeds us, mediating our relationships with each other and all life on this planet, and establish­ing a global reality that efficiently forces all life to survival as opposed to living.