anarchists in trouble

Antifenix pamphlet. The Fenix verdict: Defendants acquitted (PDF)

  • Posted on: 29 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Antifenix

The Fenix case uproar, consists of a lot of accusations of many crimes, ranging from the one of so-called “promotion of terrorism” to the one of preparation of terrorist attacks. These are the ones that were most discussed at the latest Municipal Court Hearing in Prague. During their verdict, the judge acquitted all the five defendants of the Fenix 1 case. Is it a victory? Why this decision isn’t final? Followed article is a translation of a month old overview over the court hearings and some analyses of our situation and experience, originally written in Czech language.

Brazil: Police Raid Anarchist Residences & Spaces on the Eve of the Anarchist Book Fair in Porto Alegre (RS)

  • Posted on: 26 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

via Insurrection News

This morning (October 25th) the civil police in Rio Grande de Sul executed several search warrants on residences and collective spaces in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre (RS) to collect materials for investigation. Police allege that the addresses are linked to a group that would have carried out attacks on vehicles, political party headquarters, police stations, banks and car dealerships. The action was violent and the police assaulted the people who live in these spaces and took some of them to the police station.

Mexico: Letter from Anarchist Prisoner Fernando Barcenas (10/2017)

  • Posted on: 25 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Insurrection News

10.10.17: To the rebellious compañerxs

I write to all those who build their paths of autonomy, to remember that within these walls we try to steal our precious time from the machinery, generating moments of clarity in a suffocating world…that is how, in recent years, proposals for resistance have emerged, from isolated struggles in forgotten areas, screams that are lost in the darkness, to moments of informal organization in the daily life of the open regime, in other words in the general population, where almost three years agao the idea emerged to create an alternative space where prisoners could show that there is already enough of such annihilation, we know that the prison system is designed to subject our minds and bodies to the structure of commerce, so we are not going to ask them to change, we know that money is the language of the powerful and for that reason we have no requests, we just want to self-manage our lives within these walls because we know that all their social rehabilitation programs seek to create are submissive, repentant, guilty beings who will accept slave labor at the hands of prison officials.

Concerning the juridical situation of our comrade Marcelo Villaroel Sepulveda… or How state’s revenge perpetuates itself in silence

  • Posted on: 19 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Tormentas de Fogo

Last September, at the 4th Military Prosecutor’s Office in Santiago, the refusal of the petition to prescribe the sentences made by our comrade Marcelo several months ago was notified.

Immediately, Marcelo appealed to this refusal, leaving the resolution of the appeal in the hands of the Martial Court, where it was reaffirmed in the first days of October.

These condemnations correspond to some causes originated by actions framed in his old militancy at the “Mapu-lautaro”, organization in which our comrade was an active fighter since a very young age and of which, while imprisoned, in 1995, he was expelled because of “anarchist deviations”.

The Poetry of Flames: The Arson Trials in France

  • Posted on: 17 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.
From the Courtroom to the Streets

This report details the trials following the arson of a police car set on fire in May 2016 during the upheaval against the Loi Travail in France, and all the expressions of solidarity that accompanied them—including a fresh outbreak of arsons against police infrastructure.

Verdict Handed Down as Solidarity Actions Grow for Kara Wild

  • Posted on: 15 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

From It's Going Down

Across the world, actions are happening in solidarity with Kara Wild, an anarchist from the US who was swept up in resistance to French Labor Reform Laws aimed against the young and poor. Along with several others, Kara is accused of taking part in the burning of a police car in the midst of a riot. According to Free Kara Wild:

Pyotr Ryabov, anarchist philosopher imprisoned for 6 days in Belarus, declared a hungerstrike

  • Posted on: 14 October 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

11th of October city court of Baranovichi, Belarus sentenced Russian anarchist Pyotr Ryabov. Anarchist philosopher, lecturer of department of Philosophy in Moscow State Pedagogical University was sentenced to 6 days of prison for "small hooliganism" and "distribution of extremist materials (statute 17.1 and 17.11 of codex of misdemeanors of Belarus). Court considered Belarusian anarchist journal "Svoboda ili Smert №6", published in 2007, as extremist material.

Warsaw’s Anarchist Black Cross invites you to 4th Anti-Prison Days

  • Posted on: 9 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

From 325

Dear Friends,

On 27th-29th of October ABC Warsaw invites you to join 4th edition of Antiprison Days in Warsaw. The main topic of this year is “Support your local ABC”.

Here in Poland, we see the need of discussion about the big role of anti-rep structures in our struggles so we would like to invite different people and groups to share their experience with repressions and how it was possible to deal with them. There will be also space to talk about difficulties in being support group and why and how anti-rep and anti-prison campaign is part of every social/land/climate/world struggle.

Raids and eviction as a tool of political repression in Belarus

  • Posted on: 9 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

From 325

We were covering the situation in Belarus in March this year during the big protests that were happening here against the policy of the state that was forcing people to pay a fine for being unemployed for longer than six months in a year. For now the protests are over, however pressure from the government on those who were participating in the events of last spring didn’t stop.

Iran: Sohail Arabi thirst strike briefly suspended after seizure (disputed)

  • Posted on: 8 October 2017
  • By: thecollective

it has been brought to the collective's attention that the source of this article may not be accurate and Sohail Arabi may not be an anarchist. Please consider the first comment on this post for more details

via Freedom News

Long-term anarchist political prisoner Sohail Arabi briefly started drinking water again on Thursday having experienced a seizure, one week into his total hunger and thirst strike.

Sohail, who has been imprisoned for writing “sacrilegious” essays on Facebook and for “insulting the supreme leader” of Iran, had already been on a lengthy hunger strike over torture in the notorious Evin prison where he is being held.
