Anarchists Fill Services Void Left by Faltering Greek Governance

  • Posted on: 21 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


It may seem paradoxical, but Greece’s anarchists are organizing like never before.

Seven years of austerity policies and a more recent refugee crisis have left the government with fewer and fewer resources, offering citizens less and less. Many have lost faith. Some who never had faith in the first place are taking matters into their own hands, to the chagrin of the authorities.

Anarchism, work and bureaucracy

  • Posted on: 21 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Eurozine - By David Graeber Aro Velmet

An interview with David Graeber

‘On a deep, cultural level, people actually believe that if you don’t do something that at least mildly frustrates you, then your work is not valuable.’ Anthropologist, activist and bestselling anarchist David Graeber on the police state, bullshit jobs and why people need no telling that capitalism is bad.

If the FBI Approaches You to Become an Informant

  • Posted on: 21 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

Federal agents approach you. Perhaps they just ask a couple offhand questions; perhaps they have a deal to propose. They might tell you they are trying to help you; they might tell you that you are in a lot of trouble and it will just get worse unless you cooperate with them; they might tell you that they need your help to prevent something terrible from happening. But whatever they say, you can’t be sure what their real agenda is or what they’re trying to learn. Whether you’ve already been approached for interrogation or you simply want to be prepared for the possibility, this FAQ answers all the questions you might have. Don’t take our word for it—follow up with other legal scholars for more perspective.

FRR: Gender Nihilism and Plagiarism

  • Posted on: 21 May 2017
  • By: Dirtroll
gender nihilism

Free Radical Radio continues the tradition of weekly producing new content for your anarchist ears, and also brings some new content for your anarchist eyes.

First, a recording of Alyson Escalante’s Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto. Recorded and edited by Dirtroll.

Second, the first Free Radical Radio original writing, an essay on intellectual property.

The Anarchists Episode #9: Rogue Hacking Tools, The New New War on Drugs, and Sociocracy

  • Posted on: 21 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

Listen to the podcast here

In this episode we discuss the recent wave of hacking that swept the globe, the latest attempt to reboot the war on drugs, and the concept of sociocracy as a way of organising communities.

Get to Know an Anarchist

  • Posted on: 20 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From The Portland Mercury - by Doug Brown

We Spoke with One of the Dozens of People Arrested on May Day

“Portland must be done with punk fascists,” an Oregonian editorial stated a few days after May Day. The paper was talking about a group of anarchists who smashed windows at stores and government buildings in downtown Portland on May 1, and also set fire to items in the streets.


Clashes in Athens & Thessaloniki As Parliament Votes For More Austerity

  • Posted on: 19 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Enough is Enough (

Shortly before Greek parliament voted for new austerity measures, clashes broke out in Athens on Thursday night. It was the second day of clashes in the Greek capital. Read the Update below the report we published this morning.

Written by Riot Turtle

Note: Enough is Enough is not organizing any of these events, we are publishing this text for people across the US and Europe to be able to see what is going on and for documentation only.

Peak Civ: A Dino-Chicken In Every Pot

  • Posted on: 18 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From IGD - by Kevin Tucker

These days good news is great news.

Thylacinus cynocephalus, the Tasmanian tiger, has been once again spotted in the wild. Calling it a tiger is a misnomer; it’s actually a marsupial. So while it looks like a wild cat with a distinctly zebra-like stripe pattern towards the end of it’s back, it’s genetically closer to a kangaroo than a feline. As colonizers tore through Australia and Tasmania, the Tasmanian tiger was one of the casualties. The last one was believe to have died in 1936 in Tasmania’s Hobart Zoo.

