Topic of the Week: Automation

  • Posted on: 17 October 2016
  • By: thecollective

Automation is an old topic, but according to some recent estimates, automation is expected to replace nearly half of the US-workforce over the next couple of decades. While some people look forward to this future of less work, it isn't just neo-Luddites frowning about these developments. As anarchists, working less (or not at all) is a familiar goal; however, less work doesn't necessarily mean more freedom. It isn't difficult to imagine a future that is both without work and without liberty. It's especially easy to imagine such a future when the latest popular technologies are surveyed: smart phones, GPS-tracking, high-speed (and highly centralized) interconnected networks, the Internet of Things. Compelling the population to work with the threat of poverty is only one form of compelling populations. There are countless others.

Long Live Anarchy: An Interview With Robert Anton Wilson

  • Posted on: 15 October 2016
  • By: thecollective

From C4SS (Part I & II)

At some point in the late fifties or early sixties, Pacifica Radio’s Charlie Hayden interviewed the inimitable Robert Anton Wilson on all things anarchism. Wilson waxes poetic on anarchism’s foundations and answers some challenging questions from a presumable skeptic in Hayden. While the exact date of the interview is unknown, the early to mid-sixties appear to have been Wilson’s most overtly anarchist period. Wilson references Ralph Borsodi’s “School of Living” in the interview without mentioning anything about his position as editor of SoL’s anarchist publication, “Way Out.” This is a good indication that the interview likely occurred prior to the beginning of Wilson’s tenure there in 1962. I maintain that Wilson seemed to be a lifelong anarchist in spirit, despite explicitly shedding that label in favor of the more ambiguous “libertarian” label in his later years.

SPF (CCF) group assumes responsibility for Exarchia bomb attack

  • Posted on: 13 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From To Vima

The group confirmed that prosecutor Georgia Tsatani was the target of the Wednesday evening attack

The militant Conspiracy of Fire Cells (SPF) group has assumed responsibility for the bomb attack in Exarchia on Wednesday evening. In a statement uploaded on the Athens Indymedia site, the group explains that it targeted the prosecutor Georgia Tsatani.


Video: Anarchists occupy the headquarters of Attica Bank in Athens, Greece

  • Posted on: 13 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

On Thursday 13 October 2016 anarchists from Anarchist Collective Rouvikonas and Anarchist Collective of New Philadelphia occupied the corporate headquarter of Attica Bank in Kolonaki, Athens. While for the last 7 years since the outbreak of the capitalist crisis millions of people in Greece can't meet basic needs, more than 40% of greeks still live under the poverty line, 45% of pensioners that have worked all their lives get pensions under 665 euros (ie.

I'm an Anarchist and I Vote

  • Posted on: 12 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Truth-Out - by Ryan Conrad

Greetings from Trumplandia, also known as the second congressional district of Maine, which is now polling for Donald Trump. I have called Lewiston, Maine, home since 2001 when I moved there for university as a teenager. I am currently finishing a Ph.D. in Quebec, from where most of my Lewiston neighbors' families emigrated, arriving to work in the now shuttered textile mills and shoe factories in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Despite being away from Maine where I came of age, came out as queer, cofounded a queer housing collective and cut my teeth doing anti-poverty, anti-heterosexism and HIV/AIDS activism with working-class white people, I have kept more than a few toes on that side of the border.


For the IAS

  • Posted on: 12 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

For the IAS: How to tell good theory from bad theory?

- We’re flooded with information and the universities are only making it worse: unreadable studies which only function as support for the status quo (see below) *. The decision-making elite doesn’t care if or what you think and the universities keep pumping out decision-makers by the thousands each year. There is literally a population waiting in line to make your decisions for you. Can it not also be said that the IAS wants to think for you?


10-11-2016 Anarchy Radio

  • Posted on: 11 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Nihilist jokes, "Someone Mailed Feces to Four Philosophers." Clown panics:
jumpy people. Regresion #5: Saving the world is the "highest form of domesti-
cation," in latest ITS-style lunacy. Worsening cities, air, as robotics marches
forward. Cops killed in So. Cal, anarchist/anti-authoritarian resistance. Five calls.

Italy – On the 28th September’s trial against a comrade from Genoa

  • Posted on: 11 October 2016
  • By: thecollective

Originally from

Reposted from the translation at Act for Freedom Now


On the 28th September’s trial against a comrade from Genoa
