How John McGrath sold at the top

John McGrath was one of Sydney's most successful real estate agents.

Although his float failed, celebrity real estate agent John McGrath may have executed one of the great short sales in property history.

Tax cut could be as soon as next year

A tax cut for low and middle-income earners could be delivered as early as July 1 next year with Malcolm Turnbull saying it may be outlined in the May budget.

Wages weigh on RBA outlook

Slow wages growth may persist longer than the RBA wants, keeping rates low and potentially undermining hopes for higher tax revenue.


'The tax-free threshold is too high'

Experts have suggested abolishing the tax-free threshold to force young adults still living at home to pay tax while expanding tax offsets for low-income earners.

West Australian Treasurer Ben Wyatt's latest attempt to increase the gold royalty rate has failed.

WA gold royalty bid falls flat again

Western Australian Treasurer Ben Wyatt's latest attempt to revive a gold royalty increase was shot down within hours of the details being released on Tuesday.

German chancellor and chairwoman of the Christian Democratic party, CDU, Angela Merkel arrives for exploratory talks ...

Germany in crisis as coalition talks fail

Chancellor Angela Merkel faces the greatest crisis of her career after negotiations to form a new government collapsed, shaking a country that is Europe's political and economic anchor.

Personal Finance

Capital Economics chief economist Paul Dales said the wage figures were even worse when broken down to average employee ...

'The tax-free threshold is too high'

Experts have suggested abolishing the tax-free threshold to force young adults still living at home to pay tax while expanding tax offsets for low-income earners.

Wayne Byers says  too many borrowers had been granted loans in excess of six times their income.

APRA signals new lending crackdown

APRA is worried the banks are using unrealistic estimates of borrowers' living expenses after it found the majority of loans were assessed using "benchmarks".

Far more graduates are competing for jobs and it's having a depressing effect on wages.

Uni degrees are keeping wages low

There are more well-qualified graduates today than ever before and this better-educated population has surprising implications for the labour market.

The unlikely start-up Atlassian is backing

Clary Castrission thought he could change the world - one village at a time. After some setbacks, he now has Atlassian on board his mission to teach English to Indian children.